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April 18, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Brazilian Lawmakers Approve President’s Impeachment in Parliamentary Vote © REUTERS/ Ueslei Marcelino

05:20 18.04.2016(updated 05:24 18.04.2016) Get short URL

Two-thirds of Brazilian lawmakers approved the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in a parliamentary vote, broadcast by the local television.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to the Globo television channel, 342 members of the 513-seat lower house of the Brazilian parliament on Sunday voted in favor of impeachment.

The upper house of the parliament – the Senate – will now have to make a decision on the issue. A special Senate commission will be formed within 10 days, after which the senators will hold a vote on the president’s impeachment.

Rousseff has been facing a wave of public discontent for over a year amid Brazil’s struggling economy and a major corruption scandal in the state-owned Petrobras petroleum company. The opposition has accused the president of corruption and violation of financial rules by manipulating state bank accounts to close budget gaps.


April 18, 2016 at 5:53 am

Well there you go, Prince Philip and the New Venice Empire controls two-thirds of the powers within Brazil. I told you to watch for those who attempted to hinder Rousseff and now they’ve outed themselves. I suggest the Brazilian people rise up and find out each of these treasonous Zeusians who’ve attacked the Brazilian President. The Brazilian people must remove all of these Zeusians from office and replace them with Brazilian patriots. Prince Philip is gunning to remove Rousseff before August so he and the New Venice Empire can celebrate their Zeusian victory during the Olympics which these elite Olympians admire so much. The Zeusians want Brazil to continue to be backward and controlled not to mention the City of London want to take over all of Brazil’s banking like its done with much of the South Americas. Don’t let Prince Philip do with Brazil what he’s done in Argentina, don’t be easily manipulated by geopolitical means. The New Venice Empire is petrified of the One Belt, One Road policy of China which will bring true prosperity to South America in a win-win peaceful non-geopolitical system replacing the Trans-Atlantic monetary prison. People of Argentina are rising up against the coup d’etat on Kirchner and so should the Brazilians with this hybrid war against Rousseff and Brazil.


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