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Angela Merkel is Insane, the Devil Incarnate or Both

Ray Starmann

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At one time, Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, was considered a competent conservative, a successful national and international leader. A former citizen of communist East Germany, she was a shining example of a new, united Germany who was admired both at home and abroad.

Those days are long gone…

Merkel, the queen of unlimited, undocumented Muslim immigration; the woman who allowed over a million Muslim refugees into Germany in 2015, is going down in history as the chancellor who destroyed Germany and indeed Western Europe.

Make no mistake about it; Europe is on its deathbed and Angela Merkel is the grim reaper, the Doctor Kevorkian of Germany, letting a fast drip IV of Muslim terror kill her nation and indeed Europe itself.

Merkel has shown her real colors during the last year, as a stubborn, arrogant blockhead who refuses to listen to the will of the German people.

Any Germans voicing their opposition with her delusional policies and the lunatic PC directives from the German Government is branded a racist and often arrested on trumped up hate crime charges.

Freedom of speech in Germany has virtually disappeared under Angela Merkel’s reign of stupidity.

As the bullets fly and the bombs go off and the rapes continue, Merkel keeps telling Germany that they can do it. It’s all going to work out with the million savages that are their new guests.

No it’s not. It’s not working, it has never worked. It will never work. Islam is incompatible with Christianity and multi-culturalism, at least when it means Muslims and Christians living together is nothing more than a leftist pipe dream.

Why can’t it work? Because the religion of peace is anything but that; it is the religion of violence and doom.  And, Radical Islam, in all its forms is the enemy of everyone on this planet that believes in freedom and justice. The world will only move forward into the broad sunlight of liberty when Radical Islam is obliterated and its ashes spread to the four winds.

During the last week, Germany has exploded with violence committed by the disciples of Allah.

In Munich, an 18 year old Iranian with a German passport went on a shooting spree after he had lured children to a McDonald’s with the promise of free food on Facebook. In Reutlingen, a Syrian madman killed a pregnant Polish woman at a Kebab stand with a machete. In Ansbach, another Syrian detonated a suicide bomb, killing himself and injuring a dozen others. On a train in Bavaria, an Afghani refugee attacked passengers with an axe. And, today in Bavaria, a suitcase bomb failed to detonate in a government office building. The German police are searching for two Arab-looking men. What a surprise…

The violence will continue unabated. There will be more bombings, more beheadings, more shootings and more German women being raped and molested.

It will go on because the Germans are weak, politically correct, feminized and the victims of socialism. The Germans of 2016 are not the swaggering studs their fathers and grandfathers were.

If you think American men are feminized, the men of Europe have been hen pecked and beaten down for four decades by bloated women brandishing Birkenstocks and cradle to grave government benefits. The result: a nation of socialist zombies severely lacking in testosterone and studliness.

German steel in 2016 is nothing but corrugated tin.

Radical Islam is having a field day in Germany. The madmen of ISIS know that any German men that could have stopped them our either buried in the steppes of Russia, the fields of Normandy, the forests of the Ardennes and the sands of North Africa. The modern German man is the modern European man, a Eurotrash weakling so feckless that the very thought of bravado and the kind of brutality it will take to destroy ISIS, is abhorrent to a nation of men wearing capris and papooses.

The modern German man is incapable of securing his home, his street, his neighborhood and his country.

Where have you gone Erwin Rommel? Germany turns its lonely eyes to you…

The question still remains. Why is Merkel doing this? Why is she destroying her country? What kind of patriot would willingly bring chaos and ruin upon their nation?

Perhaps Merkel is suffering from universal guilt brought on by the ovens of Auschwitz. I doubt it.

Perhaps Merkel is insane. That is a possibility. But, I think also there is something much more sinister behind Merkel’s machinations. I think Angela Merkel, like Hillary Clinton, like Theresa May, is a member of the Globalist Establishment, the New World Order, the Illuminati, Bilderberg; those who clearly side with darkness over the light.

One great thing about the advent of Trump on the political scene, is the widespread discussion of a worldwide, or global establishment that is hell bent on ruining the economies of the United States and the West, waging endless wars and flooding sedate Europe with millions of young Muslim men, who enter the continent with nothing more than a haversack of Jihad and a pocketful of chaos. They have no interest in Europe, other than to conquer it by the old fashioned tactics of rape, pillage and violence.

Would any German leader who was decent and good and patriotic ever do such a thing to their country and indeed to the continent of Europe?

The answer is no. That’s why Angela Merkel, like the Austrian with the moustache and bad haircut, is insane, the devil incarnate or both; for the work she is doing, the death and destruction she is inducing on Germany is something only a demon could fabricate.

So, where is this all heading?

There really are only a few logical outcomes:

In the first scenario, the Germans blow a fuse, which is highly doubtful and then round up and deport millions of Muslims to UN safe zones in Syria that don’t exist yet.

In the second scenario, a civil war breaks out, which is started in France by an irate French populace disgusted with the weak polices of Jacques Hollande. The French take the law into their own hands. The civil war spreads to Germany. The Muslims begin to conduct a guerilla war and as the war rages on the continent, the outcome is unknown.

Why Angela Merkel has not been impeached and sent packing is a testament to the complete cowardice of the German government and the feebleness of the German electorate.