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Trump Admin Targets Socialist Tyrant's Son


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The Trump administration has announced sanctions against the son of Venezuelan tyrant Nicolás Maduro after his likely fraudulent election.

Per The Hill:


The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Nicolás "Nicolasito" Ernesto Maduro Guerra for his role in the National Constituent Assembly, which the Trump administration alleged was created fraudulently to prop up Maduro's administration.

"Maduro's regime was built on fraudulent elections, and his inner circle lives in luxury off the proceeds of corruption while the Venezuelan people suffer," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said. "Maduro relies on his son Nicolasito and others close to his authoritarian regime to maintain a stranglehold on the economy and suppress the people of Venezuela."

The U.S. government further alleged that Maduro Guerra has been involved in propaganda and censorship efforts and that he worked to pressure Venezuelan forces to deny humanitarian aid from entering the country.

The penalties targeting Maduro Guerra are part of a slew of sanctions levied by the Trump administration in an effort to force Maduro to give up power.

Amid the administration's ongoing sanctions of Maduro and his cronies, Venezuela humanitarian and economic crisis has gotten markedly worse.