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Pentagon 9/11/2001 : The Fraud

By Tim White

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rength,causing 2 fatal crashes),you would readily accept the capability of the Boeing 757 to execute a near fighter like manuever GIVING the APPEARANCE of an impending crash into the Pentagon.When the Boeing 367-80 was the scheduled centerpiece at the 1955 Seafare Airshow near Seattle,Boeing Chief Test Pilot Tex Johnston-without Boeing knowledge or approval-put the Dash 80 through 2 tight barrelrolls,nearly causing heart-attacks among the Boeing executives but causing the crowd and Military in attendance to roar with approval.This was done with a PROTOTYPE and with new design Pratt&Whitney engines of only 10,000

lbs thrust each.Boeing has always been known for their extremely strong airframe designs and certainly the 757 is capable of this very same manuever and more though any NON BLACK OPS pilot pulling the same stunt would be immediately grounded

for life and probably sent to prison.

I can tell you that an aircraft such as the 250,000+ lbs 757,flying at 50 ft and 450-500 mph,in dense air near the ground,WILL cause violent turbulence and vortices that are powerful enough to cause the damage witnessed and of which you speak.Couple that with a REMOTE CONTROL F-16 coming in IMMEDIATELY behind that-tucked in close but far enough behind to allow witnesses eyes to be riveted on the 757 and allowing the F-16 to be virtually un-noticed by those same witnesses.ANY witnesses that DID see more would have been intimidated into silence or worse much in the same manner as did occur with the Columbine High School Shootings.I am in Denver so I KNOW THE TRUTH with regards to Columbine-DEFINITELY NOT the "official story",a BLACK OPS all the way.I am very informed as the the truth there because of my own investigation and my conversations with certain law enforcement personnel that I have met and others involved.The SAME Modus Operandi applies to the Pentagon and to the WTC.Both scenarios "official stories" are straight out of Josef Goebbels Propaganda Ministry-the BIG LIE told often enough

BECOMES the truth and if you do not inform yourself further than where you are now,YOU are nothing more than a propagandist spewing lies and dis-information and causing much harm against the COMPLETE un-adulterated TRUTH.I have seen a crash of a large 4 engine plane before-a Lockheed EC-121P College Eye,ELINT-Electronic Intelligence(an early version of an E-3 Sentry AWACS-Airborne Warning And Control System which uses the 707/720 airframe) crashed just 200yds from my barracks when I was at Danang in 1970 and I can tell you there was a lot of debris left even though much was burned to ashes.

When I saw the first video tape from the Pentagon,my first thoughts were "where the hell are the outer wing parts and other sections that did not enter the building"?I immediately knew something was not right with what I was seeing and therefore did not believe any "news reports".I am familiar with aircraft weapons since my job in the Air Force was known as Weapons Control-Fire Control System aka RADAR which controlled all weapons carried on theF4Phantom,I.E.,bombs,rockets,missiles,napalm,gunpods,"smart weapons" like the Walleye TV guided glide bombs,even Nuclear weapons.The technology that exists now is so far advanced from my time in the Air Force(1966-70) that it makes what I was familiar then seem archaic in comparison.I fully accept and agree to the reality of a REMOTELY controlled F-16 carrying out the attack on the Pentagon because I know about the technology from having "been there,done that",so to speak.ANYTHING else is simply NOT correct and DIS-INFORMATION and a FRAUD.BTW,I DO NOT speak with "opinions".

Tim White, Viet Nam Vet/Concerned Citizen wrote: Hello

Nice opinion. Can you help me to know the truth, as you know it ? How do you explain the attack ? A F 16 on the path Columbia Pike - Entry hole. How did all witness on this path describe an American Airlines painted twin engines airliner ? How could such a plane clip lamp poles on a 35 m wide path ? A Boeing 757 which flies over the Pentagon, then makes an impossible turn with a jet fighter roll angle and g force to land, in the wrong direction (against traffic) on National airport ? BTW, what was your job in the air force ? Were you a pilot ?

Best regards


At 10:44 18/07/2004 -0700, you wrote:

There was NO BOEING 757 that crashed into the Pentagram.I am former Air Force so don't hand me this VERY obvious

DIS-INFORMATION.I KNOW what the truth IS.I am in AGREEMENT with most of Dick Eastmans' research and what is to be found on SERENDIPITY Website. Fool someone


Tim White, Viet Nam Vet/Concerned Citizen
