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BATTLE FOR WORLD/ RT| April 26, 2019 : The video highlights that US President Donald Trump has announced his administration will stop ratification of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and withdraw from it. The president refers to the treaty as a “badly misguided” and a threat to American freedoms.

(BattleForWorld: The reality of things to come has already been said, that the US will continue to withdraw from treaties. The big shock and shakeup will be the end of the United Nations in America. A new UN-like organization will form elsewhere in another country. However, before this happens, voices from the usual suspects in the US will float the idea of some type of gathering being formed in Israel, to which the countries that the US is unfriendly with, will vehemently disagree and will push ahead their own plans and ideas.

Other countries will withdraw from treaties too. Keep an eye on the big shocking news that will come from the Middle East in the coming years. It is going to bring the US military machine to halt.

All the unhooking by the US from these long held treaties are going to be done in a timely fashion. There’s an article post titled “The Unbalancing Of The Global Order Has Shifted To A New Phase”, and inserted is a video clip from the Matrixwith the dialogue set between the fortune teller and Neo. Also in the article is a partial transcript of the dialogue commented.

Once we get into the year 2020, it will be the last days or very short times ahead in years for the dimming of what Mike Pompeo calls the American Experiment.)

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