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Lasha Darkmoon

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Dec. 23, 2016


Angela Merkel’s days appear to be numbered. For Germany’s sake, let’s hope they are. This woman has been a walking timebomb for her country. Indeed, many Germans are gradually coming to the realization that their hitherto highly respected Chancellor is not quite sane. 

Merkel has recently been coming in for some withering criticism  over her “open door” immi­gra­tion pol­icy that al­lowed more than a mil­lion “refugees” into Ger­many last year. The backlash against Merkel was brought to a head a few days ago when the driver of a truck, an asylum seeker, ploughed into a crowded Christ­mas mar­ket in Ber­lin, killing 12 shoppers and seriously wounding 48.

Merkel’s op­po­nents have wasted no time blaming Merkel for the Christmas carnage, better known now as the “Berlin bloodbath.” It is hard to see who else could be blamed.

It was Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders who declared that Merkel had “blood on her hands“, blaming Europe’s “cowardly leaders” for the “tsunami” of Islamic terrorist attacks all over Europe.

The far-Right Al­ter­na­tive for Ger­many (AfD) party was equally harsh and forthright in its denunciation of Merkel, saying it held the German Chancellor “per­son­ally re­spon­si­ble for what had hap­pened”.

Merkel ac­knowl­edged a few days ago that it would be “par­tic­u­larly sick­en­ing” if it turned out that the atroc­ity had been planned by a Muslim asylum seeker who had  taken advantage of “Ger­many’s gen­eros­ity”. Vis­it­ing the scene of the crime in Ber­lin, she said: ‘This is a very dif­fi­cult day. Like mil­lions of Ger­mans, I am out­raged, shocked and deeply sad­dened by what hap­pened.”


“I am out­raged, shocked and deeply sad­dened by what hap­pened.”

If you are not amused by the picture I have posted above and think I am being flippant and disrespectful to the most powerful woman in Europe, I plead “Not Guilty”. The reason I say this is that the manic expression on Merkel’s face is a perfect match for the mental derangement many people believe Merkel is suffering from, particularly in her own country which she has managed to ruin beyond recognition.

Please note that top German psychiatrist and best-selling author Hans-Joachim Maaz has declared Chancellor Merkel clinically insane — i.e., “completely irrational” and a “danger to Germany“.

The tide is rapidly beginning to turn against Merkel. Robert Fico, Slo­vakia’s prime min­is­ter, said a few days ago: “The cup of pa­tience is be­gin­ning to spill over and Europe’s pub­lic will right­fully ex­pect rather stronger anti-mi­gra­tion mea­sures.” Pol­ish pre­mier Beata Szydlo chipped in: “Europe must take ef­fec­tive ac­tion to pro­tect its cit­i­zens.” Even John Bolton, tipped to become Don­ald Trump’s deputy sec­re­tary of state, made deprecating noises about Merkel’s role in exposing Germany and the rest of Europe “to the risk of ter­ror­ism”. Trump himself, over a year ago, went on record as saying that Merkel was “ruining” Germany.

Merkel has come un­der intense pres­sure recently to admit that her open-door pol­icy for migrants had been an unmitigated disaster. She apparently still persists in believing that Germany, and indeed the whole of Europe, has a moral obligation to open its doors to the entire populations of Africa, Asia and the Middle East — in short, anyone with a sob story.

In the sum­mer of 2015, Merkel declared fatuously that there were “no lim­its” on the num­ber of asy­lum seek­ers Germany was ready to accept.




Merkel’s bizarre immigration policies are thought to have led to more than one mil­lion mi­grants en­ter­ing Ger­many last year, most of them currently unemployed and with lots of time on their hands to engage in acts of petty vandalism and sexual assaults on women —  every single day of the year. (See here)

Mar­cus Pret­zell, a prom­i­nent German politician, has rightly de­scribed the victims of the Ber­lin bloodbath as “Merkel’s dead”. Frauke Petry, chairwoman of the Alternative for Germany party, added that Ger­many was “no longer safe”. Meanwhile, Bri­tish ter­ror ex­pert An­thony Glees, who heads the Cen­tre for Se­cu­rity and In­tel­li­gence Stud­ies at the Univer­sity of Buck­ing­ham, opined that Merkel would face “enor­mous reper­cus­sions” if the at­tacker turned out to be an asylum seeker.

That was a few days ago.

We now know the truck killer behind the Berlin bloodbath was in fact an asylum seeker in Germany.

His name: Anis Amri, age 24, a “refugee” from Tunis. Already known to the German authorities and classified as “highly dangerous”, Amri had initially been denied asylum but nevertheless granted “toleration” papers, allowing him to stay on in Germany indefinitely “for unknown reasons.”

According to Italian newspaper Il Tempo, Amri was gunned down yesterday in Milan.

Conflicting reports, however, provide different stories. The Germans insist Amri is still hanging out somewhere in Berlin. Other accounts state that a man of identical appearance had been spotted somewhere in Denmark.

We see through a glass darkly; murk abounds.

All this is irrelevant to the central issue: who is to blame in large part for the migrant crisis?

If Angela Merkel, widely perceived to be a tool of international Jewry, is not to be held responsible for helping to flood Europe with millions of hostile invaders from the Third World, it is hard to see who else is to blame. Make no mistake. Merkel has her accomplices. And all these accomplices of Merkel and her puppetmasters, who have opened the floodgates to immigration, are the Enemies of the European People.

They are guilty of White genocide.

VIDEO : 6 mins