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United States Rejects Mexico, Uruguay, Vatican Mediation Efforts to Keep Maduro in Power

Battle For World

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BATTLE FOR WORLD / SPUTNIK NEWS | January 31, 2019: The article highlights that the US government on Thursday (January 31) warned Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro there would be consequences for what it called “egregious” acts of intimidation against the self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido, the senior US official said, according to Reuters.

And that the US wants Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA and its subsidiary Citgo to remain viable in wake of new sanctions that were imposed earlier this week.

Washington brazenly warned other international players against deals for Venezuelan commodities like gold and oil, the senior US official said, claiming, “We have seen some last-minute looting”, said Reuters.

In the meanwhile, Mexico and Uruguay have said they plan to convene a conference on Venezuela’s political crisis in Montevideo, Uruguay, on the 7th of February, bringing together officials from over 10 countries and international organizations. The United States rejects any mediation from the Vatican news sources are reporting.

(BattleForWorld: Apparently, the neocons are now adamantly drunk on power – anything in the form of madness and unreasonability to maintain their world domination mission.)

Flashback News:

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