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Liberals attack Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin and sovereignty of Russia, by Scott

The Saker

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FW:  Feb. 23, 2016

(Written Jan. 26, 2016)

  “As a patriot of Russia, and as a foot soldier of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, I will never play  along with the murderers and traitors of my country. There is scarcely a single rational and self-respecting man who will conduct dialogue with those who see it as immoral to love their Motherland and to serve her devotedly.” R. Kadyrov

You have never heard about this profession. Untold number of people have been involved in it for centuries. You might be working with, living next to, or even dating one of them. You might never guess that they are the Guardians of the Empire. There are no job postings for this occupation. The Guardians of the Empire just know that they are her guardians. They hear this spiritual call. They have this higher quest: to stand up in arms for the Empire. They are men and women. They are ethnic Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Kazakhs, Buryats. Historically, you can find some Germans, French, even Danish (Bering) amongst them. They are people of different professions and different walks of life. Some of them are well known, while many others remain mysterious. They are the best people you can ever meet. They are engineers, teachers, scientists, artists, law enforcement officers, actors, poets, soldiers, farmers and politicians. It doesn’t matter what they do, really. They are those “who defend and preserve the country’s identity, its history, and its sovereignty.” [Kadyrov] What matters is that they serve only to one, to the eternal Russian Empire.

One of those people is Ramzan Kadyrov.

The same Ramzan Kadyrov who said in February 2014 that Russia won’t let Ukraine to be handed over into the bandits’ hands. The same who said on Grozny-TV that Bandera- fascists were raiding businesses owned by Chechens and that Chechens would help the Russian people, and that he regretted actions of Crimean Tatars, and that Chechnya built a mosque for them, and that Chechens also were deported by Stalin during the Great Patriotic war, but they don’t follow the West that only wants war.

“As an officer of the Russian army, I watched with tears in my eyes how the Berkut officer were forced to kneel and to apologize in front of extremists and terrorists.” What was happening in Ukraine was a coup d’état. [source]

Do you think the West and anti-Russia liberals forgot his support for the legitimate government of Ukraine? Do you think they forgave him for the peace and prosperity of Chechnya, and Chechens’ loyalty to their country Russia, its people and its government?

For the past two years we have witnessed relentless non-stop attacks on the leader of Chechnya, on him personally, his relatives and his friends, and attacks on Chechen people in general.

Horrible, dehumanizing, hurtful attacks, specifically design by psy-op specialists in NATO to cause hate towards the Chechen people. After giving full support to Wahhabist terrorists in Chechnya for years, the anti-Russia liberal forces have thrown themselves into white–knuckle hate towards the Chechen people the moment they asked for peace and stability. Last week they called for the Third Chechen war and a separation of Chechnya from Russia. It looks to me that liberals want to eliminate Chechens as a nation.

With extraordinary mental gymnastics, the Western “experts” and liberals in Russia went from “evil Russians killing proud, freedom-loving Chechens” to “Chechnya is the rogue nation of criminals” in just seven years. What precipitated this flip-flop? Chechens living a peaceful and prosperous life in Russia.

After Kadyrov’s February 2014 statement against Maidan as a Western instigated coupe, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a convicted thief, con-artist, and murderer, gave an interview to, a rabidly anti-Russian publication based in Riga, in which he insulted the entire Chechen nation, called Chechnya a “separate criminal group” that “serves interest of Putin.” Just like that, a whole small nation is a group and everyone there is a criminal, “a criminal nation.” He said that in his opinion Chechnya is not even a foreign state on the territory of Russia, but a “criminal group.” This goes well with the UK Labour MP Ben Bradshaw who called Russia a “rogue state.”

In the same interview, Khodorkovsky talks about his “building a political structure” that would get broader representation “after the regime change” in Russia. “I have a blunt aim to change the country,” by means of the violent bloody revolution no less. “I will never come to power as a result of elections.”

“I consider Kadyrov to be a personal Putin’s vassal,” Khodorkovsky said, and added that the leader of Chechen people is a guardsman (oprichnik) of Putin, and Putin is like Ivan the IV. He also claims that Putin and Kadyrov “know only how to steal,” because he himself, never stole anything from the Russian people, he just sold what they developed and built from under them, and murdered a Russian mayor of an oil town in Siberia, who stood up to him.

Khodorkovsky’s owned and operated “Open Russia Foundation” even made a film called “The Family” about Kadyrov that was scheduled to be released for May 8, 2015, a day before the Victory Day Parade. Because every celebration in Russia has to be poisoned, and to serve as a reminder that if liberals would ever come to power again, there will be no parades, celebrations and victories, and no Russia.

Forward two years during which we have witnessed how liberals barrage Chechens nonstop with insults. They use any and all psy-op methods to instill hatred towards the Chechen people and insult them publicly.

When the Chechens responded, finally, like Kadyrov had done, calmly and with the great dignity, to this endless torrent of hate and propaganda, liberals instantly started screaming that they are abused by Chechens and there liberal rights were somehow pinched. Now, they are demanding to punish the Chechens and Kadyrov. For what? Kadyrov has never said that liberals are criminal group, unlike liberals who called his small nation “criminal.” He said that those liberals who are being paid by the foreign states to work against Russia and Russia’s government are the criminals. which is, by the way, exactly how it is written in the Constitution of Russia. Kadyrov just quoted the country’s supreme law. Liberals are demanding him to be punished, imprisoned, for quoting the Constitution.

On January 12th, 2016 during a meeting with journalists in Grozny on the eve of Day of Russian Press, Kadyrov made the following statements:

Speaking about non-systemic non-parliamentary opposition attempts to undermine the situation in the country instead of building a partnership with the government to seek recovery from the crisis, he said.

This suggests that these people don’t care about the fate of Russia and the Russian people. They play games invented by the Western intelligence agencies. They shamelessly misrepresent themselves as someone who has concerns about the future of our country. While it is clear that they are absolutely not interested in prosperous and strong Russia, “I believe that these people should be investigated and tried to the fullest extent of the law for their subversive activities.

This interview and especially the phrase, “I believe that these people should be investigated and tried to the fullest extent of the law for their subversive activities” has caused an absolutely hysterical reaction among anti-Russia liberals. In Moscow especially, where many apply for Israel’s permanent residency status. Last week, I have heard about some acquaintances. They stayed in 90s and did very well. They stayed in 2000s and have done even better. They lived through two Chechen Wars, and didn’t think much of them. Now they are leaving and selling their real estate, apparently they won’t be returning any time soon.

I suspected something last year, after discovering that they were involved with some organization of revolutionaries, building a network of members around the country ready to riot against government “when time is right.” One day an organization’s website disappeared, and its leaders wrote on their FB that they didn’t call for Maidan in Russia and that they were “revolutionaries” only in theory. Next, Kadyrov calls for prosecution of antigovernment activities, and scared them so much, they dug out a certificate that one of their grandmothers was Jewish. Apparently, ISIS and the war in the Middle East are minor inconveniences in comparison with Ramzan Kadyrov.

I could became the second Sholem Aleichem writing stories like this.

Immediately after Kadyrov’s statement that Chechen people are a part of Russia, and that they are patriots of Russia, and ready to die fighting for Russia, a radio station Echo of Moscow published an article by Andrei Piontkovsky, a Russian political scientist and a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, and a big supporter of Poroshenko and Maidan.

In Russian folklore and fairytales, there is a strong warning against following echo in forest. Most likely those are voices of trolls and orks and other unseemly supernatural creatures, like Baba Yaga. Those who follow echoes, end up in swamps and die.

Piontkovsky, lurking like Baba Yaga, rushed in to dismiss Kadyrov’s words, as “empty statements,” essentially accusing the leader of Chechnya in being a liar. He also makes claims that Chechnya is a “bomb ready to explode” and demands from the Kremlin to give Chechnya independence immediately, or else. This opinion he bases on a book of his teacher Dmitri Yefimovich Furman, who called Chechens the “most difficult nation of Russia.”

Piontkovsky also claims that the second Chechen war was instigated by Moscow to put Putin in power. He claims that Russia lost this war to Chechnya, and that’s why Chechnya remained a part of Russia. “Chechnya is not a part of Russia, it’s Russia is a part of Chechnya.” “Russian government is drunk on power over life and death,” and “twenty years of “economic reforms” by Putin produced deprived Russian youth, who sits in Moscow apartments and are not ready to fight in wars. He calls the government of Russia “a party of blood.” After stating that Chechnya got rich on the Russian money, sucking out all the resources out of the Russian nation, and young Chechen people look at Russians as their debtors and act as conquerors in Russia cities, Piontkovsky compares the state of Chechen people in Russia with the state of Jews in the Nazi Germany.

He also claims that due to Chechnya being so rich now, young people from Chechnya are joining extremists in the Middle East. Apparently, if Chechnya breaks free from Russia’s oppressive financial support, young Chechens’ won’t be joining extremists in the Middle East.

I venture to suggest that they might be compelled to join extremists in Europe. Not that such blowback has ever happened after Europe and US destroyed the Middle East.

Furthermore, Piontkovsky tries to put on a collision course Russia’s law enforcement and military (siloviki) with Chechens, assuming that Chechen Military forces are not a part of Russia’s military forces.

He also, as tradition demands, accuses Putin in directly ordering the murder of an aging playboy, and all around useless former Yeltsin era politician Boris Nemtsov.

Essentially, this call to immediately give an “independence” to Chechnya and to start process of breaking Russia comes from someone who is ethnically not Chechen, and not Russian, who is not an elected representative, and doesn’t represent any of the regions and nations that populate Russia historically. I wouldn’t point this fact out, but he talks a lot about “blood” and connections through “blood.” Especially, blood of people like a journo Anna Politkovskaya, whom Piontkovsky, without a shadow of a doubt, proclaims to be a “saint” with a place in “Heavenly Jerusalem. ” She is a saint, all right, of a Liberal religion, with Piontkovsky being her fanatical worshiper. If my memory serves well, she was known for her opuses about evils of Russia and horrible Russian people that she dutifully produced all during the 80s, 90s, and 2000s.

Initially, Piontkovsky article contained two paragraphs that were almost immediately removed by the editors in Echo of Moscow:

Paragraph I: “It’s only possible to stop a ticking mechanism of Russo-Chechen catastrophe, by immediate secession of Chechnya from Russia, and secession of Russia from Chechnya.”

Paragraph II: ” It’s necessary to offer a full state independence to the Chechen republic with all legal consequences for our mutual international relations. ”

Kadyrov responded with his own article in newspaper Izvestia. On January 18th, 2016: Izvestia published his article titled: Russian ‘Opposition’ Who Take Money From Abroad Are Traitors.

See #6 in Kadyrov in his own words, below.

Kadyrov made a suggestion of how to deal with anti-Russia opposition: “By acting tough, consistently, and within the system, within the strict framework of the law, we will not allow the half-witted riff-raff who set themselves against Russia to get in our way. And the authorities’ position on this issue must be consolidated, especially as it accords with the interests of the country and of its population.”

“By not sparing the enemy, we shall preserve Russia.” Kadyrov.

Being Kadyrov, he cracked up his customary nonchalant jokes, like: “The raging reaction from the non-parliamentary opposition and those who sympathize with it can be assessed as mass psychosis.” We have a very good psychiatric hospital. “We can help them cope with this clinical problem and I promise we will not spare the injections. Where one injection has been prescribed, we may give two.”

The spat with the liberals has not stopped there, as we would expect.

On January 25th, 2016 in response to Piontkovsky article, the Parliament of Chechnya made an official enquiry to The Prosecutor General’s office and the Investigative Committee of Russia asking to investigate the Piontkovsky’s article for extremism. [source]

According to the speaker of Parliament Magomed Daudov, Piontkovsky calls for extremist activities and excitation of hatred and enmity between people, which can lead to the incitement of interethnic and interfaith strife, and violation of the unity and integrity of the country.

“In his article Andrei Piontkovsky writes: “We do not believe them (Chechens), to be the Russian citizens, and their towns and villages to be Russian.” We have convincingly proven this not only to Chechens, but to all Caucasians.”

“But it is not clear what the author means by the word “we”: the people of the Russian Federation, or to be more precise, the Russian people, to which he himself, perhaps, classifies; or himself and his foreign masters who commissioned this article?” Daudov said via the press service of the Parliament.

I don’t know how would we live without people like Piontkovsky, Politkovskaya. Khodorkovsky and Nemtsov, who every day and twice on Sundays tell us how horrible we Russians are. I will take a wild guess that people in Russia would live in peace, prosperity and unity.

We have to absolutely put the stoppage to this ongoing psychological war against the Chechen people. They are nation native to Russia. They have their own territory, which is a part of Russia. They don’t have any other countries and territories outside of Russia to call their own. They are a part of the Russian nation. We can’t allow for this unspeakable abuse of the entire nation to go on. These people are just coming to their senses after a horrible war against Wahhabists, that was ignited by the West and facilitated by the West. Now, when Chechens have found their footing as patriots of Russia, which is their country also, they have become a target of vicious campaign of abuse by the pro-Washington liberals and the NATO members. We can’t take NATO to court yet, but liberals are just asking for it.

Ramzan Kadurov in his own words

1. [source] April 10th, 2013: Chechen President Kadyrov: We Will Annihilate Terrorists Returning to Russia and Chechnya from Syria

2. [source] December 30th, 2014: Kadyrov Pledges Chechen support to the Russian Federation



3. [source] December 2nd, 2016: Chechen President Kadyrov in Egypt: The West Created ISIS, America is the Cause of All Terror Attacks Worldwide

4. [source] January 7th, 2015: The West calls for the outbreak of the third Chechen war and opening of a second and third front against Russia in Chechnya and Central Asia, without recognizing that Chechnya is no longer Russia’s Achilles’ heel, quite the contrary.

“Putin has helped [the Chechens] for 15 years,” Kadyrov continued. “tens of thousands [of Chechens] who have passed through special military training ask the national leader of Russia to consider them as volunteers of the special detachment of the Supreme Commander that is ready to defend Russia, its stability and borders and to fulfill a military task of any complexity.”

And he added that “America and Europe have declared economic war on Russia and are trying to sow chaos, panic, and mass disorders in the country.” But, “the Russian people have united around their leader Vladimir Putin … [and] the Chechen people in this unity occupies one of the central places.”

5. On January 12th, 2016 during a meeting with journalists in Grozny on the eve of Day of Russian Press, Kadyrov made the following statements:

“People, of whom we have never heard before, are trying to become famous by opposing the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. They are trying to take advantage of a difficult economic situation. Such people must be treated as enemies of the people, as traitors. They have nothing Holy,” – said R. Kadyrov.

He also added that non-systemic opposition is trying to undermine the situation in the country instead of building a partnership with the government to seek recovery from the crisis.

“This suggests that these people don’t care about the fate of Russia and the Russian people. They play games invented by the Western intelligence agencies. They shamelessly misrepresent themselves as someone who has concerns about the future of our country. While it is clear that they are absolutely not interested in prosperous and strong Russia, I believe that these people should be investigated and tried to the fullest extent of the law for their subversive activities.”

Kadyrov also answered the question of why the Chechen Republic attracts the interest of the liberal media.

“Today our achievements, the development of the region, the welfare of the population – all this does not suit them. I have said many times before that many institutions and organizations worldwide were involved in attempts to break Russia through the Chechen Republic. A great merit of our people that we have proven that the West can’t do anything. It is difficult for them to accept this and to recognize their defeat”, – said R. Kadyrov.

6. [source] January 18th, 2016: Kadyrov’s article in newspaper Izvestia titled: Russian ‘Opposition’ Who Take Money From Abroad Are Traitors. The head of Russia’s Chechen Republic says people working against the state, its constitution and territorial integrity must be punished to the fullest extent of the law

About his statement: “My rhetoric with regard to those who are calling for the overthrow of the state system and a change to Russia’s territorial borders has not changed. In 2010, in 2011, and in 2012, I called those who hate Russia traitors to the Motherland and enemies of the people. I am sincerely surprised that this has now become news for some people. My statement that those who call for revolution and mass violence must be punished with the full severity of the law has generated panic attacks among the non-parliamentary opposition. ”

About non-parliamentary opposition: “those who have left Russia and who from abroad, receiving handouts from the governments of Western countries, are slinging mud at our country and slandering it.” People who “who under that title are pursuing their main aim – destroying our country and undermining its constitutional system.” Those who try to trying to plunge the country into chaos.

About liberals: “Who gave a handful of odious liberals the right to call themselves the Russian intelligentsia? They lay claim to the title of the nation’s conscience, but they gather around themselves people who hate everything Russian, reflecting the West. In the liberals’ opinion, their ideas are beyond dispute and there can be no other convictions, and if they hear criticism, they go into the attack with threats and insults.”

What they do: “The so-called non-parliamentary opposition has become so shameless that it uses the federal media to promote its ideas for destroying the Russian state. [Gazprom-owned, editorially independent Russian radio station] Ekho Moskvy, [Russian Internet broadcaster] Dozhd and [Russian business TV channel] RBK and others are happy to broadcast their false, hypocritical statements pervaded with a deep hatred of Russia.”

About patriots: “As a patriot of Russia, and as a foot soldier of Russian President Vladimir Putin, I will never play along with the murderers and traitors to my country. There is scarcely a single rational and self-respecting man who will conduct dialogue with those who see it as immoral to love their Motherland and to serve it devotedly.”

How to deal with anti-Russia opposition: “By acting tough, consistently, and within the system, within the strict framework of the law, we will not allow the half-witted riff-raff who set themselves against Russia to get in our way. And the authorities’ position on this issue must be consolidated, especially as it accords with the interests of the country and of its population.”

“By not sparing the enemy, we shall preserve Russia.” Kadyrov.

Being Kadyrov, he cracks up his customary nonchalant jokes, like: “The raging reaction from the non-parliamentary opposition and those who sympathize with it can be assessed as mass psychosis.” We have a very good psychiatric hospital. “We can help them cope with this clinical problem and I promise we will not spare the injections. Where one injection has been prescribed, we may give two.”

7. [source] Russia: Drone footage captures HUGE pro-Kadyrov rally in Grozny

8. [source] January 22, 2016: Commenting on the results of the meeting in his support,

Kadyrov said that it wasn’t important how many people came to demonstrate support for him, the most important is that all people of Russia of all religions want to live in unity and peace and union with each other.

Those people who came today to this meeting, once again showed that they do not want war, they want to live in the Russian Federation. They are satisfied with the current government, and will not allow anyone to play politics and gamble with the fate of our people, — said Ramzan Kadyrov.

“The West and Europe have chosen Chechnya as an object with which they want to bring Russia to ruin.” But jackals should not be neither in Chechnya, no in Russia. There shouldn’t be those here who assents to the West and Europe and trying to make policy for the collapse of our sovereign state. I’m ready to take on all the responsibility and to spend my lifetime in jail, if it’s needed for our people to live well. I don’t want a third military campaign in the Chechen Republic and Russia as a whole, — said Ramzan Kadyrov, adding that that the meeting attracted so many people — is entirely merit of Vladimir Putin.

“I’m declaring a war, in every sense of this word on this handful of shaitans. I don’t want to let these jackals to impose suffering on our children, on the elderly and women; like people are suffering today in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Ukraine and other countries. They, the jackals, have entered those countries with their “democracy” and it’s impossible to get them out without military interventions.”

“I know what is war. I fought myself. I had no childhood, I don’t remember myself as a kid. I grew up with a gun in hand, and this was the way my fellow villagers, and many residents of our Republic grew up. I don’t want our children to take weapon in their hands. I want them to take a pen, a computer, a soccer ball, or boxing gloves. Let this be their future, and the future of our nation.”

This is Ramzan Kadurov’s post on Instagram that especially enraged the liberals: “Certain, that there are over hundred forty million of true patriots of Russia. Nothing can break our will, and to shake our love for our Fatherland.”

The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world