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Nov. 21, 2015

MEMRI: Responses In Iran To ISIS Attacks In Paris

Special Dispatch | 6226 | November 20, 2015

Following last weekend’s attacks in Paris by the Islamic State (ISIS),

Iranian regime spokesmen, for the most part, argued that French and American

support for takfiri terrorism and for ISIS was to blame for the events, and

that the French are now paying the price for their government’s misguided

policy in Syria and the Middle East.

In line with his policy, according to which the U.S. is the enemy of Iran

and the Middle East, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in a video

released by his office and a cartoon posted on his website, alleged that the

U.S. and its allies were behind the Paris attacks, and that the U.S. had

created ISIS and is using it as a tool to achieve its goals in the Middle

East and the entire world.

In a phone conversation with French President Francois Hollande on November

17, Iranian President Hassan Rohani called “to fight ISIS with all our

might,” but added that he “hopes that the group of countries that tried to

use terrorism as a tool to promote its interests has understood the danger

such a move poses for the world.” It should be mentioned that his response

was characteristic of members of the pragmatic camp and the Iranian Foreign

Ministry, who hinted that France is paying the price of using ISIS terrorism

to promote its own interests.

Other regime spokesmen stressed that Khamenei had warned a while ago that

Western support for these Syrian terrorist elements will come back to haunt

them. They also complained of the hypocrisy of Western and European

countries, who only express shock when the Sunni ISIS terrorism strikes

their home, but did not express sympathy with its victims in Syria, Iraq,

and elsewhere in the world.

Expressions of solidarity and condolences from Iranian citizens outside the

French Embassy in Tehran was criticized by newspapers aligned with the

ideological camp. These newspapers criticized the “hypocrisy” of the

pragmatic camp’s publications which attacked the West harshly – this time

for what it called its pro-ISIS policy. They complained that while the

pragmatic camp was quick to express solidarity with the Paris terror

victims, it refrained from doing so with regard to the Iranian victims in

Syria and Iraq.

This paper will review several Iranian officials’ reactions to the Paris

attacks, as well as cartoons on the subject on Iranian websites.

Khamenei-Produced Video On IRGC-Affiliated Website: The U.S. And Its Allies

Are Behind Paris Attacks

A video produced by the office of Leader Khamenei, titled “Who Was Behind

the Paris Attacks,” and posted November 17, 2015 on a Facebook page

affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), claimed

that the real culprits behind the attacks were the U.S. and its allies, who,

it said, had created ISIS and provided it with arms and training in order to

further its own goals in the world.

For video

The thumbnail preceding the video shows Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu,

U.S. President Obama, and ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in collusion.

A cartoon posted November 16, 2015 on Khamenei’s website titled

“Big Brother Goofed!” showed Uncle Sam throwing an ISIS boomerang at Syria

and the boomerang returning to strike France.

Source:, November 16, 2015.

Iranian Deputy Chief Of Staff: If The West Continues To Support Takfiri

Terrorism, It Must Expect More States Of Emergency To Be Declared Elsewhere

In Europe

On November 14, 2015, Iranian Deputy Chief of Staff Masoud Jazayeri

condemned the ISIS attacks in Paris, as well as the November 12, 2015

suicide bombing in Beirut in which some 40 people were killed, saying: “The

attacks in Paris are a product of regime of tyranny’s [i.e. the U.S.'s and

the West's] support for terrorism. The catastrophe of bloody terrorism in

France has shown that if the French government and other supporters of

takfiri terrorism in the West and in France possessed reason and foresight,

they could have prevented such a crime from occurring in the heart of


“Ever since the first months following the emergence of terrorism in Syria

and neighboring countries, we persistently warned European society that the

terrorism would reach them as well. We wanted the people to pressure their

governments to stop supporting terrorism in the region…

“The attacks in Beirut and Paris are two sides of the same coin… If the

West continues to support takfiri terrorism, it must expect more states [of

emergency] to be declared elsewhere in Europe.”

Front page of Kayhan: “Rabid dog bites owner’s legs” (Source: Kayhan, Iran,

November 15, 2015)

Kayhan Editor: The French Are Paying For The Crimes Of A Government That

Fostered Terrorism

Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the Iranian daily Kayhan, which is

affiliated with Supreme Leader Khamenei, wrote on November 15, 2015:

“Following the brutal crimes of ISIS, the Leader [Khamenei] warned the

countries that support takfiri terrorism, saying that they will reap a

whirlwind from the wind that they are now sowing. Today is the beginning of

that harvest that was predicted by the Leader…

“Edward Snowden revealed that the CIA and Mossad were involved in

establishing ISIS, which they called a ‘honeypot,’ to attract extremists and

to create a security [buffer] for the Zionist regime. Snowden further

revealed that the ISIS leader had been trained extensively by the Mossad for

a year, in both military tactics and public speaking… Now, following the

catastrophe in France and the deaths of innocents, next in line are the

U.S., some Western countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. [This is

because] now… the terrorist elements… realize who the enemy is and are

coming home to roost. That is, anyone who creates a honeypot should expect

the bees to return to the hive.

“ISIS elements are not the good soldiers of Iran and Hizbullah, who defend

the innocent with their bodies. Rather, they are people with no sense,

cultivated by the Zionists, Americans, British, French, and Saudis, and will

attack anywhere there is an opportunity… The French are paying for the

crimes of their ministers.”

Kayhan: Paris Attacks – An American-Zionist Conspiracy In Order To Send

Forces To The Middle East To Destroy ‘The Resistance’

Kayhan’s November 17 and 19 editorials stated claimed that the Paris attacks

were an American-Zionist conspiracy, according to which the U.S. created

ISIS and orchestrated the Paris attack in order to cause the West to

dispatch forces to he Middle East to oust the Assad regime and vanquish the

resistance axis.

For full report:

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The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,

non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle

East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background

information, are available on request.

MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with

proper attribution.