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August 15, 2016 uhm One comment

Beijing Blasts ‘American Aggression,’ Calls for Russia-China ‘New World Order’ © REUTERS/ Kim Kyung-Hoon

01:46 14.08.2016(updated 18:54 14.08.2016) Get short URL

As the United States and Europe embark on an increasingly hawkish policy towards China, Beijing has moved to welcome the formation of an alliance with Russia to counter NATO.

Speaking at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party last month, Xi Jinping delivered what Western analysts are calling an “incendiary speech” in which he called for a military union with Russia that would render NATO “powerless” and “put an end to the imperialist desires of the West.”

The harsh statements come at a time when both Beijing and Moscow find themselves vulnerable to an increasingly hawkish US foreign policy that has resulted in a series of massive war games on both countries’ doorstep and the placement of missile shields in strategic quadrants to limit the ability of both Russia and China to defend themselves if conflict were ever to ensue.

“The world is on the verge of radical change,” said the increasingly frustrated Chinese President. “We see how the European Union is gradually collapsing, as is the US economy – it is all over for the new world order.”

The rhetoric appears to be also focused on quelling domestic dissent in China with officials already calling on citizens to be vigilant for anti-government agitators who may be agents of the West amid a flourish of US meddling in the South China Sea dispute with the Obama administration rallying others to demand that Beijing be evicted from its historic territory based on a questionable ruling that has been criticized by legal scholars who argue China never submitted to The Hague’s jurisdiction.

Losing the territory of the South China Sea would represent a major setback for Beijing’s economic aspirations in light of the fact that over 40% of the world’s shipborne commerce travels through the area which also is home to one of the world’s largest deep water oil and natural gas deposits.

Rallying support among his countrymen, Xi Jinping declared “it will never be as it was before, in 10 years we will have a new world order in which the key will be the union of China and Russia.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long welcomed the development of a broader military and economic relationship with China referring to existing cooperation as an “all-embracing and strategic partnership.”

With the international community stacking up against Beijing in recent weeks in the wake of the South China Sea ruling and the placement of the THAAD anti-missile systems in South Korea, Russia has stood steadfast in its support of the Chinese engaging in massive joint military exercises in the Pacific.


August 15, 2016 at 4:16 am

For quite some time now my website has tried to help highlight how the Trans-Atlantic New World Order was collapsing. You can say that after Putin took control in Syria that this was the time that the New World Order was defeated after a downing from as far back as late 2008. China and Russia hold both the world’s economic and military power. The military power of this BRICS based bloc was shown back in May of 2015. We then saw Russia impress the world with its military force against Syria back in September of 2015. It’s now just a matter of time for the Trans-Atlantic criminals as they continually get defeated and sink deeper into the ocean like the Titanic relic they are. Now please don’t fall for this New World Order term being put against China and Russia. China and Russia don’t want a New World Order. The BRICS win-win development and Nationalist model would be known more as a New World Economic Order. There is a big different between a NWO and a NWEO so please don’t let the alternative and mainstream media confuse you on the term New World Order.


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