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UPDATE: The Imminent Death of Castro – An Excuse to Invade Yet Another Country?

Mike Swenson with contributions from Josh Reeves

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n leader Fidel Castro.

According to the article, “President Bush openly anticipated the death of ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro today, picturing it as an opportunity to bring freedom to the Caribbean island after nearly a half century of iron-fisted rule by the fiery Communist leader.” “"One day, the good Lord will take Fidel Castro away," Bush said. “As the audience laughed and began to applaud, Bush seemed to realize that cheering the death of another head of state, even an enemy, might appear unseemly and quickly quieted the crowd. "No, no, no," he told them.

Bush then went on to say that after Castro’s demise, the United States should open debate as to how aggressively the United States should open up the totalitarianism in Cuba.

It is no secret that the United States has had a “beef” with Castro and the Cuban government for decades. The US government has repeatedly tried to drive Castro from power and take control of the island nation.

Fulgencio Batista came into power, without protest and with the full recognition by Dwight D. Eisenhower, on March 27, 1952.

Castro forcefully overthrew Batista in 1959. Since Batista was loved and sponsored by United States Government, the demonization and, soon after, strict embargo, were placed on Cuba and has stood ever since.

Years later, in 1962, the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, headed up by Lyman Lemnitzer, called for “false-flag” terror attacks to be committed upon the state of Florida, in order to justify the invasion of Cuba. These plans have become known as “Operation Northwoods”. Fortunately, these plans were never carried out and Lemnitzer was soon fired by President John F. Kennedy.

Even before the notorious plans of Operation Northwoods, the infamous “Bay of Pigs”, ordered by President Kennedy in 1961, was another attempt to overthrow the Castro-controlled government.

Recently released CIA documents, known as “the Family Jewels”, have also revealed numerous assassination attempts on Castro’s life during the 1960’s by such shadowy figures as the Mafia.

Fast-forward to 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, which has been proven to be based on false and misleading intelligence. In fact, according to a set of PNAC (Project for a New American Century) documents, the invasion of Iraq was planned much further in advance of September 11th, 2001 and even Bush’s first term in 2000.

In this invasion of Iraq, which Bush claimed was intended “to free and liberate the oppressed citizens of Iraq by removing its dictator, while bringing peace and democracy to the nation”, the United States effectively removed Saddam Hussein and executed him. As many know by now, the war in Iraq has turned into an utter failure and has brought more tension, instability, and chaos to the region than ever before.

While these aggressive actions towards sovereign nations cannot, for the most part, be fully understood nor condoned by those who wish to instill peace throughout the world, it remains clear that the leaders of the United States will not refrain from carrying out actions that involve invasion or aggressive action. Further, the government and mainstream media, it seems, will continue to condone these actions in the name of “freedom, prosperity, and democracy”.

According to the Washington Post article today, “in March, just before a trip to Latin America, Bush stepped more gingerly around the topic when asked by journalists from the region, but made much the same point about the aftermath. "How long he stays on Earth, that's a decision that will be made by the Almighty," Bush said. "But once that happens, once -- you know, Fidel Castro may live, I don't know, I don't know how long he's going to live -- but, nevertheless, I do believe that the system of government that he's imposed upon the people ought not live if that's what the people decide."

In addition, the death of Castro also represents one of the last obstacles that stands in the way of Bush and his controllers in their final march towards global government. This is of significance because Castro's death would mean that the United States Government could finally place a new puppet dictator in place of Fidel's brother Raul, most likely by force if necessary,who will obviously be a pushover once Castro is dead.

For years Cuba has remained one of the last vestiges of sovereignty that stands between the New World Order's plan for global domination.

In addition, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez would most likely be the next target once Castro's power structure has been eliminated and control of Cuba has been restored to the global elite.

Bush's comments as of late obviously reflect his desire of being the leader who finally brought down Cuba and opened it up to the world, pleasing the polls as well as his capitalist

masters who seek to have their one world government control grid in place sooner rather than later.

It is clear that these statements indicate that Bush will continue to push his agendas on any nation that loses their leader, regardless if the United States forces them out or if nature takes its course. Further, these actions will be pushed forward, at the expense of more innocent lives and American taxpayers.
