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Saudi Arabia ‘Moves Towards Forging Alliance With Russia’

The Unhived Mind

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NOv. 2, 2015

Saudi Arabia ‘Moves Towards Forging Alliance With Russia’ © Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin

10:03 02.11.2015(updated 10:15 02.11.2015) Get short URL

King Salman has been impressed by Russia’s counterterrorism campaign in Syria so much that he is allegedly planning to come to Moscow before the year is out to “forge an alliance with Russia,” Dr. Mordechai Kedar wrote for Arutz Sheva.

The oil kingdom is one of America’s key allies in the Middle East but Riyadh and Washington have long appeared to be slowly moving apart. At the same time, Saudi Arabia and Russia have been increasingly interested in improving bilateral ties.

Kedar, who served at IDF’s military intelligence agency for 25 years, outlined four major reasons explaining this trend.

“The most important is America’s weak standing in the region, obvious to all and exacerbated by Obama’s announcing his retirement from the position of world policeman and the beginning of the American electoral campaign. There is no one to talk to anymore in Washington, especially now that it has become clear that the Iran Agreement is a ‘done deal,'” he noted.

Apart from this, Saudis have been impressed by Russia’s decisive counterterrorism efforts but they also do not want to see Russian ground troops in Syria.

And finally, Riyadh “[fears] an Iranian-Russian alliance outside the range of Saudi influence. Without the backing of America and Europe, the Saudis prefer to act along the lines of ‘if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.’ The king feels that he will have more influence on the Iranians with regard to Yemen, Iraq and Syria if he joins the club instead of remaining outside it,” the analyst noted.

Mordechai Kedar also asserted that the Russian aerial campaign in Syria is efficient since it helped to change the situation on the battlefield. Damascus-led forces assisted by Russian aircraft have managed to launch a major ground offensive retaking areas which were previously overtaken by extremists.

Russia launched an aerial campaign against radical groups, who are fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and establish an Islamic state in Syria, following a formal request from Damascus. Russian forces have conducted nearly a thousand sorties since September 30, killing militants and destroying command posts, training camps, as well as ammunition depots.


November 2, 2015 at 9:07 am

Saudi Arabia may jump off the sinking New Venice/World Bank ship and move onto the Promethean ship of the BRICS system and head towards the golden lands of the New Silk Road/World Land Bridge. If Saudi makes the jump then expect a gold dinar to be bought into the Middle East region. If the jump takes place then you can immediately expect the U.S Government to release the censored 28-pages in an attempt to demonize Saudi Arabia by making out that the Kingdom was the sole force behind the 9/11 attacks. You’ll not be informed of the NATO, U.S., Israeli, Canadian and British Governments who executed the attacks across the U.S on 9/11. The Ziopress will constantly push that the multi-polar world is an attack on so-called freedom. Saudi Arabia was used in 9/11 by Britain (New Venice) as a useful puppet with a paper trail so blame could be laid against KSA depending on future geopolitics in an attempt to secure energy resources of the region. Saudi Arabia has been subordinated to New Venice since 1763 but now the Prometheans are showing economic and military power (BRiCS) and so the tide could be turning especially as the Zeusian ship is sinking at an alarming place. We may soon be witnessing the start of this demonizing as some media outlets are claiming the downed Russian flight 9268 was blown out the sky using a British made Thales Group surface-to-air missile bought by Saudi Arabia. Keep your eyes peeled.


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