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September 2001 Clues (with video)

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----- Original Message -----
From: HP
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 9:08 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

I am so glad that you mentioned fake news on your web site. Very few people are capable of absorbing the extent to which our media is very much controlled and very much focused on by the OWO.

Since 9/11, when plane attacks were faked to the world by Virtual Reality news, the extent to which news is controlled globally has rocketed upward. They have been practicing it for a long time, which is why they knew it would work to the extent that it did. Now people are actually paid to create it. Nevermind the numerous glitches (such as airplane graphics behaving like physically impossible objects, collapse footage that displays error-prone smoke and \'wreckage\' and other signs that the entire charade was done in a single military studio of 3D amateurs) but just look at the way the news is reported now: nary an explanation for the \"cameraman,\" mysteriously prescient narrators who don\'t seem to be aware of what the script they just read actually says, among many other bizarre things that occur on even formerly \'public\' radio and television news every hour on the hour. There is no more real news left, except for a few web sites like yours and others.

I recommend your readers check out the work of Simon Shack ( and Killtown (, pre-eminent researchers into television and media fakery around the events of 9/11.

Seems it\'s only going to get stranger in the coming years ... and months.
