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October 3, 2015 theunhivedmindOne comment

Berlin Mulls Lifting Sanctions From Russia – German Analyst © Flickr/ Hernán Piñera

17:54 02.10.2015Get short URL

Maintaining the anti-Russian sanctions is not in Germany’s best interest and Berlin now considers lifting some of them, a German political analyst said on Friday.

“The sanctions [on Russia] have gone a bit too far and are not in the best interest of our economy. Still, the government has taken certain steps to minimize their impact, above all Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who has been working hard to mend fences with Moscow,” Hubert Tilicke said during a Moscow-Berlin video linkup organized by Russia Today.

Hubert Tilicke mentioned the numerous voices in Germany calling to restore normal ties with Russia.

“I want to remind you of the recent statement by our Economic and Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who spoke in favor of easing these sanctions. Just two days ago I heard a member of the Bundestag voicing the very same opinion… He then made a bold suggestion that we lift sanctions from members of the Russian parliament so that we can start talking to each other and let everyone see that Germany is ready to play a certain role in this game,” Tilicke noted.

German Vice-Chancellor and Economic and Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel earlier spoke in favor of lifting the sanctions from Russia, which he said was playing an important role in ending the civil war in Syria.


October 3, 2015 at 9:33 am

If Merkel and Germany remove EU sanctions on Russia this will be a massive move towards Prometheanism which will show that the Zeusians; Obama, neocons and New Venice are all going down faster than a block of iron in a river. Lets hope this happens soon and the U.S. can be be fully isolated even more than they already have been since the Minsk Agreements and the recent United Nations General Assembly meetings. No one likes the United States and Obama, people no longer care to listen to anythig Obama, Cameron or Netanyahu have to say. The only western leaders worth keeping an eye on right now would be Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande. Both the nations of Germany (Volkswagen) and France (Mistral/Charlie Hebdo) have been attacked both economically and by outright terrorism for having somewhat shifted towards Putin. Make a note that Merkel and Hollande have played a major role in the Normandy Four in aiding the Minsk Agreement over in the Ukraine and the breakaway Republics (soon to be Russian Federation in October’s referendums). Keep your eyes on further economic warfare or sabotage/explosions (like the Tianjin attack on China) on Germany.


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