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Image: Straight up treason: Cadre of Obama officials have been “counseling” Iranian government how to countermand Trump administration’s foreign policy

If you still believe that the Democrat Party is first and foremost concerned about protecting and defending America, put that idea completely out of your head.

It’s demonstrably false.

If Democrats aren’t thwarting every single effort by the Trump administration and most Republicans to shore up security along the U.S.-Mexico border and shut down the importation of potentially dangerous migrants, they are activity undermining the president of the United States as he and his national security team attempt to deal decisively with an avowed adversary: Iran.

In May 2018, reports noted that John Kerry, who succeeded crooked Hillary Clinton as head of the State Department, had been in frequent contact with the leaders of the terrorism-supporting Iranian regime as POTUS Trump was considering pulling the United States out of the “nuclear deal.” (Related: Kerry whines after Trump pulls U.S. out of ‘horrible’ Iran nuke deal and POTUS back-hands him.)

At the time, Trump blasted Kerry’s actions as blatantly illegal, per the Logan Act, which “is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States,” an online description of the law states. “Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization.”

Now, thanks to reporting from The Daily Beast, we learn that a cabal of former Obama administration officials has been in regular contact with the Iranian regime, undermining the Trump administration: 

As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm.

Iran is our enemy, flat out — this behavior is treasonous

In addition, the website noted that congressional Democrats were in on the meddling and ‘counseling’ as well: 

Three Obama officials who worked closely on the Iran nuclear deal, one of whom is still in touch with Iranian government officials, traveled to Capitol Hill to brief congressional Democrats about the situation.

“It’s not just about what they were saying to the Iranians,” an aide told the Beast. “It’s about what they were saying to their political allies back here in the U.S. Their strategy was to divide and isolate the Trump administration just as the Trump administration was trying to re-establish deterrence with Iran. In the current highly partisan political environment, the only safe course is to signal national unity — and they contributed to eroding that at home and abroad.”

Keep in mind that the United States isn’t at war with Iran, of course, but in many ways we are ‘competing’ with Iran and, as the 2018 National Defense Strategy (pdf.) notes, Iran has been identified by the Trump administration as an adversary:

China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity. They are determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence. At the same time, the dictatorships of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran are determined to destabilize regions, threaten Americans and our allies, and brutalize their own people…

“Iran is a declared enemy of the United States. It doesn’t matter whether John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democrats, or other former Obama administration officials think so. POTUS Trump is president now and he gets to make those determinations,” The National Sentinel reports. “If what these people are doing — apparently in cooperation with Democrats on Capitol Hill — doesn’t amount to treasonous behavior or some other violation of U.S. law, there is no such thing.”

The Trump administration has to move against this cabal, legally, as it must also move against the Spygate conspirators who sought to depose our duly-elected president. 

Read more about the illegal deep state activities to undermine the Trump White House at and

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