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North Korean Radio Denounces USA As "Nuclear War Fanatic"

From: BBC

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report by North Korean radio on 28 December:

It is one of the United States' stereotyped methods to put a nuclear hat on other countries and create a commotion all the time.

Nowadays, the United States is carrying out a nuclear pressure commotion by putting a nuclear hat on our country, Iran, and Iraq. Due to the acts of the United States, which creates a commotion by acting as a nuclear judge although no one ordered it to, peace and stability was destroyed in various regions of the world, and troubles are arising on the word stage. The great leader Korean: suryong, Comrade Kim Il-sung, indicated the following:

A nuclear power, which becomes a practical threat to mankind's survival, is on the front-line and putting unjust pressure on us, a non-nuclear country. This could be called an expression of arrogance by those accustomed to disregarding the principle of justice and equality and demanding their unilateral intentions in international relations.

The United States is the country that manufactured nuclear weapons for the first time in the world, and it is the only country that imposed a nuclear disaster on mankind by actually using nuclear weapons. When the World War II was coming to an end, the United States dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan although this was not militarily necessary with the visible demise of Japan; and the United States took hundreds of thousands of people's lives in an instant.

Furthermore, the United States greatly damaged people by using depleted uranium shells, which is a type of nuclear weapon, during the Persian Gulf war and Yugoslavian war. The United States is the world's greatest country possessing nuclear weapons that gravely threatens mankind's survival.

In 1945, when atomic weapons were developed, the United States had three nuclear weapons. In 1967, after 22 years, the number of nuclear weapons increased to 32,500. This was the greatest quantity in the world. Even now, the United States holds the world championship for possessing nuclear weapons.

There are around 20,000 nuclear weapons in the United States' nuclear weapons arsenal. Stored here are all types of nuclear weapons, including micro-size nuclear weapons, also known as nuclear (?sacks), nuclear mines, and neutron bombs which are weapons of the devil. The quantity of nuclear weapons possessed by the United States can push mankind into nuclear a disaster scores of times. The United States is creating a commotion by saying that someone could have developed one or two nuclear weapons. This is truly an absurd act.

Although the United States advocates nuclear arms reduction from outside, actually it does not intend reducing the vast scale of nuclear weapons it possesses. Using all kinds of deceptive methods, the United States is exerting unlimited efforts not only to preserve and maintain the vast nuclear weapons it already possesses but also to develop and produce new types of nuclear weapons.

As has been revealed, Russia and the United States promised to reduce two-thirds the strategic weapons in their country within 10 years. However, rather than completely destroying the majority of nuclear warheads that will be reduced, the United States is trying to preserve them at a warehouse so that they can be used again in emergency.

This is not a stand on sincerely reducing nuclear weapons, but comes out of its intention to realize its nuclear monopoly while deceiving the world's people.

With regard to this, a Japanese newspaper commented that such news echoing from Washington constitutes the third blow challenging mankind's aspiration for building a denuclearized world.

The United States likes to find fault with other countries' nuclear issues and is making a nuclear commotion. They chodurun are heated up in developing and modernizing nuclear weapons.

Recently, the Bush administration also gave orders to develop nuclear warheads to penetrate underground, capable of destroying underground targets. In accordance with this, nuclear development organizations have been re-organized; an enormous amount of money is being disbursed for this sector; munitions monopolies are competitively engaged in developing nuclear weapons.

Since it conducted its first sub-critical nuclear test in 1997, the United States, which continues to press ahead with nuclear tests while fooling international social circles, has conducted scores of these tests up to the present.

Needless to say, this is a challenge against mankind's demand to conclude the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and international pledges.

Not satisfied with recent sub-critical nuclear tests, the United States is openly engaged in manoeuvres to resume even underground nuclear tests accompanying nuclear explosions.

It is none other than the United States that makes use of nuclear weapons its policy and (?takes the lead) in nuclear pre-emptive strikes.

As has been known, at the beginning of 2002 in the so-called Nuclear Posture Review, the United States designated seven countries, including our country, as nuclear attack targets and fashioned a pre-emptive strike strategy with nuclear attacks as its basis in September 2002.

There is no limit when we list US acts as the nuclear villain and the nuclear fanatic.

The logic and dogmatism of US-styled superpowerism - that only the United States has a moral standard with which it can judge right from wrong; only the United States can do everything; and other countries must unconditionally obey the United States' opinions - can never work in today's world.

The United States must correctly know this; deeply reflect on its nuclear crimes before giving instructions to other countries using the nuclear issue and making a commotion of pressure; and renounce its reckless nuclear policy.

Source: BBC
