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Special Report on Brexit/Addendum to the WNW – Greg Hunter

Greg Hunter

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Published on Jun 24, 2016

Do not believe the mainstream media that the Brexit vote crashed the global markets. The real reason why all markets tanked is record debt levels around the world that will never be paid back. Fantasy has just met reality in the global markets, and the carnage is far from over. The fantasy of unpayable debt expanding forever is now beginning to be realized by the central banks that have been propping up the global economy since the 2008 meltdown. The central banks cannot and will not be able to stop this unfolding crash. If you are not prepared, there is little time left. Bo Polny is on for the Early Sunday Release, and he says although there may be a bounce in the stock market, and pull back in gold and silver prices, the overarching direction for stocks is down and the overarching direction for physical gold and silver prices are up. I say the bonds which are considered an “asset” will turn into huge liabilities, and gold and silver will reclaim their proper place as money and a store of value. Physical gold and silver will be considered true assets once again. Please get ready for some very rough riding in the economy.

That’s my take on Brexit and the crash that is unfolding now. Enjoy my special report video.…