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Angloamerican Hands Behind Troubles at Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank?

The Unhived Mind

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Oct. 10, 2015

Angloamerican Hands Behind Troubles at Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank?

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker has just declared that Europe cannot allow its relation to Russia to be determined by the United States, and that relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation have to be normalized, presumably meaning that the economic sanctions should be lifted. This gets very close to the statements by French President Hollande in early January, which were the immediate prelude to the Charlie Hebdo incident. This kind of thinking is also common in Germany, and there is good reason to believe that some of the problems besetting Berlin in recent months have represented a kind of Anglo-American punishment for signs of reluctance by Merkel to toe the State Department line. The timing of the Volkswagen exhaust scandal is extremely suspicious, and points to a targeting of German political forces who are interested in a New Rapallo, meaning a rapprochement with Moscow. Today the Deutsche Bank, one of the largest in Europe, announced a stunning $7 billion loss, which will probably mean that the bank will pay no dividend for the first time since the immediate postwar period, 60 years ago. Deutsche Bank has of course been guilty of the most imprudent speculations, but at the same time, it is increasingly likely that these losses have been the result of a ganging up process on the part of London and Wall Street zombie bankers and hedge fund hyenas, similar to the “idea dinner” which triggered the attack on the national debt of the “PIIGS” in 2010.
