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The Ministry of Propaganda is at it Again

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----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:30 PM
Subject: The ministry of Propaganda is at it again!
Fox News, a Rupert Murdoch company constantly attacks people seeking truth about 9-11 (Murdoch is a HUGE New World Order proponent - a movement that intends to destroy American sovereignty in favor of a One World Government run by the banking elites - the same movement that backed Hitler, Stalin and other tyrants).  Watch this mockery of people that are seeking the truth about 9-11 and note the attempted humiliation of the people seeking truth, but ignoring the merits of what their questions might be. 

As a lawyer, it reminds me of the cliche television cross-examination by the defense attorney, when a defense lawyer tries to make the rape victim look like a whore, ignoring the facts of the case that she was raped by the brutal perpetrator.  The same pattern is found with our government and media to ignore the merits of the discussion and attack the speaker as if he is either crazy or unpatriotic.  When a person goes on the offensive and attacks the messenger and does not want to discuss the merits, you KNOW that he fears the merits and wants to discredit the messenger.  When the manipulators acts in this fashion, it is because he can not win the argument on the merits, so he has to discredit the messenger. In this case, you must ask the question, "why?"

Remember folks, nearly 40% of your fellow countrymen believe 9-11 was an inside job and nearly 75% of your fellow countrymen believe that the US government had advanced knowledge of the attacks and did not act on it.  These groups of people are from both the liberal and conservative side of the fence.  These advocates for truth include Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhests, Atheists, doctors, lawyers, scientists, educators, military officers, business leaders, politicians, intelligence officers, priests, pastors, private sector and public sector alike.  Let's not forget that 8 independent labs from around the world already found thermite throughout the wreckage of the towers, the chemical EXCLUSIVELY used for demolitions of steel-framed skyscrapers.  

People, Hitler also burned down a government building (Reichstadt Fire) and blamed the communists.  That little manipulation got the German people to support him, to their own demise.  Even as far back as Nero in Ancient Rome, he burned Rome and falsely blamed the Christians, giving him reason to torture and kill these people who refused to call him God.  False flag operations are not rare.  Be sure to research this manipulative tactic, used by the elites to herd the populace into doing what they want.  It is a common practice and we are seeing it to this day with attacks like 9-11, Oklahoma City, The London Bombings and more, even our economy collapsing is a planned and staged false flag event, to force us into accepting a one-world government banking system, a dream of the elites for centuries. 

Of course, every time a person questions the government's version of 9-11, the same corrupt government that has just stolen trillions in bailout money by both republican and democrats (to protect their banking elite criminal mafia pals), the same government that is betraying Americans with this open-border policy, the same government that covered up the murder of JFK, the same government that has been trying to take away our constitutional rights on a daily basis, the same government that charged $1,000.00 for a $5.00 toilet seat, the same government that keeps us a slave to foreign oil cartels by sealing off our vast natural resources at home, when this government is questioned, the government's propaganda ministry, our mass media runs out on the attack, with the key words of manipulation to beat back the pursuit of truth.  What words might you ask?  Invariably, the criminal manipulating elites pull out the terms "conspiracy theorists" (to make you feel crazy is you ven question them) and "patriotism," (to make you feel disloyal if you question them) which seems to have chased off the masses so far - although it is a failed strategy as Americans are awakening in big numbers.  Is it crazy to use the gray matter God gave you?  Isn't it the highest form of patriotism to stick by your nation's founding principles and question the actions of a criminal mafia cartel who has infiltrated and corrupted a once-great government?  With so many of your fellow countrymen who took the time to research the issue raising questions, so many of them very respected in their fields, isn't it about time we quit the name calling and sat down and really investigated the issue for ourselves?  Don't trust me, don't trust the government, do your own research, taking is all sources, and trust logic.  Is that an unfair request of your fallow countrymen who need your to help in righting this sinking ship we call America?

Please do not trust the "fair and balanced" presentation of case for 9-11 truth as presented by our major media outlets, because I have watched these staged "debates" and investigations for years and they are nothing but staged and manipulative performances.  The real issues are not touched upon, the facts are presented in a manipulated fashion, the "advocates for truth" are really government stooges, acting for the camera and putting on poor presentations so as to lead you into believing that the government's version of the events were truth.

Lastly, if you question the integrity of mass media outlets like Fox News, let me present a little video for you showing their lies - proven - and thus, that they are not to be trusted.   and 

Here is another one - even better:

Still trust these skunks?  Better open your eyes to the truth America.  Note that the government already fears your awakening, as they have now turned away from claiming that Arabs in Americans are the big threat and now, classified average Americans as terrorist suspects.  You know, people who question 9-11, those who speak in support of the constitution, support 3rd party candidates, are against illegal immigration and abortion and the unconstitutional federal reserve and income tax, gun rights proponens, veterans, and the like? Add this reality to the fact that they can now spy on average Americans without a warrant, detain you without trial, no longer have to give you your Miranda rights, do not have to give you access to your lawyer and already have concentration camps built in America, and maybe you will see the pattern before you.  I surely hope so!