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Do you have an open mind enough for you accept facts that challenge deeply held beliefs?

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----- Original Message -----
From: DP
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: Do you have an open mind enough for you accept facts that challenge deeply held beliefs? Please read the following facts and analysis and please - seek the truth.
OK, here is an intellectual challenge, asking you to place aside all prejudgements and pre-conceived notions of what you believe happened, and look at the common sense facts OBJECTIVELY and with an open mind.

Here is a video of the collapse of Building 7, the third WTC buildin...g to collapse on 9-11 that was never struck by a plane. It was appx. 100 yards away from the other 2 buildings that were struck, and it had minimal debris fall on it, unlike other buildings situated much closer to Buildings 1 and 2 that were stuck by massive amounts of debris and still never fell. The rictor scale measured 2.1 and 2.3 when the first 2 buildings collapsed, so earthquake shaking had nothing to do with Building 7's collapse.

The government and media's claim is that fire cause Building 7 to collapse. Watch the video and then keep these thoughts in mind. If there was a fire in this building that caused the collapse, then the fire had to be of exact equal heat and exact effect on all of the hundreds of metal support girders, all at the exact same time, for all of the beams to fail and the building to fall in exact sequence as it did. If not, then why did the building not collapse on one side, or in one particular location instead of the entire building collapsing in perfect unison? Would there have been the exact same heat disbursed throughout the entire building, all at the exact same time, effecting all the support beams at all places on on all levels necessary for a uniformed collapse, all at the exact same time? Logic and a completely objective mind, FREE of the media and government's influence, leads a person to ONLY one conclusion, this was an engineered and orchestrated collapse, synchronized by experts.

Why take down building 7? There are many reasons why, but know that in this building lay all of the SEC, IRS, FBI, CIA and DOJ records related to years of corporate and government corruption like Enron, Kennedy's assassination, covert operations in foreign nations, illegal IRS misconduct and more.

If you are not convinced that this was a planned demolition, listen to the words of an arrogant and "talking-out-of-school" WTC owner, Larry Silverstein, where he even states that he directed that building 7 be "pulled" and then it was pulled and they watched it collapse. "Pulling" a building is a demolition term used for taking down buildings. For anyone to "pull" or take down a building, explosives MUST be placed in it first - agreed? People, will you wake up.. please??? America and people of freedom need you to see truth with open eyes - now - more than ever.

Here are a few mre buildings that collapsed without explosives. Do these buildings look like perfect uniformed collapses such as the 3 WTC buildings or those where stress on a certain portion of the buildings exceeded their limits?

some more...

Of course, no other steel-framed buildings have EVER collapsed in world history due to fire alone.