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Summary: Lecture/Discussion w/Leading Chemtrails Expert Clifford Carnincom 9/13/09

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From: Campbell Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 7:29 PM
Subject: Summary: Lecture/Discussion w/Leading Chemtrails Expert Clifford Carnincom 9/13/09
Bullet-Point Summary:

Lecture/Discussion w/ Leading Chemtrails Researcher

Clifford Carnicom-Portland, OR-September 12, 2009

Clifford Carnicom was contacted in 2003 by nationally-known medical microscopist who had just studied chemtrail residue under an electron miscroscope. Asked to come to microscipist's laboratory at prominent medical facility in Albuquerque , New Mexico to view samples/findings.

Microscopist stated, that, among the metallic salts such as barium, aluminum, nickel oxide that predominated, he had found what was an apparent medical impossibility: desiccated human erythrocytes (freeze-dried red blood cells) so perfectly formed and identical as to indicate that they might be artificial.

These perfectly formed possibly artificial erythrocytes also seemed to possess a submicronic nanoparticular nuclei, all of which Carnicom recently able to replicate, confirm, and report from his own analyses of chemtrails residue during the past few months.

Microfilaments coming from Morgellon's lesions are far less than a human hair in size at -60 micrometers, with nanoparticles able to penetrate the blood/brain barrier and all tissues within the human body.

Although Morgellon's syndrome is becoming increasingly documented, victims are also increasingly being persecuted by the NWO-controlled medical establishment, with very real physical symptoms being labeled "psychosomatic".

Carnicom responded by saying that his recent research confirmed that virtually all members of the general population of the planet now have these apparently artificial red blood cells and nanoparticular filaments in their bodies, with them as yet remaining asymptomatic for possible triggering at a later point. The planned NWO-enforced vaccines may provide that trigger. He urged people to test for these organic particles in their own systems, using a red wine/grape juice home test described on his website. He stated that there was now virtually no place on the planet that had not been affected by the chemtrails that had delivered these toxic organisms, and therefore no room for any of us to treat sufferers of Morgellon’s syndrome as pariahs.

Clifford said his research and that of others indicated that the US military and it subcontractors now had what they called a Tesla electromagnetically based HEAVE weapon that could lift, then violently drop down the ionosphere of the planet, with tragically unforeseen results. He also indicated that this was a plasma weapon, which could be extremely dangerous to biological systems. He showed a screen displaying how many of US government/military agencies and their weapons/ bioweapons contractors had been visiting his website, showing by indirect implication that his findings may be valid and therefore of interest to these agencies/corporations.

He stated that the EPA, NOAA, NASA and NWS, as well as large environmental nonprofits such as Greenpeace and the Sierra Club had been absolutely useless in helping the public gain information about the chemtrails phenomena, with government agencies actively obstructing information, including FOIA requests.

Young man at lecture raised his hand; looked like he was ready to burst into tears. When Clifford called on young man, he stated that he was a Morgellon's sufferer. He described life lived as a social leper, described what types of natural methods he had used to facilitate a healing process within himself, and showed us his very real lesions.

Woman raised her hand. Introduced herself as Dr. Ilya Perlingieri, who has written extensively for Global Research and Rense about the H1N1 enforced vaccination threat and the need for a worldwide general strike, starting with the US .

Said she had driven from Portland , Maine to Portland  Oregon to hear and meet with Carnicom, as well as meet  with other activists on the US West Coast concerning a

need for a nonviolent general strike nationally.

Reported that State of Maine was now effectively under  martial law, with almost no media reports of this fact. Felt  that all of the current massive summer highway construction  program thruout the US is being financed by stolen taxpayer  corporate bailout money and likely now being used to  literally "pave the way" for martial law to be declared thruout  the US sometime in October. This could possibly happen as  the fiscal year ends, when the federal government could  declare bankruptcy, then decide to enforce the UN treaties  and executive orders for enforced vaccinations to keep the  American people from open revolt, as well as carry out the  NWO's long-term goals of depopulation and enslavement.

Dinner interview with Clifford Carnicom allowed for more philosophical discussion of the implications of his research. He indicated that he thought chemtrails program at least eight-layered in scope, with a need for us to use intuition to see the bigger picture, with its ultimate goal humanity being deprived of our spiritual identity as beings made in the image and likeness of God. He agreed that:

Metallic-salted chemtrails, including the US military upper atmospheric cloud experiments scheduled to begin September 15, 2009, may form a "frequency fence" to block increasing levels of beneficial, uplifting cosmic radiation onto the planet to block long-prophesied rapid human and planetary evolution;

Artificial blood may essentially be on one level a sinisterly symbolic "counter-communion", with the "blood of Satan" being forced upon us, rather than the blood of Christ, whose evil essence may be triggered by the vaccination pogrom, and that this may include an intended demonic, zombie-like possession of the human brain and nervous system, as well as a numbing of the human heart.

That the fact that these toxic atmospheric aerosols must be continuously be maintained to be effective may indicate that they are not long-lasting in duration, and can therefore be dispersed, as well as their effects countered within the forcibly infected human/planetary biological systems within a relatively short period of time if they are halted;

That the ancient spiritual light exercises that effectively build a miniature mobile Faraday cage of light around the human body may increase the frequency of the human electromagnetic field sufficiently to help counter/prevent the effects of the virulent toxins being deliberately introduced into earth's environment at this time, including chemtrails and enforced vaccinations;

That we may be receiving unseen help from a number of sources, including the Creator and the sometimes seen "hosts of heaven" whose existence our NWO-controlled governments have been concealing from us for at least the past hundred years, and who may have a definite role to play in the swiftly unfolding planetary drama during the days ahead.