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911 Remains Unanswered

Jim Kirwan

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Today marks the 35th anniversary of the coup that brought down Chile and it is the 7th anniversary of the coup that brought down theUSA. Both these attacks were organized and carried out by the same criminal-interests that are today still attempting to take over the planet.

There is a common-denominator between the two events that has continued to grow like the cancer that it is. This disease is represented by the death of living-history, as having any relevance in the larger-than-life events that the owners have repeatedly used to literally change the history of world. The effects of this cancer have essentially disarmed an otherwise active public, in order to create the conditions necessary to enslave the global community of nations, not just of the United States but of the world.

Dark matter constitutes ninety-seven percent of the universe, but recently this 'mystery' of Dark Material been proven not to be just empty space, but rather it is a massive energy force, that we are only just beginning to understand. In our world we could not see the images we broadcast without the black pixels imbedded in those images, because without darkness, the light cannot be seen for what it is. The same is true in everyday life.

However, no people can afford to ignore this darkness, especially as that 97 percent begins to grow politically, while the "light" we live by, depends on the balance that we see daily between the light and the darkness that we have come to know as ordinary day and night. In a natural world without the sun we would all die, the same is true in the artificial-political world. No society can continue to live without the light: Fascism and its police-state brutalities, by design, are there to exterminate our freedoms and the individual voices that could keep us free!

We in the United States have been dead, for all practical intents and purposes for at least these last seven years: Dead to reactions that should have driven us to investigate. Dead to what should have been sheer outrage at the magnitude of the crimes committed on 911, not by what the government claims were the perpetrators: but by not following the trail of evidence in science, in politics, and in the money trails that remain uninvestigated to this day! Perhaps worst of all Americans have failed to react to the loss of their own personal freedoms: A loss which began with illegal spying by the US government, on all its citizens, seven months before 911 even happened.

The proof of these outrages lies in the way Americans have still not responded to this anniversary. We behave as though the only thing we can do is to remember the victims of 911; when in fact what we owe to that "collateral damage" from this false-flag attack upon us all ­ is nothing less than a massive all out investigation that goes to the heart of what was all pre-planned: What did happen and who exactly has been continually profiting from and covering everything up since September 11, 2001.

There is a minor war of words going on at the moment between the Gang-of-Four which the two major political parties have put forward as our only choices in the November selection that is supposedly still pending. The Republicans have said "this election is not about issues." How dare they say that!

Our nation has just obligated its citizens to absorb another $200 Billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two government agencies that hold over half the mortgages in America. The crimes committed in the issuance of those mortgages, through the lack of qualified buyers and the total failure to adhere to any rules regarding the acquisition of the loans, required to buy anything, yet all of that was approved by the same agencies that are now being bailed out at the public's expense. Why are these people not being charged with crimes-because those crimes were part of what was planned for the aftermath of 911! This is an issue, should it not be part of the election of the next president!

In Iraq: Officials of the USA, along with the major candidates, are now saying "Iraq needs to pay for its own reconstruction." Before the war it was clear that if we broke Iraq, we would have to reconstruct everything, at our expense! To that end "Secret No-Bid Contracts" were awarded, and the money was lavishly paid out, yet virtually nothing resulted from this huge taxpayer outlay. Where are the prosecutions for all that money that we paid! Similarly, throughout this war, a "war" which was undertaken as a "War for Israel," hundreds of billions went to Israel and for what purpose!

Now we are told that it is up to the Iraqi's to heal themselves, after we have virtually annihilated that country's minimum ability to exist, with our illegal and pre-emptive war that was based on nothing more than a preponderance of lies, lies, and more lies! We broke Iraq, and now we refuse to fix it. Add to this criminality the demands we are making upon Iraq's natural resources, upon their oil, their water and their national territory! This is exactly what the Israeli's have done to the Palestinians, on top of attempting to commit genocide upon the Palestinians: Which could not have been done without the full and unchallenged American assistance that we have supplied for over fifty years. Is this not an issue to even be discussed, during the so-called American elections?

Now we are at it again, this time in Georgia, in the confrontation that Russia foresaw, and intervened to prevent. At the root of all of this are the outrageous demands of Israel for evermore military bases and evermore control over more countries, to secure their self-proclaimed position of superiority over all other peoples on the planet-according to a book whose historical authority has yet to be proven. No people on this planet have any 'inherent rights' over all the rest of us, especially not the Zionists who currently run the state of Israel! How is this not a clear and compelling subject for debate during the American Elections!

The answer is as simple as it is horrifying:

"However, now that I am well into my seventh decade of life and very near retirement, I have come to the conclusion that the world basically sucks,

that there are few who seem to have the investigative courage to take a good hard look at things that, if discovered, would no doubt destroy one's

image of a land that can do no wrong, one that they believe has somehow received the eternal blessing of God. So I must ask: How is it that we have become such a mindless nation, a society populated by deadheads, folks who seem to have little desire to look beyond the thinly-veneered surface of life?

As a behavioral scientist, it appears that a vast share of folks in our nation have chosen to relinquish a quality no doubt essential to authentic human life.. an existential responsibility to think for themselves, an ontological need to discount the petty concerns that drive the minds of those directed by triviality. It seems that such individuals have become so fantastically

preoccupied with, essentially enamored by, the norm of what others think, they have effectively relinquished, through a process of cognitive foreclosure, the capacity to think for themselves. Having become so extremely alienated from the core of their own being, they have little choice but to follow the crowd's madding need to forge a symbiotic attachment to, in essence a relationship with a society, that for all practical purposes has become the basis of their own identity, the bedrock of their very being.

Having done so, the image they have forged for themselves (who they believe themselves to be) has become every bit as fabricated, every bit as disconnected from reality, as their image of society. So in wanting to have at their disposal a more a positive image of themselves, they have been left with little choice but to construct a glorified image of society; an image of what they wish society would have been rather than what it has, in fact, turned out to be. Something like having chosen to have built an ego-incased frame constructed upon the shifting sands of inane social rumor and outright public lies truly a flight of fancy bordering on the absurd!" (1)

The only conclusion that can be deduced from the facts listed above is that the American public has become something more akin to the Walking Dead, than to anything that can claim to be alive in the world, as ordinary people have come to understand what is called a requirement, in any viable form of "human life!"

Flowers and monuments or even interminable testimonials are no substitute for prosecutions of the guilty parties. This has been true throughout history, and remains true today; because every action has its own opposite and equal reaction, and can literally never go unanswered (forever).

911 happened on our watch and it is our responsibility to get to the bottom of what happened before, during, and on as well as after that day that will remain infamous-not because of the attacks, but because those attacks have never been directly confronted-especially by Americans or by their so-called political representatives!

If the above were not all that true, then many things would have been very different. The first anniversary of 911 should have been marked by a day of silence, no commerce, no flights to anywhere-only contemplation. Yet when Bush was asked what Americans could do to help in the first pre-emptive and illegal war upon Afghanistan he said "Just go shopping!" So people did. Then without capturing any of those we said 'could run but could not hide from us,' the war in Afghanistan was suddenly deserted without an end to anything.

By the second anniversary we were in yet another war-this time it was an active expansion of the twelve year war we never ceased to fight that was started by George H. W. Bush, back in 1991. Had this not happened perhaps the anniversary dates might have had some meaning, but as we were completely consumed now in two illegal wars apparently without end in-no thought was given to the why and how we came to be in these wars at all.

Before Iraq there had been Vietnam that lasted fifteen years and

killed in excess of 72,000 of our troops. Nixon finally declared "Peace with Honor" just before we were forced to surrender and flee that country in disgrace. We now know that nothing was learned from that experience, except that we could no longer allow a free-press to cover any future wars.

Vietnam brought the world Agent Orange, and the phrase "we must destroy the village in order to save it." Beyond that the professional war machine and its merchants had become addicted to bloated Pentagon budgets and to the massive profits of the False-Flag war inVietnam. So despite the fact that the US war making machine had stopped Hitler and his war machine cold, in just four years, along with the Imperial Japanese on the other side of the world in the same time frame: We have now allowed Iraq, a nation of 27 million, to tie-down 160,000 US troops and 160,000 mercenaries hostage in a war that we cannot end because the people that we're fighting will not quit until we leave their country.

It was much the same in Vietnam where the pajama clad peasants with their AK-47's were able to kick out the world's most sophisticated forces, after fifteen long years of blood and war-crimes. So as the "conditions on the ground" were always grave Americans simply took 911 in stride and never bothered with any real consideration as to what this day might mean for everything else in America: Everything that was directly affected by both the wars along with the manufactured terror and greed which our involvement had generated here, in what used to be these United States.

For instance it has gone unnoticed that we have lost over 73,000 American troops since we began fighting in Iraq back in 1991-so you see we could not take the time to commemorate 911 except for the one minute of silence every year on September eleventh. Had we not been "at war" perhaps we could have declared a day of remembrance; a day without flights to anywhere, a day without games or commerce, a day to remember and to think about what we have not done to make the world a safer place since

911. But in all these seven years of pointless torture and wars unending, years of being spied upon, of being lied to, and then lied to yet again; there was never any time for something major like remembering the dead and what we have yet to do about any of that!

Last night I dreamt that people appeared upon the streets today dressed all in black, wearing scarlet arm-bands to commemorate all the innocent blood that has been shed worldwide, during the last seven years. I dressed in black, but when I went outside, it was abundantly clear that this day had no special meaning for most of those I saw. Apparently the brainwashing has worked! By this time next year if we get that far, 911 will be all but forgotten because if we're not in the camps already, then we'll definitely be thinking about Martial Law and what that will mean to each and every one of us.

The continuing crimes of 911 must be confronted; even if that's only by silent individuals, staying home from work and refusing to spend money just to protest the massive crimes which this day has come to represent in wider-world! This should be a national day of public morning, not a holiday, but a day of personal and national regret. No games, no flights, no commerce, just a long and solemn day to look back and remember all we've lost because of what we have not yet done about the facts! This of course cannot happen with the same criminals running the show.

Somehow we've all been just too busy to learn to use the truth, to close this open wound in the world; a wound that we created and one that we still refuse to treat, even after seven long years! These events are not going to disappear with time, they will only intensify, and if we do not stop this soon then all the days of "importance" will soon be meaningless because we will be a population without a country of our own-and no one in the wider-world will give a damn!

1) Doug Soderstrom