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The Truth about 9/11? It's Time.

Dr. Richard Boylan

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   On this 7th Anniversary of that tragic day of terror, September 11, 2001, it is fitting to reflect, with the clarity of hindsight and abundant research now available, on just exactly what did happen that fateful day.
    Based on analyses from engineers and leaks from government insider "friendlies", it now is clear that the attacks on the Twin Towers in Manhattan, on the Pentagon, and attempted attack on the Capitol were planned and orchestrated by the Cabal.
    For cover, the Cabal arranged that there were over five different military "test" exercises going on that morning in U.S. skies, one of which involved U.S. airliners going off course, and another which featured a plane crashing into a major building.
    President Bush was far from the White House, in Texas providing himself "plausible deniability" by visiting a grade school while the attacks were under way.
    Vice President "Dick" Cheney was in control of the White House, and was in the Situation Room supposedly orchestrating the over half-dozen military attack exercises going on. It therefore was duck soup-easy for him to give Stand-Down orders to air base commanders wanting to scramble jets to intercept the straying 747s and determine why they were off course.
    With no military interference, those hijacked 747s, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were free to complete their trajectories into the Twin Towers.
    Likewise the third passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 77, was not intercepted when it left the skies for an unknown landing location and fate, while a cruise missile was substituted to complete that trajectory into the side of the Pentagon building. The cruise missile apparently had a holographic image of a large airliner surrounding it on its approach, but the hologram was turned off after the cruise missile self-destructed into the west side of the Pentagon outer wall.
    The fourth aircraft, United Airlines Flight 93, was in flight when passengers reportedly resisted the hijackers attempting to take control of the plane. That plane crashed in an open field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 167 miles short of its supposed destination, the U.S. Capitol.
    After the first two airliners crashed into the Twin Towers and started fires, the Twin Towers came down. But the airliner-fueled fire was not the cause. The Twin Towers were leveled by professionally-placed demolition munitions in a carefully-timed cascading series of explosions, causing the buildings to drop perfectly vertically into their foundations. There was no yawing and leaning over, as would happen if a girder or two had failed. Engineers attest that airplane fuel cannot melt steel girders used in skyscrapers.
    The conclusions to be drawn from the above set of facts is sobering.
    The Cabal caused 9/11, using CIA-controlled asset Osama bin Laden and his jihadist followers as patsies to take the blame. Some of those patsies went up in flames. Others sat in caves near Waziristan and smiled at the American carnage.
    But who has the power to make American air traffic control and the North American Air Defense Command stand down? Ultimately the Commander-in-Chief, but he was busy reading a story to Texas school kids. Vice-President Cheney, a known Cabal big-shot, was in charge of the White House during the 9/11 attacks. Other Cabal assets infiltrated within the Air Force and other military also aided and abetted the execution of the Cabal's 9/11 plan.
    The attack-site investigations afterwards, and the Government Committee convened to look into 9/11, were all carefully controlled by the Cabal to make sure that the official cover story was stuck to: "9/11 was pulled off by a couple dozen crazed Islamic jihadists. Period."
    The above is treason and high crimes at the highest levels of government. Such is the reach, and the ruthlessness, of the Cabal.
    The American public should not rest until the complete truth about 9/11 comes out, and all those involved indicted and convicted for conspiracy and mass murder.
    Only then will the innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks be fully able to truly rest in peace.
          in the light,
          Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,  Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619,  USA
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Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 7:54 AM


Subject: [UFOFacts] Truth about 9/11? 


My dear UFOFacts Family,

What is the truth about the 9/11 attacks? I have heard rumor/innuendo  and of course scary inflammatory conspiracies. But never the facts.  You here, my UFOFacts Family, are the only ones I trust to tell me the  truth. And/or to refer me to articles to read containing accurate  information. I never did believe that a few radicalized Saudi  Arabians pulled this off by themselves--I always thought they were  dancing on someone else's strings. But whose? On this sad  anniversary, I want to pray for those who orchestrated and planned  this event, and for those (Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Cabal Mass Media et  al?????) who were either part of the plan or participated by remaining  silent.

Also, when will be the right time for the public, the rest of the  world to know the truth? We Lightworkers/Star Seeds/Star Children/  Humans of Good Will can usher in a healing of sadness and anger  surrounding this anniversary. If only.......(fill in the blanks)--

Love, Light, and Laughter from Kay