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Russia To Recognize California As ‘Separate Nation’ In Kosovo Retaliation Against US

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr

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sh’s declaration on Kosovo, and as we can read as reported by Pakistan’s Daily Times News Service in their article titled "US ready for showdown with Russia on Kosovo independence", and which says:

"The United States is pressing for a quick UN vote on Kosovo, but is ready to take on Russia’s threat of a veto and move on to unilaterally recognise the Serbian province’s right to independence.

US President George W Bush on Sunday chose Tirana as a backdrop to make an urgent call for Kosovo’s independence, refusing an “endless dialogue” on the future of the UN-run province.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice “will be moving hard to see if we can’t reach an agreement” in the UN Security Council between US and Europeans which are for Kosovo’s independence, and Russia, which is against.

“And if not, we’re going to have to move,” said Bush. “Independence is the goal, and that’s what the people of Kosovo need to know.”

Though technically a Serbian province, Albanian-majority Kosovo has been UN-run since the end of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation assault in mid-1999."

To the outrage of the Serbian Nation towards the unprecedented remarks by the American President we can read as reported by the Australian News Service in their article titled "Serbia 'disgusted' with Bush Kosovo call", and which says:

"Belgrade was "disgusted" with US President George W. Bush's call for Kosovo to quickly be granted independence, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said, insisting Washington had no right to give away Serbian territory.

“The United States has a right to support certain states and nations in accordance with its interests, but definitely not by giving away as a gift something which does not belong to it,” Mr Kostunica said.

Mr Kostunica's strongly-worded reaction came a day after Mr Bush underscored the need to speed up the process of granting the ethnic Albanian majority province independence under a United Nations plan vehemently opposed by Belgrade and its ally Moscow."

To Russia’s President Putin’s stance on Kosovo we can see as reported by the Turkish Weekly News Service in their article titled "Russia: Is Moscow Prepared To Make Stand On Kosovo?", and which says:

"One day after the Group of Eight (G8) summit wrapped up in Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin met on June 9 with Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica on the sidelines of an economic forum in St. Petersburg.

Afterward, Putin told reporters that it was "with pleasure" that he had informed Kostunica of the outcome of the G8's negotiations on the future status of Kosovo.

It was a deadlock -- with Russia once again rejecting a UN Security Council draft proposal that would grant a form of internationally supervised independence to the province, which has an ethnic-Albanian majority.

Russia has thrown its weight behind its longtime ally Serbia, which strongly opposes formally losing the breakaway province of Kosovo. And despite growing pressure from many UN members -- particularly the United States -- Moscow seems determined to stand its ground."

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s equating of the United States State of California with Kosovo does appear to be apt, as like the breakaway Serbia Province being controlled by Muslim Gangs, California is, likewise, controlled by Mexican Gangs, with the California Department of Justice stating that the number of these gang members in California are estimated at a staggering 300,000 [2004].

To the dangers of the Muslim Gangs who have taken control of Kosovo under the protection of NATO, and known as the ‘Islamic Mafia’, we can read:

"FBI has recently announced that ethnic Albanian gangs, including immigrants from Kosovo, are replacing the Italian La Cosa Nostra mafia as the leading organized crime outfit in the US.

According to a CNN report the FBI "Officials said ethnic Albanians from Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro" make up the emerging American criminal cartel and "represent a major challenge to federal agents because of their propensity for violence and brutality." This statement comes several months after Amnesty International declared NATO-administered Kosovo province a hotbed of organized crime activity."

It is, also, most curious that President Bush was received by the Albanian criminal Nation with ‘wild’ enthusiasm and cheering crowds, who, according to some news report, stole his watch while he shaking hands with them.

To the greater danger, however, facing the United States is the growing independence movement in California being led by the Nation of Aztlán, and which is described as:

"The Nation of Aztlán is a Latino patriot and independence organization headquartered in Whittier, California, United States. Its platform states that United States must return the land that was stolen from Mexico during the Mexican-American War and which it calls "Aztlan territory" in order to form an independent nation.”

Russian Military Analysts, in their reports, state that California does indeed contain those elements needed for an independence movement, which include: 1.) A large armed militia (gangs) separate from and in conflict with US government control. 2.) A growing illegal migrant base willing to displace the local population. 3.) A foreign state on their border sympathetic to their cause, in this case Mexico.

To what the American people in California could expect, should Russia recognize them as an independent Aztlan Nation, we cannot see it being any less traumatic to them than that faced by the Serbian peoples in Kosovo, and as we can read:

"Serb leaders in the breakaway Kosovo province Thursday accused four European countries and the United States of assisting ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo by handing them immigrant visas. Marko Jaksic, president of the Alliance of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo, said the US, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland were among the countries which helped Kosovo minority Serbs to emigrate, paving the way for Kosovo independence, demanded by majority ethnic Albanians.

“What is happening now is just a perfidious continuation of ethnic cleansing,” Jaksic said. Referring to the fact that over 200,000 Serbs have fled Kosovo since it was put under United Nations control in 1999, he said the international community would do better to rebuild their destroyed homes and facilitate their return, if it really wanted to live up to its declared goal of a multi-ethnic Kosovo."

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]