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Letter from the Netherlands

From: Dr. Paul Craig Ro

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April 20, 2016 | Categories: Announcements | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

Letter from the Netherlands, formerly known as Holland, the Home of the Dutch People

Observations about the vassal status of the Netherlands

Thank you for your excellent and powerful articles about Neocon policies and how they destroy world peace. As a Dutch citizen (having done an MBA in the US in the seventies) I’m appalled at the slide into sycophantic behavior of our elites and press. A few facts to illustrate:

(1) The Dutch PM said recently that the sanctions against Russia will continue as long as they occupy Crimea. While Putin is vilified in the Dutch press, the investigation into the causes of MH17 has stalled and press and government remain silent about it. The reason is clear: Russia is already branded as the perpetrator in the public mind.

(2) The Neths. has ordered 37 fighter jets F35s with hook ups for 20 odd upgraded nukes to be stored on Dutch soil. In case of war Dutch pilots are to drop these on targets to be determined by the US. Belgium, Germany and Italy have the same arrangement.

Two ex PM’s of the Neths. came on TV arguing for a national debate. They rightly claimed that this arrangement was in contravention of the nuclear proliferation agreement. The entire press in the country was outraged and headlined “traitors” effectively shutting down the debate. I could go on with many other signs that the Neths has lost its bearings. Thank for your important work! Steven

Another Letter from the Netherlands

April 23, 2016 | Categories: Announcements | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

Another Letter from the Netherlands

Dear Dr Roberts, As another citizen from the Netherlands, I would like to join Steven who wrote the letter that you sent us today. Like Steven, I am appalled at our Government’s and Parliament’s constant, blind submission to Washington. Even the liberal, progressive press very subtly demonizes Russia on a daily basis, and 9/11 truth is absolutely taboo. And although the Dutch people voted against a treaty with Ukraine in a referendum recently, the Government just put the ‘Nee’ aside, since it was only advisory, and Brussels is keen on implementing the treaty. We also very loyally take part in all of NATO’s utterly provocative ‘exercises’ on Russia\’s very borders. And our Parliament does not have the guts to question this or insist on a definitive MH17 report. You have said it correctly again and again: we are nothing but a vassal state to Washington. On top of it all, this week has seen another shameful event: the Dutch Air Force wants to buy 4 American Reaper drones, and arm them, but the Minister of Defence has told the Air Force not to talk about it ‘because there is not enough money to buy them’; see the article from a quality newspaper, which basically says: ‘DoD tells Air Force to shut up aboutdrone programme.’ I am outraged. If you would like to use my message, please feel free to do so, but anonymously, of course. Thank you for your relentless excellent work, Best regards, Annelies

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Letter from Europe

April 23, 2016 | Categories: Announcements | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

Letter from Europe

Dear Sir , Inside of 25 years I’ve observed the shift of the mass-media in Europe from somehow different and somehow independent /original and free as much the official media can be in this “democracy-capitalism” to a “European Media” which is absolutely identical and absolutely uniformity qua content, being different only the name of that media and the country language . Does not matter the language I read (English, Dutch, Romanian, French , Italian …) it is almost the same text, very badly translated from a general source, I suppose. The only “free” journal in the West it is “Le Monde Diplomatique” from France! Mass media in Europe is an Imperial Orthodoxy of an Orwellian informational terrorism in one absolute monotone monologue of one schizophrenic world. About your Dutch correspondent , he said the truth, but I would like to add that according to my experience a lot of Dutch people don’t agree with the Dutch gov. and Parliament, which are only a machine to repeat what USA/Israel and Bruxelles has to say ! The manipulation, brainwashing and the diktat of “political correctness” and “we know better, always” are the perfect picture of our political ruling class . It is sometime worst than some periods of Stalin proletcultism or Mao’s so called “cultural revolution”. Yes it is a Western democracy “cultural revolution” of His Majesty The LIE ! About anti- Russian propaganda, the insanity has reached the infinite! Even Shakespeare /Dostoevsky/Kafka and Cervantes are out of words to explain such insanity. To me as a doctor it is crystal clear that all politicians in West are really psycho-sociopaths. No chance left! I can say this because I was living 38 years on the other side of the Iron Curtain, I know perfectly all it was about in all former Communist Socialist systems, but sometime painfully I discovered that the Western democracy (if exists) is worst then that! Therefore I highly appreciate what are you doing. I would like to thank you and to all like you, trying to do something positive for this world.