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Gamma vs. Alpha Radiation


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I don't recall where I read or heard this, but this is it. The disco bombing in Bali resulted in a conventional geiger scan for gamma radiation which emits from conventional 'nuclear' explosive devices. The initial formal conclusion was that no gamma emitting device was relevant to the incident. Then, an independent science 'team' went back over the same site, and found alpha radiation all over the place. Alpha emitting explosives are allegedly unknown to the world, as they are a much more advanced technology, and can apparently be reduced in scale and controlled to site-specific events. The information reported went on to say that only the UNITED STATES and ISRAEL have alpha emitting tech capability, and no other nation in the world. Apparently, as effective as such weaponry tech is, one of its key characteristics is that it is virtually undectable by any known means. The alpha radiation detector used in Bali after the official investigative scan for gamma rays is itself classified and apparently deemed to be a part of the secretive development of alpah tech. No information was reported as to who could have had access to or used such devices. If uranium tracers were found at the World Trade Center, that may itself be significant, but did any one ever check for alpha radiation?

It doesn't take a lab scientist to connect these dots if the Bali thing is true and if there wasis any residual alpha at WTC.