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After Pence Meets With Turkey President – Donald Trump Makes Major Mideast Progress, Secures Cease-Fire

Adam Casalino

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October 17, 2019


Washington said the President made a big mistake – now Donald’s leaving them speechless!

Many in Washington—even a few Republicans—were shocked when President Trump withdrew the few soldiers we had in Northern Syria.

I guess Democrats suddenly want us to be engaged in endless wars now.

Some in the media blamed recent movements by Turkey on Trump—once again blaming him for things others do.

But President Trump is no fool. He doesn’t abandon our allies—and he punishes those who go back on their word.

He sent Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Turkey directly to set things straight.

And they’ve just announced a deal.

From Fox News:

Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday that they have reached a cease-fire agreement between Turkey and Kurds, following a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara…

“Turkey and the United States agree on the priority of respecting vulnerable human life, human rights, and particularly the protection of religious and ethnic communities in the region,” Pence said during a press conference while in Turkey.

Mike Pence announced a cease-fire agreement between Turkey and the Kurds. The deal will ensure that Kurdish forces will be able to withdraw without suffering casualties from Turkish attacks.

The left was convinced Trump was rolling over, letting Turkey do whatever it wanted in Syria. But the moment Turkey tried to take advantage, he struck and struck hard.

I guess the threat of heavy sanctions was enough for Erdogan to wake up and listen.

President Trump previewed the big news over Twitter:


“Great news out of Turkey. News Conference shortly with @VP and @SecPompeo. Thank you to @RTErdogan. Millions of lives will be saved!”

Then Trump followed it up with his perspective on what he, Pence and Pompeo had just achieved:


“This deal could NEVER have been made 3 days ago. There needed to be some “tough” love in order to get it done. Great for everybody. Proud of all!”

And this one showed Trump’s deal-making skills:


“This is a great day for civilization. I am proud of the United States for sticking by me in following a necessary, but somewhat unconventional, path. People have been trying to make this “Deal” for many years. Millions of lives will be saved. Congratulations to ALL!”

President Trump has vowed that America will no longer be engaged in endless wars around the world. He’s putting Americans first, which means not obligating our troops all over the place.

His economic sanctions and pressure from leaders like Pence are enough to broker deals between nations.

We’ve seen his plans work better than the naysayers expected again and again. We’ve had some of the most peaceful years on the globe during Trump’s Presidency, and it looks like he should be trusted with 4 more.