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Well, It's 9-11

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Well, it's 9-11.


The spin-meisters are at it again!  Reinforcing the spin on 911 occurences.


A few observations .  . .


Do you see any 757 in this video?  Remember how tall and long one is.  Compare with the other objects in view.  Have you ever seen one leave a trail of white smoke?  What does leave a trail like that?  A solid fuel rocket.  You've seen it a hundred times on space shuttle launches.  Compare this video with the videos of the planes entering the twin towers.  The fireball profile doesn't match.  On the twin towers, the explosion came out the far side of the building, not the near side.  Also, the vertical dispersion pattern suggests a preset charge, perhaps in the basement.  

And then, there's the amazing Pentalawn 2000 . . .  

And good old flight 93.  Taken over by terrorists, crashing in PA.  Why does a plane taken over by terrorists with box knives break up in flight, leaving a 3.5 mile debris field? 


Why is it that you won't believe what you have the power to see, but, instead, will believe the swill being fed to you by the spin-meisters?
