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Open Letter to President Trump - Jan. 2017

Rocky Montana

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Jan. 28, 2017


Dear President Trump:

Keep politics out of Jerusalem and Jerusalem out of politics!  Jerusalem is a truly international city that belongs to ALL the world's people, not just the Israeli government. 

Keep Jerusalem neutral.  Jerusalem has deep religious significance and importance to three major religions of the world, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and is a tourist destination to all religious people of the world.  And you want to cheapen it by making it a political city?  Shame on you!  By turning Jerusalem into a political city, you will be robbing it of its special and unique historical qualities and worse. 

President Trump, please think hard long and about what you are planning to do.  If you allow Jerusalem to be turned into a political city, you will not only alienate many Christian, Islamic and other faiths, peoples and nations of the world, you may also be igniting new religious wars and turn Jerusalem into another war zone with all of the religious history in Jerusalem going up in smoke. 

President Trump, please don't base your decision to ruin this unique, international, religious city on the hopes of appeasing your Israeli and "friends" and your Jewish family members.

If the capital of Israel is allowed to be moved to Jerusalem, the Israeli government will use its popularity to hide behind from its enemies, knowing full well that its enemies will think twice about attacking the new Israeli capital for fear of incurring the wraith of all Western nations.  Therefore, the Israeli government will feel free to continue to attack its Arab neighbors with impunity.  This is not only wrong, it is evil!  The Khazars-Zionists, who are in control of the stolen lands named Israel, have always hidden behind the Judaist religion to further their evil plans to murder and steal from other peoples and countries.  You should already know all of this by now.  Do not let the Israelis play you in this way.    

By the way, this decision should not be left up to you or any one man.  Whatever weight your office bears on this subject, I caution you to use it wisely by leaving the capital of Israel in Tel Aviv and by leaving Jerusalem alone!

