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September 30, 2016

Dear President Putin:

I ask that you please consider the following: 

Let us not lose sight of who the REAL enemy is of both Russia and America!  The REAL enemy of both our nations and peoples is the evil Rothschild-Rockefeller cartel of international Anti-Christ Bankers, including all owners of the Federal Reserve.  The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are the ones who created, organized and funded the overthrew of your nation by the Bolsheviks and murdered Russia's Royal Family as well as tens of thousands of Russian citizens.  The Rothschilds have caused all wars to occur since the French Revolution.  They, along with the Crown of England, were behind the American War of 1812 and Civil War.  They were behind and profited from WWI, WWII, the American-Korean War, the American-Vietnam war, and the American-Middle East wars.  They are behind the planning and engineering of WWIII.  They control the monetary system of many nations.  They are the unseen power behind the UN.  They are at war with the American people, the Russian people, Christianity, and all nations who resist them. 

Mr. Putin, I appeal to your God-given ability to reason.  Our two nations can go on fighting each other until we destroy each other and the planet in the process with nuclear weapons, or, we can pivot, unite, and go after the REAL enemy of our two nations--the evil Rothschild-Rockefeller cartel.  I believe our two nations can win without our blowing up the world.  This evil cartel has and continues to act as a cancer on our the world. It manipulates and seeks the ruination and vanquishment of our two nations, and it seeks to usurp our lands and resources as well.  This evil cancer on humanity must be stopped.  These endless military strikes and saber-rattlings will do nothing to stop it.  

If the head of the snake is removed, the snake is no more.  I am not advocating or condoning murder as murder is against Creator God and The Creation.  I am suggesting, however, that this lawless international cartel has overstepped its reach and as a result, has forfeited the right to exist in civilized society.  I am suggesting that this cartel's power be removed as the logical and spiritual option to endless cycle of wars.  I am suggesting that the head of this powerful evil globalist cartel be removed away from society, for the benefit of humanity, where they can do no more harm.  This should include the entire Rothschild family in Europe and the Rockefeller family in the US.  The British Royal Family should also be closely watched and if necessary, be added to the exile list.  There, in exile, they should be allowed to live out the remainder of their lives.  The men and boys should be separated from the women and girls so that there is no possibility of human reproduction.  Their stolen wealth should be confiscated and used to settle all national debts caused by the cartel while the rest should be given back to the people of these debt ridden countries.  This is an overview of the plan. Obviously, there are other details to be worked out.  However, it appears to me that this is the  only humane way to save our largely two Christian nations, all other nations, and to give Humanity a renewed chance for survival and lasting peace.  Thank you for your consideration.   


Rocky Montana


cc: Donald Trump