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Watch 911: Press for Truth here;

Watch Loose Change: Final Cut here;

But our government and media wouldn't lie to us! - Would they?

The study concluded that the Bush admin statements "were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war  under decidedly false pretenses." The study counted 935 false statements in the  two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews and other venues,  Bush and administration officials stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions  that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to produce or obtain them

or had links to al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] or both.

All such claims proved FALSE.

Iraq War Card: Orchestrated Deception on the Path to War

You can watch a compilation of the lies here:

Iraq: The Lie of the Century