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The Real Issues Facing America: Oil and the Dollar

Don Hynes

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r side of the aisle contend Clinton was/is a liberal. The only representation Bush-Clinton team provide are for the money elites and the thought they have any interest in what is best for America is ludicrous.

There's only one conservative running for the White House, Ron Paul. You don't have to agree with all that he says to understand that and to respect him. The only liberal who isn't shackled to the same overlords who rule the hillarybama party is Dennis Kucinich. You know he's got something to say when the main stream media and most of Congress despise him. John Edwards has been speaking out for populist issues and for that reason has been marginalized by the media forces that shape and control public opinion, but not he nor any of the candidates except Paul and Kucinich have addressed the primary issues facing America.

The major concerns that should be discussed in our national forum boil down to the demand for oil as foreign policy and the resultant devaluation of the American dollar. Oil is the real reason behind the military occupation of Iraq; even shill for the corporate state Allen Greenspan recently went public on what he knew from the start and Retired General Abizaid has said “of course it’s about oil, we can’t really deny that” although the 1.2M deaths that accompanied this policy were never mentioned. Search for the number of Iraqi casualties in the United States main stream press or candid reporting about the horrifying results of our military occupation and you won’t find them because they would substantiate the inhumane and criminal consequences of our demand for oil and our primary foreign policy objective: to control natural resources beyond our national borders.

Oil was the reason for Gulf War I, the stated reason for 9-11 in the government report that attributed the continuing US military presence in Saudi Arabia as bin Laden’s central motivation, the reason for US financing nuclear armed Israel, the increasingly catastrophic US support of militaristic dictatorships in the near and mid East such as Pakistan and Egypt, the reason a Unocal employee and pipeline negotiator Hamid Karzai was placed and is kept in power following the military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the reason why Vladimir Putin drove the privatization mafia out of Russia and why his “soul” isn’t so popular in the White House any longer, the reason why the US arms and finances every right wing government in the oil endowed countries of west Africa and central and south America and has ignorantly placed itself in opposition to energy rich Venezuela who in the person of Hugo Chavez has taken the leadership mantle in economic and social justice that the propaganda machine in north America still mistakenly claims for the US.

The reason why oil is the major and clumsily “hidden” concern of our government is because of Peak Oil which simply put is the growing disparity between the demand for oil and the diminishing resources available, both logarithmic curves on opposing upward and downward trajectories that the economic forces behind the Bush/Cheney Administration decided were best answered by war.

This utterly mistaken foreign policy is providing fantastic wealth for a chosen few, the arms manufacturers, suppliers, private “contractors” and legion of pigs at the Pentagon trough who finance and control our Congress, and the unregulated flow of money to and through the oil industries who put Bush/Cheney in power, but despite claims to the contrary, because the entire enterprise is debt financed, is causing the destruction of America’s economy and the collapse of our currency.

Government claims about inflation do not include food or energy costs. How convenient. As if the prices of Halloween costumes at WalMart were true indicators of our wealth as a nation. The real benchmark of our economy and financial status in the world is the value of our currency and the dollar has been dropping like a stone.

Globalization, the pet project of Bill Clinton and the Wall Street oligarchs who put him in the White House, hollowed out our industrial core and replaced it with smoke and mirrors stock valuations and the manufacture and sale of debt instruments to the present point where personal and private debt in the US matches our unsustainable public debt and leaves us in the position of military antagonists with nothing behind our bravado but financial impoverishment.

The chairman of Merril Lynch folded his cards this week and slunk off with $46M. Citi's chairman is next with Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs likely to follow suit so the good old boys on Wall Street can go home and have plenty of time with their families. This isn’t a topic for discussion in the Presidential election however. They are too busy discussing who would be more eager and willing to bomb Iran.

The price of oil climbed over $96 dollars a barrel this week; the dollar continued it’s devaluation to $1.45 against the Euro and gold climbed to $808 per ounce. Turn down the sound on the Ministries of Disinformation and consider the real issues that face America. Bring it up at Starbucks over your $3.50 coffee.