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Gallery of Shame- The Jews that Perped 911 !

David Icke

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Larry Silverstein who leased the WTC only seven weeks before 9/11 said his reason for purchasing the towers was, "I felt a compelling urge to own them," Silverstein had breakfast in Windows on the World Restaurant, on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower every morning since the purchase, however on 9/11 he never showed up, neither did his daughter who worked in building 7, or his two sons!

Frank Lowy Owner of Westfield America, in May 2001 Westfield paid $US127 million for a 99 year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center, Lowy was a member of the Golani Brigade that carried out some of the most horrendous massacres, and worst atrocities since the Ashkenazi annexation of Palestine, Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/11.

Lewis Eisenberg, Chairman of the New York Port Authority, who authorized the lease of the WTC complex to Silverstein, all three men are high ranking Jews in the Anti Defamation League and United Jewish Appeal.

Ronald S. Lauder, who pushed the WTC for privatization, was on the board of directors of the NY board of privatization, he is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC, but he also got Stewart Airport, formerly Stewart AFB, to become privatized, The flightpaths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport, Lauder is active in the following organizations-

-Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

-Jewish National Fund

-World Jewish Congress

-American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

-Anti-Defamation League

-Jewish Theological Seminary

Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.

ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA who ran security at all three airports of "alleged" hijackings, is a wholly owned subsidiary owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Both Israeli Jews. Huntsleigh USA is run by "experts" in the security and intelligence field, Israeli intelligence that is, most employees are ex Shin Bet agents, this airport security company, who ran the security at Dulles, Logan, and Newark.

Menachem Atzmon was involved in an Israeli political scandal, involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel.

ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the alleged shoe bomber, Richard Reid boarded a plane, a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports.

Daniel Lewin who was on board flight 11, is an Israeli Jew, was confirmed to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in "anti-hijack" takeovers and assassinations. Originally, Betty Ong pointed to his seat, 9B, as the one shooting people with a gun and leading the hijacking. It was later changed to him being shot, later revised to him being stabbed.

Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll a Jew who had the contract to run security at the WTC, Kroll was run by Hauer, who was also chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management from 1996 to 2000.

Jerome Hauer is a Jew his mother Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement, that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel. Hauer told journalist Sander Hicks in a phone conversation, that Larry Silverstein hired a "private" security team on the WTC complex.

Jews forewarned of the attacks.

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting, this warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives.

Odigo has a Hebrew language feature on its service, knowing these two particular Jews were forewared, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Jews, considering that out of the many thousands of Israeli Jews believed to work in the trade towers, only died that day. Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math.

Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse, the CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, "dual" Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad.