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Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?- UPDATE

Carol Wolman

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This paper was first published in Feb. 2007.  It received over 100 comments at op-ed news, and I’m still getting requests from people who want to make comments, so I’m reposting it. 


President Obama is continuing the 9-11 coverup.  Meanwhile, more and more professionals- architects and engineers, intelligence officers, health care workers- are giving speeches denouncing the coverup, and circulating petitions to have a new, impartial investigation focusing on the question which was never asked the first time-



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Anyone who has studied 9-11 at all knows it was an inside job.

Bush was not surprised. His brother Marvin's security company closed down one tower the week before and brought in lots of cables and other equipment. The towers, including building 7, were dropped by controlled demolition. The planes provided a dramatic cover story- great pix.

Rumsfeld had control of scrambling planes to intercept enemies transferred to himself, exclusively, a few months before, and then disappeared that morning, so no planes intercepted the four hijacked airliners. Instead, there was a "stand-down" of NORAD.


By some strange coincidence, a dozen military air exercises were being run that morning,  at least one of which simulated planes crashing into buildings, so that the air traffic controllers were confused about whether the "attack" was real or part of a drill.

The buildings were pulverized, but the passports of the hijackers were somehow left in a car and quickly "discovered". There was no investigation, only a coverup that blamed the CIA and recommended police state measures to prevent future "attacks".

Then there's the lack of plane parts and small hole at the Pentagon. The flying out of the Bin Laden family the next day. The millions made on selling airline stocks short by those in the know. The confusion about passenger lists. The rejection of FBI reports about possible terrorists at US flying schools. The trucking out of girders from the demolished towers before dawn, so that crucial evidence disappeared.   The finding of thermite and demolition materials, in the rubble.  And on and on.

There are so many videos that its hard to choose, but my favorites is 9-11 Mysteries at If you are not certain that 9-11 was an inside job, please watch this video. It's 1 1/2 hours of factual material that will convince you. You owe it to yourself and all the rest of us to learn the truth about 9-11.

Most Americans, even those who are working for peace and justice, are reluctant to believe that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest actually planned and implemented 9-11, even though their long range plan (PNAC) clearly states that they need "a new Pearl Harbor". The Reichstag fire is a better parallel, since it was also an inside job.

Polls show widespread skepticism of the cover story, and suspicion that Bush allowed 9-11 to happen, ignoring warnings from abroad and from his own intelligence service. But to think that he actually helped plan it, that demolition charges were set in the Towers by his brother's company- that is a depth of evil that most of us can't even begin to contemplate.

Why is this?  We all know so well what liars and connivers the Bush people are, how little they care for human life, or truth, or honor, how greedy they are for power and how ruthless they are in pursuing it.   Why is it so hard to believe that they planned and carried out 9-11?

The degree of denial is astounding.

The cover story is paper thin. Osama bin Laden was blamed within 24 hours, with no investigation. It's obvious that the 9-11 Commission asked the wrong question,- not whodunit, but why were the signals missed? It's obvious that Osama, no matter how bright and charismatic, could not have orchestrated such a massive attack from caves in Afghanistan. It's obvious that the Saudi hijackers, if that's who they were, were allowed into this country with no screening, allowed to take flight lessons, allowed to get on airplanes with box cutters- but how could all this be known, when the twin towers were pulverized? Etc. etc.

When denial is so strong, it's because people don't want to know the truth. The implications are too overwhelming, too frightening. Facing the truth about 9-11, that it was an inside job, planned and carried out with the help of the Bush family and administration, means facing the fact that we are saddled with a monster, a satanic creature, that will stop at nothing to gain total power.

It means facing what fools we are, what cowards we are, not to call a spade a spade.

It means seeing through the pious cloak of false Christianity and false patriotism that Bush assumed.

It means facing the terrible danger we are in, of losing every ounce of precious freedom our forefathers fought so hard to obtain, and that we so take for granted.

It means looking frankly at our helplessness, our gullibility, our willingness to accept any form of hypocrisy, as long as we are allowed to go on shopping.

It means realizing that Bush controls vast portions of our society- that many people must know that 9-11 was an inside job, and won't step forward and say so, out of bribery, intimidation or both. A few brave souls have spoken up about the "power down" at the towers the week before, the evacuation of building 7 several hours before it, too, was brought down by preplanted demolition charges, the confusion at air traffic control when NORAD failed to intercept the planes that were so far off course- but not many dare to speak out. Why not?

It means realizing that the situation is so dire that we need help from a higher power, and should start praying, as sailors do when the ship is sinking.

Six years after 9-11, We the People are starting to recognize that we, too, have power. Some of us have been praying steadily, and the fruits are starting to show.

We've seen through the lies that took us into Iraq, and understand more about Bush's hypocrisy, and willingness to "fix the facts around the policy" as the Downing Street memo puts it. Osama is another convenient "fact", like WMD's in Iraq.

We've seen that we have been blessed with the internet, with which to hunt for the truth, disseminate it, work with one another to reach new depths of understanding of our situation.

We've come to understand that under our precious Constitution, We the People are sovereign, and don't have to tolerate another King George.

We've won an election, despite all the dirty tricks and voting machine fraud. We've even pushed the incoming Congress to censure Bush.

Our higher power has helped us all along to value truth above convenience, to fight with words rather than guns, to operate out of love for each other and future generations.

Perhaps now we are ready to face the truth about 9-11. The whole "war on terror" is based on 9-11, and is seen for the sham it is, once we realize it was an inside job. Once we do, our outrage will be so great that we will force Congress to impeach Bush and Cheney, the real hijackers.

In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman

Author's Bio: Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. As the Green candidate for Congress in California District 1 in '08, she got the most votes of any third party candidate in the country- 8.4%. Her campaign videos can be seen at She also was coordinator of the New Broom Coalition, for a clean sweep of Congress, and a leader of the impeachment movement.