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BATTLE FOR WORLD / RT AMERICA – January 26, 2019: The video highlights RT America’s Dan Cohen report on the countries backing Venezuelan opposition-leader and self-declared interim President Juan Guaido and those standing with President Nicolas Maduro as well as the factors driving these countries into either camp.

The countries pressured by the United States to back Venezuela’s opposition coup leader, Juan Guaido includes: Brazil, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Canada, Britain, France, etc. And the Ukrainian coup president Porochenko supports the US coup against Venezuela, no surprise.

(BattleForWorld: And Brazil was given a stern warning on January 25 to think twice about supporting any coup against President Nicolas Maduro. So other forces are on the move, giving signals to the puppet countries to stand down.

And just like all the craziness involving Syria wrapped in manifold lies, the United Nations is being misused again by the same cast of characters causing trouble worldwide, who are scheduled to use the UN’s platform on Saturday January 26 where they are going to try and deceive the people of the world again about bringing freedom and democracy, etc. to the Venezuelan people – like they have promised Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, former-Yugoslav countries, African countries, Ukraine, etc.

The Iraqi Minister Hazim Al-Shaalan was told by the United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during the military invasion of that country: [aired on RT Arabic television May 27, 2016] that you have to first destroy everything, but she never gave him a date when the rebuilding would start. So these trouble-making ones, the shadow elites, are in the business of war…)


Lavrov urges all countries to abandon idea of military intervention in Venezuela

BATTLE FOR WORLD / TASS – January 24, 2019: The article highlights that Moscow calls on all countries to give up the idea of military intervention in Venezuela, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday (January 24).

And stressed that: “Of particular concern are signals from some capitals that outside military intervention is not ruled out. We call for abandoning such ideas.”

The minister noted that: “We can see again the US, which is paranoically concerned about someone’s meddling in its election, failing to furnish any evidence, once again trying to act as the ruler of other people’s destinies and actually meddling in their domestic affairs.”

Lavrov said: “We call on Venezuela’s opposition, the opposition, which, I hope, prioritizes the country’s national interests and caution it against becoming a pawn in someone else’s dirty and criminal game.”

The Russian top diplomat noted that it is essential to act within the framework of the constitution and respect Venezuelans’ rights to determine their country’s fate. And that it should not be accompanied by violence and calls for the violent overthrow of the legitimate government.


Russian MP warns Venezuela’s current chaos can impede defense cooperation with Moscow

BATTLE FOR WORLD / TASS – January 24, 2019: The article highlights the Russian State Duma (lower house) Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov told reporters on Thursday (January 24), that “Instability in this country (Venezuela), which has long been our ally, will definitely curb their capabilities,” he said in response to a question. Shamanov said that the situation will have a destabilizing effect “on all aspects of economic life primarily.” “Accordingly, their financial capacity will shrink,” the Russian lawmaker predicted.

He continues: “Any instability – and we saw it happen in the last century – is always fraught with long-term consequences,” he went on to say. “Thank God, there are some sensible leaders – in Mexico, Bolivia and Cuba – who expressed support for the elected president [Nicolas Maduro],” he added. “However, the Americans have once again shown their true colors and they seek to achieve their goals by all means, stooping to anything,” Shamanov concluded.

(In the “enhanced”, Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, read about how President Trump like Obama is being made to do stupid things in foreign policy in the interest of the ruling elites who are pushing ahead for world domination, page 1551. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free book, PDF Format Links: Book Summary | and Download Book )


US trying to create “government in exile” in Venezuela

BATTLE FOR WORLD / TASS – January 24, 2019: The article highlights that  Venezuelan authorities know that the US is trying to stage a Syrian scenario with “government in exile” in Caracas, Venezuela’s Ambassador to Russia Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa told TASS on Thursday (January 24).

“After US Vice President Michael Pence called for overthrowing our government, our president decided to sever diplomatic relations with the US authorities and asked US diplomats to leave Caracas in the next 72 hours. This is an adequate response which our brave president provided to flagrant interference,” Tortosa said. And that “No country can allow any other country to state their opinions about the internal affairs of the state, especially when it comes to calls for overthrowing [the authorities].”

He continues: “We know what the next steps will be. The US will now have a justification [for their actions] that there are two governments in the country, like they did in our fraternal Syria with President Bashar Assad and its people. They created a government in exile, which led to great losses, to casualties, to demolition of the country’s infrastructure,” and Tortosa added that “the Syrian people fought back, with Russia’s help.”