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Dec. 16, 2015

About-Face: Kerry ‘Publicly Scraps Policy of Russia’s Isolation’ © Sputnik/ Vladimir Pesnya

10:30 16.12.2015Get short URL

US Secretary of State John Kerry made public statements in Moscow where he announced that Washington has abandoned its isolation of Russia, according to Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page that statements made by US Secretary of State John Kerry after his talks with senior Russian officials in Moscow signal that Kerry has publicly dropped the US policy of isolating Russia.

She recalled that when asked about the isolation of Russia during the press conference, Kerry said that “this was done at some particular point of time.” Then, she said, Kerry explained how his country fruitfully cooperates with Russia.

“It follows from what has been said that Kerry has publicly renounced the US policy of isolation against Russia,” Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page, citing the White House’s unsuccessful attempts to implement this policy.

"#Russia is isolated"? #Kerry in #Moscow on official visit and #Syria on top of the #agenda. Still claiming isolation?

— maza (@sofalabeira) December 15, 2015

“As for Washington’s concrete actions, we shall see what we shall see because ‘ye shall know them by their fruits,'” Zakharova added, quoting a Bible verse — Matthew 7:16.

Lavrov: #Russia and US will use their influence in implementing Minsk-2 in #Ukraine.

— Nina Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) December 15, 2015

His remarks came hours after Kerry held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the Kremlin. The talks had been slated to last one hour, but ended up lasting more than three hours.

Speaking to reporters after the Moscow talks, Kerry said that Washington does not pursue a policy of isolating of Russia.

“We don’t have a policy aimed at isolating Russia. No,” Kerry pointed out.

“But we have always said that when the United States and Russia reach a consensus, it is in the interests of the entire world. I think that it is a demonstration of the maturity of both leaders and the importance of their role,” he concluded.


December 16, 2015 at 9:12 am

This turn around isn’t down to the goodness of Washington and the New Venice Empire, it’s occurring because they have zero choice in the matter. Russia has proven it has a far superior military capability that just cannot be matched by the U.S. Russia could easily take out the U.S. in a war and I doubt they’d even have to use a nuclear weapon in the process. Putin has the NVE checkmated at every level possible and his time will come when he removes the Zionist King off the geopolitical chessboard. Imagine the superior weapons of Russia along with its covert weapons and that giant nuclear arsenal then add on top of that the Chinese military power and the Zeusians of the West can forget winning a World War III against the Promethean forces for good. Go back and watch the military parade in Russia and see for yourself who’s the Promethean daddy.


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