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Real Path To Well Planned Precisely Enacted 9/11 Destruction In US Soil

Deepak Sarkar

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[From the Author of “Poems by Kolki – Absolutely Humane”, a recipe for better world]


[CIA-Central Intelligence Agency, FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mossad–Israeli Intelligence Agency, MI6-UK Intelligence Agencies, NSC–National Security Council, NORAD–North American Aerospace Defense Command, ISI–Inter-Services Intelligence, RFU–FBI Radical Fundamentalist Unit, FAA-Federal Aviation Agency, WTC-World Trade Center]


Abstract: Since the only investigative US journalist Daniel Pearl was beheaded in Pakistan by ISI, CIA’s main link to Al-Qaeda, an ordinary world citizen had to establish an integrated theory about what really happened on 9/11 and who were responsible for that unthinkable precisely delivered disaster, behind all the rhetoric and fear of apprehension, and why! This is a simple theory put together so that every world citizen (juror) can extend a verdict saying 9/11 is a plot master minded from the White House and Executed by the Pentagon along with high level FBI/FAA/NORAD operatives collaborating with high level CIA/MI6/ISI/Mossad officials.    


Gist: 9/11 never happened the way it happened without President George Bush’s authorization changing existing NORAD protocol inactivating NORAD’s authority to scramble fighter jets against any suspicious airplanes, especially flying without transponder, in the North American Airspace! The newly authorized Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Hijack Coordinator, Mike Canavan, was sent to Puerto Rico without backup where he was out of contact throughout 9/11 operation enabling the success of the well coordinated precision Remote Control Military Plan, like Operation Northwood!


The signatories of the ‘Project of the New American Century (PNAC)’, including Vice President Cheney and defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, masterminded ‘The New Pearl Harbor’ on 9/11 using Air Force to remotely hijack well known military/commercial jets, Boeing 757 and 767, locking on the transponders from Pentagon running airplane crash simulation from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), in Chantilly Virginia, making the patriotic pilots watch helpless destructions!     


There were no physical hijackers! The fake calls and rumors were part of the planned implementation as originally envisioned in Operation Northwood against Cuba! All hijackers name were given to CIA by the Israeli Authority long before September 11, 2001 for investigation! They used the names to frame and blame Islamic militants who never took any of those flights as confirmed by all 9/11 flight’s passenger lists! 


Well choreographed and timed mysterious Bin Laden video may help International Republican Party re-elect Republican administration fooling Americans but none of them can ever address the 9/11 anomalies illustrated as conclusion in this thesis!        


Key Points of Prosecution:



  1. All signatories of the Project For the New American Century were either member of the Bush/Cheney Administration or Pentagon who asked for New Pearl Harbor in their ambition of Rebuilding America’s Defense (Page 51) “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force - the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a New Pearl Harbor”.  Coincidentally, then Defense secretary Rumsfeld predicted New Pearl Harbour during his inaugural speech.


         Thus, 9/11 was a requirement for re-establishing American Supremacy

         throughout the world, as viewed by this group of people.


  1. Bush Administration was putting the final touches on a Middle East

     initiative, which included recognition of a Palestinian State,

     endorsement of the Mitchell Plan, and position statements about

     Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem. This initiative was to

     be shared with the Saudi Ambassador to the United Nations on Sept. 13,

     2001, with a formal presentation to the U.N. General Assembly by the

     Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 23.


     9/11 Disaster brought all humane peace and international initiatives to a

     grinding halt, as per requirements in the document ‘Project of the New

     American Century’!


Main Arguments:


¨On 9/11/2001, normal US routines and procedures were violated by

few Government officials including President and Vice President,

inactivating the Airline procedures of hijacked airliner and follow up

responses from FAA, NORAD, Pentagon and the White House for about

two hours.   


¨ The most important point is the NORAD hijacking protocol before

9/11:  Per 1st Air Force's own book about 9/11, the sector commander

[at NEADS] would have authority to scramble the airplanes.”.


But, the Protocol in place on 9/11 stated, “the escort service will be

requested by the FAA hijack coordinator, Mike Canavan, by direct

contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC).” Ironically

Mike Canavan was sent to Puerto Rico that morning without backup.


¨ The second most important point is the US Military and NORAD

readiness: They were at the highest state of alert performing “Global

Guardian” military training exercise when the planes with Transponder

off were flying without interruption to programmed targets. Generally

NORAD could see any plane (Hubbub) and act immediately the moment

the Transponder stopped responding.


¨ The third most important point is the apparent silence from the

helpless pilots: The very fact that during the entire hijacking drama

none of the crew members could contact the ground control suggested

that the controls had been taken from ground piggybacking Primary

Channel and disabling cockpit voice recorder while keying on the cockpit

microphone produced blank voice recorders.


¨Whoever sent US Military grade Anthrax to Capitol Hill to kill mainly

Democratic Senators and media critical of Bush Administration are

directly linked with the Remote Control Hijacking of all 9/11 flights

which were Boeing 757 and 767 built for both military and commercial

use equipped with Home Run remote control capability that Lufthansa

had to de-install.    


¨ Since 9/11 flights were fully automated Boeing military and passenger

drones, NORAD didn’t have to scramble fighter planes, they could have

just brought them down to nearest US Air force Base using secret codes

only known to key NORAD and US military officials.


¨ Thus, there were no physical hijackers. Helpless pilots watched their

Airplanes being Flown as drones ending in irrecoverable disaster. 


¨ The plan was conceived starting 2000 when Able/Danger project was

dissolved and implemented with the hiring of Dov  Zakheim as the

Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. He was the Corporate Vice

President of Systems Planning Corporation which specialized in Remote

Control Flight Termination from the ground.


Able/Danger project was tracking alleged Mohamed Atta and three of

the 19 hijackers since 1999 inside USA. The file was destroyed by  

Pentagon after 9/11 which became a subject of Congressional



¨ Whoever wanted journalist Daniel Pearl beheaded for pursuing Indian

lead linking ISI, Richard Armitage (US Deputy Secretary of State) and

$100,000 wire transfer from Pakistan’s Army General Mahmoud Ahmad to

alleged Mahammed Atta’s Florida Account  must be investigated as the

real perpetrators.


Additional Arguments:


1.     Failure of Normal Air Traffic Controller (ATC), FAA, and NORAD procedures.    


It is a normal FAA procedure that NORAD fighter planes must scramble within minutes of a confirmed hijacking! This was even true for a small aircraft Learjet 35 of Golfer Stewart Payne before 9/11! But on 9/11 NORAD stayed inactive awaiting for missing FAA hijacking coordinator’s coordination!


2.     None of the passenger lists of the 9/11 flights were complete, rather out of sync with the FBI doctored list of names. It is a standard practice that each person boarding a flight must show a photo Id with the name that is on the ticket making the airlines passenger lists as the final.  Interestingly, the FBI edited list couldn’t even tally the passenger total-count with the list of passengers.


One must wonder how the FBI named all supposedly dead 9/11 hijackers on 9/12. Surprisingly FBI even found a clean passport lying by ground zero! Per 9/11 Commission Report, Israel’s warned USA in August 2001 of possible Al-Qaeda attack delivering a list of 19 Arab terrorist names to FBI collected by Mossad agents acting as Art Students!


4.     The securities of all 9/11 related Airports were contrcated to just one  private security company called ICTS-International, owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel, and registered in the Netherlands


3.     Hours before the House version of the first Patriot Act went to a vote in October 2001, "technical corrections" were inserted into the body of the legislation whereby foreign security companies such as ICTS-International would be immune from lawsuits related to the events of 9/11.


4.     Destruction of the World Trade Center and all evidences for future analysis and investigation:


  1. All recovered steel frames were sold to scrap dealers as soon as possible and were kept away from all private engineering investigators.
  2. Surveillance tapes and logs had been missing from a distant Bank’s Vault.
  3. Security threats were lowered just before 9/11 abruptly removing the bomb-sniffing dogs.
  4. Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport on 9/11. It was very unusual that a Kuwait-American owned foreign company would be given so much authority over high level security establishments. 
  5. WTC was powered down from 9/8-9/9 for 36 hours disabling cameras and security locks.
  6. Destruction of Evidence from Ground Zero at the World Trade Center
  7. Timed Demolition of World Trade Center depriving Victims to be rescued by Fire Fighters, military, and National Guards!
  8. Bush Administration and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had been shying away from WTC Ground Zero Radiation Testing infuriating New York Senator Clinton.


5.     Absence of rescue efforts by military or national guards before the collapse of the World Trade Center:


If 9/11 was a foreign terrorist act world would have seen a rescue effort using choppers and military technology Hollywood could never dream of. The very slow pace of rescue using hands and plastic mugs in human chains only ensured death of any survivors beneath the apparently demolished WTC debris.


6.      Obstruction of justice and stone walling by the Bush Administration:


A doctor never hides a patient’s condition or health data from the family! Then the question should be asked why every effort from Bush Administration was exerted to hide information, mislead public with misinformation and obstruct/delay a public inquiry of the disaster as long as possible instead of being prompt and voluntary! 


7.     Lowering Security Level despite World wide pre-9/11Warnings: All US friends even apparent foes tried their best to inform American Government and Intelligence about the upcoming disaster without realizing that those threats were propaganda by CIA/MI6/Mossad to deviate all thoughts of Remote Control hijacking of airplanes as drones!   


8.     List of detainees never disclosed:


For trust and accountability citizens must know the suspects arrested after 9/11 incident and the nature of their crimes irrespective of nationality and religion. Hiding detainees away from justice and public only helping towards mistrust of a Government which lacked credibility right from the beginning of 9/11 disaster.       


9.     No Airport Security video showing Hijackers boarding not even from one of the four flights from four Airports: The only photo showing alleged Atta passing through Portland was rather irrelevant.


10. The World Trade Center Collapse without bending or buckling despite visibly undisturbed towers after the initial collisions: per Firemen testimony they were trying to put off small fires that were still burning before they were ordered to leave the building.


11. Shutting down the WTC elevators when firemen were waiting with rescued victims and trapped employees:


12. Concealing and censoring Flight Recorders: Flight Recorders had been known to withstand inland crash and always found intact. FBI and CIA concealed WTC flight recorders and censored Pentagon and Pennsylvania recorders in an effort to support the Government version of illogical fabrication.




If 9/11 was the work of the Cave Dweller Diabetic Patient Bin Laden and his 19 Cessna trained Box cutters armed disciples and President George Bush didn’t authorize change in normal NORAD hijacking procedures, then


·  Crew (Pilot/Captain) would have pressed the transponder signaling hijacking

   and Ground Control would have followed normal hijacking procedures



·  NORAD would have acted promptly scrambling fighter planes after the

   hijacked Airplanes, eventually grounding or destroying them as per normal



·  Since all 9/11 flights were Boeing 757 & 767 NORAD would have brought them

   down to nearby US Air force Base terminating flights using Remote Control

   option available to key US Military & NORAD personnel piggybacking primary

   channel of the Flight Management System.


· Even if the hijackers could hit buildings, world would have seen a rescue

  operation from WTC using Helicopters and US military stunt Hollywood could

  never produce!


·  Passenger lists of all Airlines would have shown hijackers names consistent

   with their Passports and Photo-Ids. No one could fly in US without ID as on

   the Ticket!


·   Lists of all detainees by nationality would have been published immediately

    for open justice satisfying public interests and trusts!


·   Anthrax would have been sent to The White House and Pentagon, NOT the

    Democratic Senators and media critical to Bush Administration creating post

     9/11 ‘Psychological Warfare’.


·   President Bush would have flown to White house directly as the Commander-

   in-Chief instead of getting briefed for four hours in Offutt Air Force Base

  (Home of the U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska)!


·  World would have seen the fastest high-tech recoveries of the victims from

   the World Trade Center debris, NOT the slowest recovery using hands and

   plastic tubs.


·  No one would steal World Trade Center Security Videos from distant secured

   Bank’s Vault!


·   All scrap metal from World Trade center would have been saved for

    Engineering Analysis to determine the reason for such an unconventional

    Structural Failure!


·   Bush Administration would not have been planning to attack Iraq when WTC

    and Pentagon victims were probably still suffering underneath the fiery



·   FBI could never know the real names of the dead Hijackers and their links.


·   FBI and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) must have found all

    cockpit voice recorders and data recorders proudly presenting them to the

    Americans to build their honest case.


·   President Bush would never block, delay, and disrupt investigation and

    ignore recommendations from the 9/11 inquiry panel regarding future

    homeland security.


·   There would have been considerable Jewish American victims among the

    dead in WTC instead of one out of 4000+ employees confirming prior

    knowledge from warning by the Wall Street Israeli company Odigo two hours

    before the attack.


·   Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl would be still alive, rewarded by

    the US Government for his courage to establish truth and justice!


Final Statement:


The prime motives and logical circumstantial evidences for 9/11 disasters have been established. If the Americans lived in a country as envisioned by the Founding Fathers  then the Government of the United States of America would come forward openly telling the world what really happened on 9/11/2001 that killed so many innocent civilians bringing lifetime nightmares for their family and friends!  If the Americans had an honest and peace loving Government 9/11 never happened in broad day light evading trillion dollar proactive military, intelligence, and NORAD’s preventive measures!


Evidences are circumstantial but more than needed to acquit Bin Laden and 19 proposed nameless dead hijackers and open an public investigation to convict Bush/Cheney Administration and their accomplice!


Author: Deepak Sarkar, 844 Royal Oak Ave, Victoria, BC V8X 3T2, Canada; E-Mail:; Tel/Fax: 250-412-2897; Poetry & Peace Web Site:



Complete 9-11 Time Line; 9-11 Commission Report;

•"Home Run” Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack Aircraft, Joe Vialls October 2001



Related Links:

So, What Is Al-Qaeda:

"Home Run"- Electronically Hijacking of Passenger Jet Aircrafts By Military/Intelligence:

“Operation Northwood”:


When religions coexist, leaders communicate, media respects neutrality, laws not blinded by immunity, and citizens need take precedence over profitability - peace becomes reality, world lives in harmony. Kolki