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9/11 and My Family

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----- Original Message -----
From: Cal
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 5:12 AM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Re: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in it's petty pace from day to day....

9/11 and my family

open document

by Cal 


I woke up and came down the stairs to hear my mommy crying. 


"Mommy mommy, what's wrong," I asked?


My mommy looked at me and smiled and turned the remote off.


I was only four years old.  That was seven years ago.  I am now eleven and think I understand why she turned the TV off.


I've watched her cry every year now for all these years on the anniversary of 9/11. 


I wrote an essay on 9/11 and I hope my teacher will let me read it to the others in my class. 


My big brother is in high school and he talks often of the Army recruiters that drive up in the Humvees and set up tables with literature about the Military. 


My brother is like me, he doesn't believe what we see on TV.  My mom and dad have been very vocal about what they believe happened on 9/11/2001.  (9/11 was an inside job.) 


I see my parents grow every day as they stay informed on the internet and I've seen them change in what they believe.  They try and stay current with the new things they've learned but it isn't always easy trying to live a normal life with all the history we, as a family, are trying to relearn. 


My mom freaks out some days trying to stay 'in the now'.  She worries daily about lunches for US kids and what the schools are serving.  She's learned in the last year about genetically engineered foods. 


My dad still comes home to dinner as usual but he's trying real hard to keep up to date on all the news too.  He gets on the net and works on the PCs almost nightly.


Tomorrow is a big deal for US as a family as we've come to celebrate the date with love.  My mom will bake a cake and we will say a prayer at dinner.  We'll all hold hands and we'll have candles on the cake. 


We won't celebrate like we do during the Christmas season as there won't be presents.  There will be memories however of some pretty awful things that changed our lives forever. 


We'll be respectful of the people that died and of their family members and we'll rejoice that we didn't lose anyone close and we'll include a few things in our own prayer that it'll be easier this year on those that weren't so fortunate and lost someone close. 


My mom and dad will probably attend a candle light vigil tomorrow night and my big sister will stay home and babysit us.  (Maybe one day in the next few years, we'll go as a family but since the baby is only five and we all have to go to school tomorrow, we'll be staying home once again.) 


My mom read my essay and she said she's proud of me for the feelings I've put into it.  She did tell me not to expect my teacher to allow for me to read it but I have hope that Mrs. Lerner will ask me to share my story.  I just hope she understands how very important the subject is to people worldwide. 


It's late now and I need to get off of here and go to sleep. 


Good night journal ttyl.........


luv and kisses
