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With utmost respect - I am sure that President Bush would agree that the following are the facts:

1. Regarding Iran:

a. China, Russia, and Iran are joined at the hip in opposing the US.

a. China has GIGANTIC oil contracts with Iran.

b. Russia is building Iran's nuclear plant and is defending it with missiles.

b. China and Russia will veto in the Security Council any US motion against Iran.

c. Iran is about to open its own oil bourse breaking the US and UK virtually monopoly in an act at least equivalent in damage to nuking a US city.

d. Iran is going to move to the Euro as the international currency. One of the main reasons that the US invaded Iraq was for having done the same thing.

e. Russia is going to join in the move to the Euro

f. Europe of course favours the move to the Euro.

g. The Europeans' talk with Iran about restraining its nuclear activities is just talk

and nothing will come of it.

h. Iran is moving towards getting the bomb.

i. Israel feels that it will be toast if Iran does get the bomb.

j. Israel is not going to let Iran get the bomb.

k. The US will support (even if not openly) Israel's attack on Iran by supplying the weapons, target intelligence,

satellite surveillance and so forth.

l. Iran will strike back at the US forces in the Middle East.

Conclusion One:

m. The US will strike directly against Iran.

