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Russia Allegedly Announces War Plans

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non-essential personnel in potentially hostile nations is underway.

The announcement stated, plainly, that this is " move, on the part of the Russian Government to block the plans for an aggressive war in the Middle East, or elsewhere. It is the hopes of the Russian Government that the threat of a general war, against an equal, and equally armed opponent, will forestall what is seen by the majority of the civilized world as a blatant act of aggression on the part of the United States and on the behalf of Israel".

The announcement was made by Defense Minister Ivanov. A statement by President V.V. Putin is expected within a few hours.

The same announcement called on all of America's allies to bring pressure to bear on the United States and it's administration to halt what is obviously "an economically and politically motivated attack on a defenseless and already prostrate foe". It went on to state that while Russia has no substantial interest in the region, and has no emnity toward the United States and it's people, it is impossible for a civilized nation to sit idly by and allow such unprovoked and unwarranted acts.

Because of the timing of the announcement, it is expected that an aggressive action, on the part of the United States and it's allies is imminent.

I realiize that there are many of you who will be reading this, who will question the motives of the Russian Federation in this course of action. No one particularlly cares for Sadam Hussein, certainly not here. The Russian Federation is not seeking a war with the United States. In the past eleven years, Russia has gone out of it's way to be accomodating to the United States, and has repeatedly stated, and proven, that we want to be a friend of the United States. This is not an act against America, or the American people. It is a stand against what the entire world sees as naked aggression. I hope, as does everyone here, that sane heads will prevail, and that the Bush administration in the United States will see reason. Israel is not worth the price of a Third World War... especially one that could very well prove to be the "Last World War".

