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Hungary Launches Plan to Crack Down on George Soros-Funded Organizations

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President-elect Donald Trump hasn’t even taken office, but one European nation has begun acting on his message of strength and national sovereignty.

In a bold move designed to reverse the crushing tide of open-border politics, Hungary has announced plans to rid itself of non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros, according to Bloomberg.

Hungarian-born billionaire Soros, founder of The Open Society Foundations, is known worldwide for his “open borders” views and his financial support of liberal causes.

Soros donated $9 million to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign, according to the Federal Election Commission and Fox News, and was widely viewed as having significant influence over her policies and platform.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban apparently wants Soros and his organizations out. Hungarian Civic Alliance Vice President Szilard Nemeth said yesterday that Hungary will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments.”

“I feel that there is an opportunity for this because of Trump’s election,” Nemeth said.

Unsurprisingly, Hungarian socialists were quick to voice their support of Soros and condemn Nemeth’s remarks, according to state-sponsored Daily News Hungary.

Orban has accused Soros of supporting Muslim migrants who have overrun Hungary, according to the U.K Daily Mail. An outspoken anti-immigrant hard-liner, Orban built razor wire-topped fences on Hungary’s Serbian and Croatian borders to keep out migrants.

An updated Bloomberg report said that Soros financed over 60 NGO groups in this tiny country, and that Orban himself once received a scholarship from Soros. It’s a fair guess that Soros now regrets that decision. The update also stated that Soros intended to keep operating in Hungary against all efforts to oust him.

Political observers everywhere will find this a hot topic, with some saying that a clean sweep of Soros’ organizations, many of which contribute to education and health care, is going too far.

Others will argue the “all or nothing concept” in support of Hungary’s right to govern its own country without undue outside influence.

What do you think, America?

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