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Arab, Foreign States Reject US Threats On Iraq

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King Abdullah II of Jordan renewed the kingdom's support for Iraq against mounting US threat to launch military aggression.

In a televised speech recently, King Abdullah said Jordan's position towards Iraq is clear as it has reiterated the need to put an end to Iraqis' suffering and respect the country's sovereignty and the unity of its land.

Jordan affirmed Iraq's right to live in security and peace and settle the Iraqi issue through dialogues instead of threatening with the use of force, the king added.

“We will continue to offer all we can for Iraq,” he stressed.

Jordanian Prime Minister Mr. Ali Abu al-Raghib has confirmed that his country rejects any military aggression against Iraq and would not permit to use Jordan’s territories and air spaces as a base to launch aggression against Iraq.

During a meeting attended by a number of media men, State Minister for Political Affairs and Information Minister Dr. Mohammed al-A'doan, Mr. Abu al-Raghab called for using dialogue to solve the pending issues.

Saudi Arabia,

Saudi Arabia and Yemen reiterated their rejection of US threats against Iraq.

This came during a meeting between President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh, who visited Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Crown Prince Emir Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz.

President Saleh affirmed that Yemen rejected US threats against Iraq. He described such threats as unjustifiable since Iraq expressed readiness to start dialogue with the United Nations.

President Saleh warned of the serious consequences of such military action on the security and stability of the region.

The two sides talked about the necessity of unifying stances and views to achieve solidarity to confront the current serious challenges that aimed at dividing Arab unity.


President of Syria Bashar al-Assad affirmed Syria’s solid stance rejecting the unjust embargo and the U.S threats which threaten the Arab national security.

Syrian Information Minister Adnan Imran declared that Syria vehemently rejects any aggression on Iraq.

In statements to reporters on August25, Mr. Imran said that all Arabs strongly reject any aggressive action on Iraq or on any Arab country.

Mr. Imran said that there was unanimous international opinion refusing U.S threats against Iraq. Such threats constitute a violation of UN Charter and international law. He described U.S pretexts that Iraq may possess weapons of mass destruction as comical.

Mr. Imran said that the foreign interference in the affairs of the Arab Homeland brought back to mind the colonial age. He accused the Zionist entity of targeting the future. Mr. Imran called for restoring Arab solidarity to reject U.S threats and interference in internal affairs.

Syria and Bahrain affirmed their rejection of U.S threats against Iraq.

In a statement to Syrian News Agency, King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalefa, who concluded a 2-day visit to Syria, said that his country is keen on preserving Iraq’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. “We, in Syria and Bahrain, reject any threat against Iraq,” he said.

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al-Thani said all Arab countries, including Qatar, are opposed to any attack on Iraq.


President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh warned of the dangerous aftermath of U.S threats against Iraq on the region. Such threats would affect all Arab countries successively, he said.

In a speech delivered on August 24 during the opening of General People’s Conference meetings in Sana’a, President Saleh said that U.S threats did not target Iraq only but many countries in the region.

President Saleh called on the Arab League and Arab leaders to achieve Arab solidarity to confront challenges and threats.

President Saleh has repeatedly declared Yemen’s solid stance rejecting U.S threats against Iraq.

Cairo & Khartoum,

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Mahir reiterated his country’s rejection of US threats against Iraq, “this vision is in harmony with most of world states’ attitudes towards Iraq”, he affirmed.

In a press statement, Mr. Mahir said Egypt and all Arab states refuse US threats against Iraq.

Egypt repeatedly declared refusing of any US aggression on Iraq, asserting that any aggression on Iraq would result in devastation of the whole region.

On the other hand, Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Othman Ismael reiterated Sudan’s rejection of any US threats against Iraq.

During a meeting with Iraq’s ambassador in Khartoum Ahmed Tayes, the Sudanese Foreign Minister conveyed Islamic States’ supportive stand with Iraq in facing up to US threats. He affirmed that the international community and United Nations should consider that any strike would cause more sufferings to Iraq and would negatively affect regional peace and stability.

He considered dialogue the only way to settle all pending issues between Iraq and the U.N to reach a deal that could lift the unjust sanctions off Iraq.


President of Libya Mo’amar Qadafi said that any military strike on Iraq would collapse the whole region.

In his address Sunday, 1 September, on Libya’s national day, he described American threats on Iraq as unjust.


German Counselor Gerhard Shroyder advised the U.S administration to use dialogue and diplomatic ways to solve the Iraqi issue. He reiterated German’s rejection of U.S threats against Iraq.

The German counselor many times expressed his country’s rejection of US threats against Iraq.

He said that the people of Germany vehemently refuse any aggression on Iraq.


Using force or threats of using force is unhelpful in solving the Iraq issue and will increase regional instability and tensions, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said on August 27 while holding talks with his Iraqi counterpart Naji Sabri Ahmed.

The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Iraq should also be respected, the Chinese Foreign Minister added.

The Iraqi issue should be solved by political and diplomatic means within the framework of the UN.


Foreign Minister of Burkina Faso Mr. Yousif Wedrago affirmed that his country rejects American threats against Iraq. This came when Mr. Yousif recently visited Baghdad to express solidarity with Iraq and declare his country’s rejection of US threats.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Fiytislaf Nrobinikof asserted his country’s absolute position in refusing any US threat against Iraq.

He said that Russia doesn't agree with U.S in its interfering in Iraq's interior affairs.

He stressed that the US threats have its severe consequences on Arab nation and European countries including Russia.

Meanwhile, former minister of parliament in British Foreign Affairs Lord Right warned that these threats against Iraq would lead to dangerous consequences and it would be catastrophic, calling on Blair's government not to support the U.S against Iraq.

Former Minister of Turkish Foreign Affairs Ismail Jim warned of any aggression on Iraq.

Deputy manager of the Russian "Itar-Tas" News Agency Mr. Alixander Najayiv stressed on the importance of ties between Iraq and Russia.

He said in a statement to Arab Satellite Channel "Al-Jazera" that Iraq is closer to Russia than the US. He added that Russia gives significance to its relations with Iraq, referring that Russia pays no attention to US view towards Russian links with Iraq.

Mayor of Moscow, Youri Logecove, has affirmed Russian opposition to US threats against Iraq.

He announced full Russian solidarity in defending Iraq’s rights to keep its sovereignty and continue struggle against immoral American schemes.

Mr. Logecove declared that when receiving Iraq’s ambassador to Moscow, Dr. Abass Khalaf.

French Le Figaro magazine stressed that all countries neighboring Iraq reject US threats on it.

In an essay written by journalist Luc de Parocier, the magazine stressed that Iraq’s neighbors contradict all American claims, and actually doesn’t feel that Iraq represents a big danger that threatens them. He added those US claims come within its pretexts to justify the military action against Iraq.

The magazine clarified that officials in France, in many occasions, told their counterparts in US their rejection to any new American military adventure in Iraq and this aggression would have negative effects on their countries.

Le Figaro warned of dangerous US military extended aggression on security and stability in the region, saying that such aggression would push the entire region to the unknown.

New Delhi,

Indian Foreign Minister Bashwant Sinha confirmed India’s support for Iraq's just and legal demands in lifting the 12-year embargo imposed by US pressure on UN.

During a meeting with Arab ambassadors to New Delhi, Mr. Sinha said that Iraq has the right to deter any US possible attack.

If the world did not refuse US behavior against anti-imperialist regimes and patriotic governments, such as Iraq, it would be a license for the US to have more attacks on other states” the Foreign Minister said.

“In the name of Indian government I call on all the world states, esArabs, to announce their solidarity with Iraq and to refuse any military action on it," he said.

On the other hand, Indian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Devi Jee Sing described any possible military attack on Iraq as, “a crime against innocent people and against a State's sovereignty.”

In his meeting with the Iraqi ambassador to India, Mr. Devi Jee Sing declared that India must strongly oppose any aggression on Iraq.


Chairman of Islam Scientists Society in Pakistan Mawlana Fadhl al-Rahamn accused the United States of perpetrating war crimes against Moslems under the pretext of combating terrorism.

He said that the United States consider Moslems terrorists and deal with them as if they are terrorists. He said that all states and nations should sit around negotiations table to find comprehensive solutions to end all pending issues away from U.S and their allies’ threats and interests.

Mr. Molana said that American arrogance increased since September 11 attacks and America practices in a way as if it is the world policeman.

He called on the international community to determine the causes and situations that created violence and terrorism, and treat them peacefully to maintain permanent peace in the world, and keep away from American aggressive policy.
