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Karl Schwarz

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Greetings to all Email Update Members,

It was something, but it was definitely not Flight 77 piloted by a wily Arab hijacker.

I was not going to release this for another two weeks, but it seems people are begging for information about the Pentagon and 9-11.

I had an interesting conversation with Joe Cortina, the author of the War Criminal letter to George W. Bush. Joe is merely another American that sees it quite clearly and has had his fill of the lies and crap that Washington, DC calls government. He is quite articulate about the matter and not outrageously emotional about it. Unlike most Americans, Joe put it in writing and said what he has to say about George W. Bush. I read his letter and agree with every word of it, and better yet, George W. Bush and the House and Senate are proving that it is all true.

Their every act sinks lower and focuses the light of reality on them that they are liars and they are war criminals.


From the response to the last email update regarding how the US really ranks (and reeks) around this world in some key categories, many email update members were correct in noting that instead of excellence that ranking study shows some serious dislocations, dysfunction and other glitches. Many found it to be a sobering and eye-opening experience to see the true ranking of our “GREAT” nation. Being number one in defense spending, national debt, divorce, teen pregnancies, etc are not signs of a healthy thriving society. Being forty-seventh in literacy rate is not a good sign. Being 18th in the number of PhD scientist graduated is not a good sign and it is even worse than that if you know the reality of this statistic.

Most PhD graduates of our colleges are foreigners that then go home and ram up our butts. Several years ago the entire PhD class at Georgia Tech in chemistry and physics nanotechnology was from the People’s Republic of China. The next big technology revolution in progress and there was not an American in the class in one of America’s top engineering and science universities. It is that way in many US universities.

Being 150th of 178 nations in the Happy Planet Index is a sure sign of unrest and dysfunction. Every Central Europe nation ranked ahead of the United States on the Happy Planet Index and in literacy. Those are the ones that spent much of the last 50 years as communist states. Wake up to reality folks.

What we are told and what it really is – nothing is as it seems.

I look at it this way – instead of breeding and exporting excellence we are exporting mediocrity and sleaze and calling it really good stuff. We are even educating our competition to kick our ass black and blue. It is all in the propaganda and marketing, you know, but it does not sell well because people catch on and then it is not sellable. I stated in the book I wrote that “we are bundling up democracy and freedom like a box of Windows XP and trying to impose that OS on the rest of the world”, but it keeps crashing just like all Microsoft products.

Some times, unlike our government, a person has to learn the hard way that something does not work and they seek alternative solutions until they find something that does work. That is the mark of a sane person as opposed to our government that fits what Einstein said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

I only had to touch that hot burner one time in my life to know that it was hot. We have folks in America so stuck on stupid they have to touch it every day, or week or month and still don’t get it that it is in fact hot. The psychiatrists and psychologists classify such people as those who do not profit from experience. They go not get it and then they go right out and do not get it again.

America has an over inflated self-image problem and many American citizens are deluded into thinking we are number one in all things. In some of the most important things in life we are way down the list. At 55 years old, I am getting very serious about quality of life issues and second or third or 150th best for my personal life just does not cut it with me. I am focused on excellence and personal quality of life issues, period.

Bottom line is I think the reason I see so much hopelessness, anger, frustration, and unhappiness in America is because what has been put on the table to keep us entertained and distracted, while they steal our Nation, is something that a vast majority of Americans sense or know in their heart and it is no longer working. DC can no longer sell the Big Lie except at gunpoint and belligerence. Being told we are number one and how great America is while the quality of life of most of us is diminishing is starting to wear thin. Many are starting to see through the glitz and glitter (aka: the DC BS) and realize how much they have been lied to or how much they were not paying attention to real issues and should have been.

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.

- -- George Bernard Shaw

As a Republican and then Conservative Independent, the following are the key issues that I saw and started to question the Official Story. It did not smell right to me and I had information that most Americans do not have to follow the trails to see where that stench was coming from and why.

  • We attacked Afghanistan because of 9-11 and this Administration, the Clinton – Gore Administration and the 9-11 Commission have yet to admit that Bridas Corporation beat US oil companies to the punch and had signed up the parties to build the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. They had also, in 1992 and 1993, signed huge oil and gas leases in Turkmenistan and had to have that pipeline to get the oil and gas to the oceans, just like our Big Oil companies and UK too. We now control that pipeline through use of military force resulting from 9-11 and they still cannot find Osama bin Laden, and have not even been looking for him. They had an agenda that could only be sold as a lie.
  • They now claim that Osama bin Laden died recently, but reliable sources say he died in 2002. Regardless of which is true, why were they not looking for him and exactly what has all of this other BS been about other than to Spook the Sheeple into believing the lie?

  • The 9-11 Commission did not investigate into Bridas Corporation and there are no less than 4 members of that commission directly or indirectly benefiting from the takeover of that pipeline. They knew exactly who Bridas Corporation is, what they had accomplished and how they had beaten US firms into the strategic position. They are: 1.) Thomas Kean, Amerada Hess Oil Company and directly involved with Delta Petroleum out of Saudi Arabia that was trying to get the Taliban to cooperate and get control of the pipeline; and 2,) James Thompson, board member of FMC and an oil products division; and 3.) Jamie Gorelick, board member of Schlumberger, oil and gas services and raking it in over in the Caspian Basin; and 4.) Richard ben Veniste. It was his law firm that kept Bridas Corporation tied up in the US courts while he was sitting on that commission and not saying a word about it. That makes two Republicans and two Democrats that had no business sitting on the 9-11 Commission and pretending to be looking for the truth. By my count, 9 of the 10 were compromised and had no interest in exposing the truth lest the truth about them be exposed.

  • That Black Neocon whatever she is, Condoleezza Rice, was sitting on the board of Chevron while they were trying to figure out how they were going to get all of that oil and gas out of the landlocked Caspian Basin area. That company that she sat on the board of had invested billions of dollars in the Caspian Basin area and could not get that oil and gas to the ocean. She knew all about that deal that Bridas Corporation had cut to build that Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline because the company she sat on the board of was trying to figure out how to get control of that deal.

  • Bridas Corporation won in our 5th Circuit, US Court of Appeals on September 9, 2003 a judgment for $500 million for interference of contract, [Bridas SAPIC v. Government of Turkmenistan, et al., No, 02-20929, 5th Cir]. All of this interference to Bridas started under the Clinton – Gore Administration in Turkmenistan and Pakistan. By cutting off the north end (Turkmenistan) and the south end (Pakistan), the only remaining obstacle was to do 9-11 and attack to take it all over. At current oil prices, I have watched that oil and gas find go from $7.34 trillion to over $14 trillion and that is the biggest motive for a crime I have even seen in the history of mankind on this planet.

  • Our US Supreme Court refused to hear the Turkmenneft appeal on March 22. 2004, and still the 9-11 Commission avoided the issue like the plague. [Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v Bridas SAPIC, et al] It is a smoking gun; that is why they avoided it.

  • In April 2001, while our military units were practicing the invasion of Afghanistan the PRC forced down our Navy EP-3 spy plane on Hainan Island and stripped it of Mode 3 technology. All US and NATO forces had to upgrade to Mode 4 but US based planes had not done that yet. One of the primary manufacturers of that technology is Raytheon and they just happened to have lost people on the morning of 9-11 that were involved in that technology and UAV systems. Nothing is as it seems!

  • On the very morning of 9-11 the US was conducting drills of jet airplanes hitting the WTC, Sears Tower, White House, the US Capitol building, and Pentagon and while doing the drills planes really did hit some of those targets. With Cheney in charge that morning, that is just too coincidental and too convenient. How lucky can those Arabs be to have timed the attack to exactly when the US was conducting Top Secret drills that the Arabs could not have known about? How lucky can they be that most US interceptor planes had not been upgraded to Mode 4 technology and if the planes that hit the targets were Mode 4 equipped the US based FAA systems and US based fighter jets could not have seen them? What providence for the terrorists, if you can call it that.
  • Condoleezza Rice keeps talking about the US had no way of knowing that anyone would attack the US with airplanes. The DoD drills on the morning of 9-11 say that she is lying out her arse. The DoD does not do such drills without the President and National Security Advisor knowing about them. It is the chain of command and the protocol. Either she is a wanton liar or the dumbest National Security Advisor this nation has ever had. You decide. I personally think she is both.

  • There was evidence laid out on the streets of NYC that the jet airplanes that hit the World Trade Center tower were 737 airplanes powered by CFM-56 jet engines, and not a 767 ever made has had CFM-56 jet engines installed on any of them. They do not have enough thrust to get a 767 off the ground.
  • There was no rush to investigate, there was a rush to dispose of all evidence and attack Afghanistan but they had already been practicing that invasion right after Bush was sworn into office.

Just as I sat down to work on this email update the second time, I received an email from one of the ladies on this list asking me what I think about the letter on this website from Sgt. Lauro Chavez. Frankly, the contents of that letter are consistent with everything we know and why we have not been deterred from seeking the truth. We know where the arrow points and why every investigation has been stalled by the Bush Administration.

Sgt. Lauro Chavez is not the only military person to come out and stand up for what is right. A major general (a Republican with brass stars on his shoulder) has resigned and spoken out:

I cannot say for you, but I refuse to follow or be led by liars and war criminals. I refuse to be led by people who have such a wanton disregard for others, for life, for peace that they would completely fabricate a fake war based on an attack they had helped to plan or helped to cover up, or both.

The email update today is about the Pentagon attack on 9-11. We were all told that AA Flight 77 flown by some dastardly Arab hijackers is what hit the Pentagon. However, there was not a single piece of a Boeing 757 at the crime scene.

That is the first clue that there is something seriously amiss in the Bush story of what happened that day. Washington, DC, on both sides of the aisle likes to call it the Official 9-11 Story, but I clearly see it as the Official 9-11 Lie.

If any part of the Official 9-11 Story is a lie, it is logical that it is all a lie.

The massive jet engines, and the point at which they were mounted to the wings, would have left gaping holes or deep impact points in two places on the Pentagon wall but did not. The span of the wings would have left clear evidence of impact into the wall of the Pentagon but did not.

The wings and jet engines and the tail would have been sheared off and laying on the ground outside the Pentagon, but somehow managed to fold up neatly and disappear through a hole in the wall approximately 16 feet in diameter. As if that hole was a Black Hole sucking in all of the evidence.

It is very easy to prove that the wings would have defied all physical laws to have folded up that way and for the tail it would be even more bizarre as to how that would folded up and scurried into the hole. It is physics, laws of inertia but is also a simple thing called mechanics and how things react to force, direction, weight, etc. Every architect and structural engineer has to be able to understand and do mechanics for buildings to even stand up. Every aerospace engineer has to be able to understand mechanics too or the airplane would probably be yet to be invented.

The massive jet engines would not have been destroyed in the fire because they are made of tough materials [cobalt] that can withstand endless hours of being subjected to high heat (jet engines produce thrust via heat and burning fuel). In fact, they can withstand hours of heat much hotter than any normal fire reaches in temperature and do minimal damage to them. Yet somehow, these two massive jet engines not only disappeared for the most part, they even miraculously changed technology in the fire. The jet engine components that are visible in the debris are not 757 jet engine components.

That the jet engines mysteriously changed technology in the fire was the first clue to me that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. The jet engine technology is much older and was never a type of jet engine used on any 757 ever built. It was specifically not the type of jet engine technology that was on Flight 77.

To summarize briefly, there is evidence from NYC that it was not hijacked 767 jet airliners, but was 737 jets, and there is evidence at the Pentagon that it was not a 757. Both ends of this Official Story have gaping holes and nobody in Washington, DC that wants to get down to the truth.

Many dispute that and say “look, they found an actuator from a 757, this had to come from Flight 77.”

No, that type of actuator can be found on new jet airliners, on private jets, on turboprops, and on retrofitted older jets and turboprops. Many components on jets made years ago have long since worn out and could not be replaced with what was originally on the airplane. Many of those original parts manufacturers have long since ceased business and manufacturing operations.

I have been in special shops where they do retrofitting and repair work on jet airplanes, two in the United States and one in Canada that specializes in such work for Air Canada. Due to wear and tear, forces, heat, cold, pressure differentials, the effects of moisture, etc (even galvanic corrosion) you would be stunned at how many hairline fractures there are in the jet engines, cowlings, fuselage and wings, flaps, etc of older airplanes. The only reason that the old 707 jets are still in the air is because there is a shop that specializes in making such repairs. They have to make such repairs or the plane will fall apart at the seams and the hairline factures.

Guess what? I have seen those newer actuators being installed in the old 707 jets to operate the flaps and other components of the wings. Therefore, that one piece of actuator evidence does not conclusively nail down that it was Flight 77. You can find that same actuator on many different types of airplanes and many different ages of airplanes.

There is also a shop that specializes in rebuilding the rotor hubs and leading edge fan blades of the type of jet engines that were found at the Pentagon. That presents some real threats to the Official Story.

The sheer friction of the air and moisture and dust particles against what you are looking at in the next photo wears them out and they have to be repaired based on time of use and degrees of wear and damage due to differing conditions. The only problem with the Official Bush Lie is that two of these jet engines would not get a loaded 757 off the ground due to lack of thrust, lack of power. For that reason alone, those types of jet engines have never been installed on any 757 ever made and could not have been delivered to the Pentagon by Flight 77 unless it was on the ground and taxied to the target at 500 miles per hour.

That is just a mental picture, it is not even possible. Those particular jet engines could not push the mass of the plane that fast in the air or on the ground. It would be somewhat akin to putting the engine of a riding lawn mower into your car and trying to run in a NASCAR race.

That rotor hub in the center of those fan blades is exactly what they found in the Pentagon rubble, but it is not part of any 757 jet engine.

Some have tried to claim that it is the inner chamber of the 757 jet engine but that dog will not hunt either. There is a considerable difference in the front end rotor head design (JT8D) and the front end of the inner chamber (757 engine) and what was found at the Pentagon is the front end rotor hub component. It has to seal off the end of the shaft of the jet turbine and the inner chamber has no such seal. It is quite different on the 757 inner chamber seal.

Jon Carlson and I have been focused on this Pentagon matter for a long time because it is the weakest link in the Official Bush Lie as to what really happened on 9-11.

We have had jet engine mechanics confirm that the parts we have reported on are not from a 757 and are the type of jet engines we say they are. The photo above is the rotor head and fan blade assembly of a JT8D jet engine and it has never been on any 757 ever made. The rotor head of the 757 engine is quite different. For the record, that photo above came from a website of a company that was showing their expertise in rebuilding JT8D components, not any component of a 757 jet engine.

Of course, at the time both Christine Todd Whitman (former Bush appointee) and Jamie Gorelick (9-11 Commission member) were sitting on the board of United Technologies Corporation that makes the type of jet engines for the 757 that were nowhere to be found at the Pentagon.

To counter that, some morons have been running around claiming that Jon Carlson and I are the same person but that is simply not the case. They just go apoplectic when I point out that the finger points at Bill Clinton and Al Gore too and many DNC members of Congress. You will learn below that The Real Road to 9-11 started in 1989 through 1992. These DNC types keep attacking me because they want you and the rest of America to think they are the White Knights that will save you from Bush and Cheney, and it just is not true. That DNC Lie is just as big as the Official Bush Lie regarding 9-11.

I had one person who sent me a photograph taken at the Pentagon and delayed for a long time in doing so out of fear. They had come to the same conclusions that Jon Carlson and I had and finally sent me the photograph with the understanding that I would protect their identity.

Out on the Pentagon lawn was a part of a window that is definitely not from a 757. It is also not from the Pentagon or any car that was parked in the area.

There is no shape on a 757 that matches that, but there is one on an A3 Skywarrior that matches it close enough to warrant further inquiry and maybe even indictments.

If you look at the upper part of the canopy, above and to the front of where the pilot and co-pilot sit, above the front windshield that is a two piece glass insert on many of the A3 Skywarriors. There is nothing like that on any 757 ever made. It was not a standard or optional feature on Flight 77 and neither were the JT8D turbojet engines.

The type of technology of the jet engines at the Pentagon is a turbojet and the A3 Skywarrior has always had turbojets as its power source. The 757 uses high-bypass fan jets and are quite different from turbojets. It would not take a prosecutor and Grand Jury very long to figure out that the only reasons that the A3 Skywarriors are still flying is that the JT8D turbojet can be adapted and used on the A3 Skywarriors because their original jet engines wore out many years ago. They finally reached the point they could not be repaired any more. Those specialty shops that repair wear and tear damage on airplanes are very good at what they do, but they are not miracle workers.

Jet engines are a lot like boilers and heat exchangers in that there comes a point in time there is nothing you can do to fix them and you have to replace them. Heat and moisture and thermal issues do in fact destroy metals over time.

If you pay close attention to the side elevation of the A3 Skywarrior above, note how the jet engines are almost flush with the bottom of the jet. That is important because if a 757 came in as low as the “missile thing” did to hit the Pentagon, the massive 757 engines would have been plowing about 2-3 feet deep into the ground and the plane would have not hit the building without leaving two deep furrows across the Pentagon lawn. Or ripping its wings off and those would have been at the crime scene, but they were not.

Some eyewitnesses that saw what hit the Pentagon described it as a small jet with two engines mounted under the wings. Some have said it was far smaller than a 757.

There were no marks whatsoever across the Pentagon lawn that can be attributed to Flight 77 flying so low. There is that curious CIA photo of the Pentagon that has a line on the ground along the same line the plane came at the Pentagon. That could be a coincidence or it could be an “aim right here” marker.

While I have focused on this in one area, Jon Carlson has focused on the actual impact zone of where the plane hit the Pentagon. That has been in analyzing photos of the wall immediately after impact and before collapse, after collapse and during clean up and reconstruction. Frankly, I think he has figured it out and has come up with a way to nail it down and prove that Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon is a colossal lie and provable to be a lie.

If you pay real close attention to the photos on his website, Jon Carlson has been analyzing the actual impact zone and every minute detail in the photos. I have checked the scale and it is close enough on the sketches that the impact zone and the wing span of an A3 Skywarrior are too close to discount. What is clear – the wing span of the 757 was not what hit, and the jet engines did not melt and the jet engines could not change technology and design in the fire.

The rectangle in the photo below approximates the actual wing span of an A3 Skywarrior against the Pentagon wall. The wingspan of a 757 is about 25 feet wider on each side and the additional area was not hit by anything.

The photo below does not show the true line of approach relative to the wall. Keep in mind that the wings of an A3 are on top of the fuselage, not on the bottom. The line of approach was angular and coming in from the right of this photo below. The sketch is merely to show you how wide the A3 Skywarrior is within this field of view and more importantly the impact area.

This photo does show the approximate true line of approach and we have found photos that show the impact points of something very solid and having mass such as the two jet engines at those points. The impact points do not match where the engines are mounted on a 757 (Flight 77). Said another way, the points that can be determined to be the impact of very hard, heavy objects (like jet engines) matches the A3 Skywarrior and do not match the impact marks that a 757 would have made.

There is no difference in having to look at it that way than looking at a wall that had been hit by a speeding vehicle and determining whether it was a 6,000 pound sports car or an 80,000 pound tractor trailer truck that had hit the wall. Different vehicles, same speed, different mass hitting the same object leave different evidence of the impact. That is Forensics 101.

With three dimension software, it is possible to configure the exact angle of approach to line up with the impact points and overlay an exact A3 outline on these photos. It is even possible to take the A3 design and superimpose it on the photos (adjusted for scale) to make the details much clearer for people to grasp.

The approach Jon Carlson took to this is accurate enough to make the point that there is a huge flaw in the Official Pentagon story. With the right software, it can be made excruciatingly accurate and obvious.

The following below my signature was in a previous email update and merely added in this email so some can connect the dots and figure this matter out. It is now over five years after the fact and it is about time that Americans figure out that the Official Story is fatally flawed. There is much riding on it because the venomous snake (the US government) bit itself. It is my considered opinion that the military-industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower and General Douglas MacArthur warned us about proved on 9-11 just how truly greedy, deceitful and evil they are.

This recent action by Bush and the Senate brings into question the very integrity of the US government and shows yet again they have no integrity and they have no honor.

The Abuse Can Continue

Senators won't authorize torture, but they won't prevent it, either.

Friday, September 22, 2006; A16

THE GOOD NEWS about the agreement reached yesterday between the Bush administration and Republican senators on the detention, interrogation and trial of accused terrorists is that Congress will not -- as President Bush had demanded -- pass legislation that formally reinterprets U.S. compliance with the Geneva Conventions. Nor will the Senate explicitly endorse the administration's use of interrogation techniques that most of the world regards as cruel and inhumane, if not as outright torture. Trials of accused terrorists will be fairer than the commission system outlawed in June by the Supreme Court.

The bad news is that Mr. Bush, as he made clear yesterday, intends to continue using the CIA to secretly detain and abuse certain terrorist suspects. He will do so by issuing his own interpretation of the Geneva Conventions in an executive order and by relying on questionable Justice Department opinions that authorize such practices as exposing prisoners to hypothermia and prolonged sleep deprivation. Under the compromise agreed to yesterday, Congress would recognize his authority to take these steps and prevent prisoners from appealing them to U.S. courts. The bill would also immunize CIA personnel from prosecution for all but the most serious abuses and protect those who in the past violated U.S. law against war crimes.

In short, it's hard to credit the statement by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) yesterday that "there's no doubt that the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions have been preserved." In effect, the agreement means that U.S. violations of international human rights law can continue as long as Mr. Bush is president, with Congress's tacit assent. If they do, America's standing in the world will continue to suffer, as will the fight against terrorism.

For now, the administration says it is not holding anyone in secret CIA facilities. The detention of those being held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay clearly conforms with international law. If suspects are routed into the CIA program in the future, the administration has pledged to consult with Congress about the interrogation techniques that will be permitted. In theory, Congress could override Mr. Bush's regulations governing treatment if it judges that they are being used to authorize unacceptable practices.

But the senators who have fought to rein in the administration's excesses -- led by Sens. McCain, Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John W. Warner (R-Va.) -- failed to break Mr. Bush's commitment to "alternative" methods that virtually every senior officer of the U.S. military regards as unreliable, counterproductive and dangerous for Americans who may be captured by hostile governments.

Mr. Bush wanted Congress to formally approve these practices and to declare them consistent with the Geneva Conventions. It will not. But it will not stop him either, if the legislation is passed in the form agreed on yesterday. Mr. Bush will go down in history for his embrace of torture and bear responsibility for the enormous damage that has caused.

Prior to 9-11, what could Bush have said to you that would make you say “okay” to attacking Afghanistan and getting a lot of Americans killed and maimed to take over a pipeline deal? Nothing is the correct answer.

Their primary objective was the oil and gas in the Caspian Basin and they had to have that pipeline to get it to the ocean and distributed around the world. They could have joint ventured it with Bridas Corporation but that was too logical and not satisfying their greedy desires. These bastards do not share with others nor do they play well with others. They were having that same debate in the Clinton – Gore Administration just in case you are wondering. Those cruise missiles Clinton ordered fired into Afghanistan was the first shot of this fabricated war, not what happened after 9-11. After Clinton’s actions the Taliban refused to cozy up to US interests that were Hell bent on getting control of that pipeline.

The Taliban had signed an agreement with Bridas Corporation and they were honoring that agreement.

This entire fiasco is not about national security except in the sense of the irresponsible US government that cannot make it through the day without screwing something up. They are not protecting national security; they are protecting their own butts.

It is about their gutless leadership and no energy policy that is even remotely sane. It is also about greed and power and control, for those that control the sources of energy can control entire economies.

The day before 9-11-2001, the following was in a published journal:

"Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production," wrote energy expert James Dorian in Oil & Gas Journal, published the day before the terrorist attacks.

"Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production," wrote energy expert James Dorian in Oil & Gas Journal, published the day before the terrorist attacks.

They had to have a reason to attack Afghanistan and the easiest way to do that was to put it on TV and lie to America about what they saw, how it happened and who was really behind it.

As far as I am concerned, Bush, Cheney, Congress and the 9-11 Commission, and Clinton and Gore have a lot of explaining to do to a prosecutor. Maybe now you can understand why they are so urgently trying to change the War Crimes Act and just recently left in tact that torture is okay. They are so gutless over on Capitol Hill in this election year that they are against it but will not lift a finger to stop it. Wink, wink!

We all need to make sure they get that chance to be put before a Grand Jury and Special Prosecutor. The investigation of the murder of 3,000 people is still waiting for justice after over five years of lies and machinations out of the Bush Administration and Congress.

Below my signature and the additional A3 Skywarrior information is the timeline regarding Bridas Corporation, the Caspian Basin and the real Road to 9-11. This was part of what I had to say to the people in NYC on 9-11-2004 at 9-11, Confronting the Evidence.


Best regards,



Jon reminded me of some links readers need to see regarding the CFM56 737 engine in the NYC street and the JT8D fan hub assembly at the Pentagon NOT from a 757:

Jack White backs the JT8D research and the A3 connection:

George Nelson on the Pentagon hole:

The photo of the A3 will give readers a better realization of its similarity to a 757 or 737.

The Caspian Basin Timeline leading up to and following 9-11:

January 1992: Gas exploration rights for Yashlar block in eastern Turkmenistan awarded to Argentine firm; Bridas Production profits to be split 50-50 between Bridas and Turkmenistan government.

February 1993: Bridas awarded Keimir Oil and Gas Block in western Turkmenistan. 75-25 split in profits, in favor of Bridas.

1995 Bridas Corporation meets Taliban for first time to commence negotiations.

1995 Unocal and US Government attempting to pressure Taliban to abandon contract negotiations with Bridas and pressure Turkmenistan regarding Bridas contracts.

October 1995: President Niyazov (Turkmenistan) signs agreement in New York with Unocal/Delta (Saudi investors). Turkmenistan starts jerking Bridas around on its Oil Contracts with that government.

Jan. 1996: Bridas signs agreement with Taliban and General Dostum for Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.

Feb. 1996: Bridas v. Unocal, $15.0 billion interference of contract lawsuit filed in Texas. Dismissed, re-filed as arbitration claim. Remember “Delta Oil, Saudi”

March, 1996: U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Tom Simmons, urges Bhutto to give exclusive rights to Unocal. Bhutto offended and demands apology.

Nov. 1997: Unocal tries to woo Taliban away from Bridas and are rejected by Taliban. (Delta, Saudi)

Aug. 1998: Clinton launched cruise missiles at Afghanistan. Al Qaeda or bust up that Bridas contract? Zalmay Khalilzad involved in Bosnia and Afghanistan.

Oct. 1998: A Texas judge dismisses Bridas' US$15 billion suit against Unocal for preventing them from developing gas fields in Turkmenistan. (Delta, Saudi)

August 2, 2001: Bush renews negotiations with Taliban.

August 6, 2001: Bush asleep at the helm regarding President’s Daily Briefing [PDB] and attack on U.S.

10 Sept 2001: “The Strategery” is inadvertently revealed at a prophetic time in history. It does not seem so, but it is a “smoking gun”.

11 Sept 2001: WTC and Pentagon attacked while Top Secret mock drills about just such an attack are in progress.

7 Oct 2001: US attacks Taliban under War Plan designed, practiced pre-9-11.

31 Dec, 2001: President Bush appointed a former aide to Unocal, Afghan-born Zalmay Khalilzad, as special envoy to Afghanistan. The nomination was announced nine days after the US-backed interim government of Hamid Karzai took office in Kabul.

8 Feb, 2002: Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai said he and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf had agreed to revive a plan for a trans-Caspian gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.

27 Dec, 2002: Central Asia pipeline deal signed; An agreement has been signed in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, paving the way for construction of a gas pipeline from the Central Asian republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan.

23 Feb 2003: OPIC agrees to fund the pipeline and Bush has guaranteed to protect it with U.S. troops (without telling the United States citizens). “23-02-03 Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TAP) have signed a protocol for trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline Project… However, some recent reports had indicated that the United States was willing to police the pipeline infrastructure through permanent stationing of its troops in the region. The US ExIm Bank, the Trade and Development Agency (TDA) and the Overseas Private Insurance Corporation (OPIC) had also shown readiness to finance such a project, if leading American energy giants come forward.

9 Sept 2003: Bridas prevails at 5th Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals after years of being jerked around in Texas courts. $485+ million arbitration award upheld.

22 Mar 2004: U.S. Supreme Court denies Writ of Certiorari, upholding 5th Circuit. State Concern Turkmenneft v. Bridas, 03-1018 (Remember, Unocal / Delta (Saudi owned) started this blockade, aided by Clinton and Bush Administrations and Texas judges. Also in bed with Amerada Hess [Delta / Hess] and board member Thomas Kean chairs the 9-11 Commission.)

Has anyone heard a word about Bridas from Bush – Cheney or the 9-11 Commission? No? Wonder why? Cover up!


For those of you that have been watching every move the Bush Administration has made, you might not know these facts.

Bush appointed an old girlfriend from college as First Vice President of the Export-Import Bank, a position that also holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Board. Her name is April Hoxie Foley, widow due to her husband being killed in an accident.

That was during the time that all of the pipeline takeover and financing efforts were going on without a word of it disclosed to the American public. Note in the timeline above that just before Bush ordered the attack in Iraq, the Export Import Bank was part of the financing for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. In fact, all three of those entities named are off-balance sheet ways for you to not be told about how much they are really spending and lining just the right pockets.

Then, when Bush invades Iraq, he appoints Tom Foley of Connecticut, the brother of the man that was married to April Hoxie Foley as the Privatization Czar of Iraq to make sure all of those Iraqi assets got privatized into the right Bush Buddy hands. He also appointed April Hoxie Foley to a Baghdad position to make sure the Ex-Im Bank provided all sorts of cushy financing deals behind the scenes and not report that to the American public.

About the same time he appoints the old girlfriend to the task of providing financing for the Bush Buddies in Iraq so they didn’t have to spend their own money, Bush appointed his cousin George Herbert Walker, III as ambassador to the Republic of Hungary.

In July 2005, with the media asking questions about possible shady dealings, his cousin ups and returns to the United States.

Who did Bush name as Ambassador to Hungary to replace his cousin?

The old girlfriend, April Hoxie Foley! She must be his favorite ex-girlfriend.

I can tell you that now that this information is out, that Bush has appointed first a major campaign contributor (Nancy Brinker), then his cousin and then an old girlfriend as Ambassador to Hungary, every nation in this part of Europe is seeing a pattern of sleaze and continuing sleaze coming out of George W. Bush.

They are not impressed in Europe by cousins and old girlfriends that seem to be up to their ears in the Bush Family sleaze. It smacks of nepotism and the need for a tight knit group to keep the cover up and bank robbery in progress.