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September 11 Suitcase: Let the Survivors Speak!

Mark Clarke

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From: Mark ClarkeTo:
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 8:12 PM
Subject: September 11 Suitcase: Let the survivors speak!
The pain and horrors of the September 11, 2001 attack are still revealing themselves to us everyday. We tend to measure the cost of that day in terms of how it affected us. The Patriot Act, World War III, Terror, Fraud, Corruption, Treason and on and on it goes.

When was the last time YOU looked in the mirror and thought about how you have changed since September 11, 2001? What about the HUman cost? Or Benefit? Are you a better person today?

I believe the best way to find out about September 11 is to listen to the Survivors from that day!

Casualties Report March 2003 till January 2007

9/11 - World Trade Tower Disaster

People killed that day 30,700

Total deaths to date resulting from this disaster 56,600

Number of the 30,700 picked up by Starship that day 20,400

U.S. Gov. official death toll 2,752

U.S.. Gov. officially identified 1,527

James Rink

Change is on the Horizon

This is a Free Will Universe. I wish to ask the survivors of September 11 to tell us their experience. I believe we can find real 9-11 truth in their statements if they are willing to address us. What better way to understand the human tragedy on that day than from those who LIVED IT!

I believe this may be the most effective way to hyper accelerate the September 11th Truth quest and the healing it would bring.

It will also give the survivors an opportunity to introduce us to the beings that saved them. They would also be able to describe in Human terms the life they have experienced since that day.

I call upon the Forces of Light to provide a means of communication for those willing to speak to do so in an uncensored uninterrupted manor.

I believe the Survivors of September 11 are the (Law) Suit-case...

A Great Truth Seeker once wrote....

It is high time that we unite our power of prayer to change our world for good.  Let us make a most powerful prayer for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.

Through our God Spirit within and our Mighty I AM Presence, we petition Creator God for peace at this time on Earth Shan.  We request an immediate end to all war, violence, destruction and death forever on our planet.  We request that all darkness be removed now, and that NESARA be announced immediately to usher in our Golden Age of Peace.

We request all of the “Hosts of Heaven” to pray with us to Creator God for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.  We also request of Creator God that He would pray for peace now on our planet.  We ask that all our prayer power be now combined to create our Heaven on Earth, today.  We give permission to the “Hosts of Heaven” and to Creator God to assist us to make this so.  So be it!  It is done!  

Patrick H. Bellringer

The Battle For Your Mind

