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911 - Inside Job - The 9/11 Solution

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Paid actors, working in conjunction with a corrupted media, on behalf of a rogue shadow government?  Remember, all the major media in this nation is owned by 3-4 corporations, all of which have common ownership and influence.  Haven't we already learned that when immense power is so centralized, it is very possible to corrupt it.

Remember, Russia has had government controlled media - China has it - Germany had it - North Korea has it - Pinchet in Chile - Noriega in Panama - Mousolini in Italy - Peron in Argentina and the list goes on and on and on.  What if this government did it in a more sneaky way - like making the media seem to be private and corporate-owned when in fact, it is the government elites that truly control it?  Just because you might own some shares of a big media corporation, it does not give you the direct power to control the board of directors or the day to day decisions of the CEO and other executives, does it?

As for the "witnesses" to these tragedies, how difficult would it be to pay a few "friendlies" to be the actors and be witnesses to these events, to implant into your mind that an event occurred in a way favorable to the elites agenda?  It has happened SO MANY times in history - why not again?

Remember folks, this is a war for your hearts and minds. For the sake of our children, for our very nation and even our survival, please don't let them win!

The 9/11 Solution - RESTORED

The Video Google Censored

Google took this video down after three days and then when I attempted to post it to YouTube it was rejected.

This video is an important companion piece to the video that I call "Inside Job" (see the Brasscheck TV archive.)

"Inside Job" shows that thousands of eye witnesses and millions of live TV viewers heard and heard about MULTIPLE explosions in the Twin Towers that preceded their sudden and inexplicable collapse.

"The 9/11 Solution" shows that even as the World Trade Center was burning and immediately after the collapses, a stream of disinformation laying down the key official 9/11 myths was being actively being put in place via the US mass media (i.e. the impact of the planes weakened the structures, the "intense" fires caused the collapses, Bin Laden was the only possible suspect.)