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Perhaps You Just Didn't Realize...

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From: F
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:50 AM
Subject: Perhaps you just didn't realize...
Perhaps you just didn't realize that a 3rd building collapsed on the date of 9-11, not just the 2 big towers.  I ask you today if you will take a few minutes to only focus on this one issue of the 3rd building.  Are you game?

This building, known as Building 7, had NO plane hit it at all.  The collapse of the first 2 buildings 6 hours earlier caused only a 2.1 and 2.3 local tremor, so no earthquake was responsible.  Allegedly, the building collapsed due to a fire?  But why is it that never in history has a steel framed building collapsed due to fire?

In fact,  WTC 1 caught fire in 1975, burned for 8 hours on the 7th -  11th floors (building 7 only burned for 6 hours), so that there were 100 floors of weight above the burned out area in Building 1 in 1975, and yet, it did not collapse and was further used for another 26 years before 9-11.

Why on earth would Building 7 collapse - right down into its' own footprint - at the speed of gravity - due to a fire that only burned in a small portion of the building?  Pause - think - does that make ANY sense to you?

Why did an ignorant and/or arrogant WTC Owner Larry Silverstein slip up in a television interview and state that they decided to "pull"  Building 7 to make it collapse?  How did they pull it?  "Pulling" means that they intentionally made it collapse.  But why were explosives placed in the building in the first place, obviously well in advance, since it takes weeks to set up a controlled collapse of a 47-story building?  Why has the government and the major media concealed this information from you?  Hmmmmm...  do you even care?

Watch the police officer at the 3:35 mark in the following video warn people in the vicinity of WTC 7 that they will be taking the building down and it will be demolished.  How did he know?  Was he told by the perpetrators of this evil against humanity and America to clear out?  Again, where the hell is our government and media in telling us the truth?

There are 100 other glaring inconsistencies I could mention to show that this evil was not a bunch of rag-tag Saudis, as the government and the propaganda-based mass media is feeding you, but I just wanted you to focus on this one for the moment - Building 7 - and nothing else.

People, you need to awaken from your haze and see the truth.  The mass media in the USA is corporate owned by a select few corporations - all companies in favor of snob elite control of the masses, total accumulation of all wealth by a select few and a one world government.  Our media has become this lying government's version of the Ministry of Propaganda, not unlike WWII Germany or the Soviet Union.  Quit buying their "conspiracy theorist" crap that the propaganda-artists keep throwing at you to make you feel stupid if you merely use your brain in an exercise of critical thinking to see the truth.  IT IS MIND MANIPULATION - NOTHING MORE - NOTHING LESS!  This 9-11 catastrophe was a staged event from the get-go!  The end result?  Owner Larry Silverstein made several billions in profit from the "attack" in an insurance payout and the WTC, that had been condemned for asbestos contamination, did not have to go through an incredibly expensivefloor by floor deconstruction.  Billions in gold bullion disappeared.  Literally rooms full of evidence of massive corporate scandals and government criminality by the  S E C,   F B I,   C I A   and   I R S   were destroyed - effectively putting an end to numerous criminal cases of corporate thievery and fraud, and blocking overview of these agencies atrocities against Americans over the decades.  Certain government connected people placed massive bets against the airlines involved on 9-11 and the insurance companies involved to make small fortunes. Those in government have used this event to increase security to the point we are staged and prepared to move into a one world government as behind the scenes, changes in the laws, secret executive orders and treaties are changing the legal and social format of America, and the mainstream media has said nothing.  Our constitution and believe it or not, our vey nation is under attack from within, just as the engineered financial collapse was a planned attack on our banks and financial way of life.  These are just a few of the many reasons for pulling off the 9-11 scam.  I assure you, there are more.

People, 3000 of your fellow citizens were murdered on that day, and this government is lying about who did it.  These people were precious souls, loved by God.  They were fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters.  Let their value to God stir you, their value to their own families move you, appreciate their value as one of your fellow citizens.  If you do not care for them and other victims of these power-crazed animals, how can you ever expect any person to care about you?

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic."

Isn't it about time that you woke from your slumber and started to give a damn while you still can?  Shouldn't we all demand justice for our fellow countrymen who were murdered on that day?  Isn't that the right thing to do?