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Israel's Securty Is Key To Security Of Rest Of World

by Condoleezza Rice

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ment, Rice goes far beyond the neocon claim that the security interests of the U.S. and Israel are identical. And she doesn't say that the security of Israel is simply good for the rest of the world, but rather that it is the "key" for world security. In short, the primary security concern of all countries in the world should be the security of Israel.

Sometimes deniers of neocon power in the administration cite Rice as one who certainly wouldn't think like neocons. But if she believes what she said, she is as fanatical about the security of Israel as any neocon. If she is simply lying, then she knows one has to kowtow to the powerful, so she would hardly cross the neocons unless they became weak. If she just doesn't know what she's saying, it would be doubtful that she has the ability to resist neocon schemes.
