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Cameron to Warn Brexit May Lead to Emergence of Refugee Camps in England

The Unhived Mind

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February 8, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Cameron to Warn Brexit May Lead to Emergence of Refugee Camps in England © REUTERS/ Yves Herman

07:59 08.02.2016Get short URL

UK Prime Minister David Cameron will make a statement Monday warning that leaving the European Union may lead to establishment in England of refugee camps, like those in France’s Calais, local media reported.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to the BBC, Cameron will say that if the United Kingdom were to leave the European Union, the arrangement envisaging British border guards checking identification in France could be scrapped. This, in turn, could lead to establishment of camps, like the infamous “Jungle,” in southeastern England, Cameron will say according to the media outlet.

A spokesman for Vote Leave, a group advocating withdrawal from the 28-nation bloc, accused Cameron of “scaremongering,” saying that the 13-year London-Paris agreement on border checks had “nothing to do with our EU membership,” according to the BBC.

The Rise of Extreme Nationalism in Europe

Up to 6,000 migrants have been camping out for months on the outskirts of Calais, seeking to cross the Channel Tunnel and apply for asylum in the United Kingdom

Cameron vowed to hold a referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union by the end of 2017. Ahead of the vote, Cameron is seeking to revise the terms of UK’s membership of the bloc.

The prime minister has outlined four demands to the European Union, including shifting power away from Brussels back to the UK national legislature, exempting Britain from the EU “superstate” principle, denouncing the euro as a single official EU currency, and protecting the UK economy by keeping Eurozone members away from the non-Eurozone countries’ affairs.


February 8, 2016 at 10:50 am

I’ve told you before that the Crooked Nose Clan member David Cameron (a puppet of Genoa tied Torquhil Ian Campbell) doesn’t want Britain to leave the European Union. All this anti-European Union is an illusion to attempt to counter Nigel Farage’s quick stardom and political followings. The only time Cameron will want Britain out of the E.U is if Germany breaks away and either starts a new European bloc or if the nations joins the BRICS system. I might point out that the emblem of the Genoa originating Clan Campbell is in fact a bores head and we all know what David Cameron likes to do in secret with his phallic and a pigs mouth.

There will not be any refugee camps if organizations do their jobs and send the migrants to either their last exit point or straight back to their country of origin. So there is absolutely no need to fear a BREXIT and expect the next scaremongering to be economic fear about an exit. Cameron should find a way to stop George Soros and fellow Zionists funding the moving of these refugees. If Soros and the filth don’t listen and stop their action then either jail or horizontalize this pond scum. George Soros actually services the New Venice (British) Empire so don’t hold your breath that the Conservative Friends of Israel controlled Cameron will do anything to hinder the Jewish Kalergi plan to invade Europe and destroy European civilation. Britain needs a complete change of Government and political parties.


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