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Louis Beam

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FW:  June 10, 2015

These are the young men senator John McCain and crazy warmongering generals like General Robert H. Scales, a former United States Army major general, want American soldiers to help start sending home in body bags.  Why?  Because the lying senator from the state of Arizona said they had invaded the Ukraine.  Is this true?  Did Russians invade the Ukraine?

I went on a thirty day fact finding tour to find out for myself. I wanted to know for myself if the call for American young men to kill once again and yet another war was justified or not.

Once, long ago in my youth, having believed the propaganda of the federal government and its spokesmen, I rushed off to Viet Nam as a volunteer to fight "a war for freedom" for the Vietnamese people.  After two tours of heavy combat, which included the Tet offensive of 1968,  I came home, having proudly served my country, only to watch on television a few years later as North Vietnamese tanks rolled into Saigon May 1, 1975. While these tanks rolled into Saigon the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, played golf with no concern for the 58,000 American soldiers who had died, the over 300,000 thousand more wounded, and the 2,338 POW/MIA missing in combat.  These may sound like numbers to you, but to me they are the young men I fought with, and I see faces, families, hopes, dreams, blood, sweat and tearful screams when I read them.

From that bloody moment on I knew forevermore that the American political system was absolutely corrupt and would never have my obedience and faith again.  (To my readers in Europe and Russia: do not confuse the military-industrial-police state complex that has become the government of this country through violation of our constitution, with the freedom loving, generous, God-fearing, hard working, sometimes homeschooling, lovers of liberty who are the bedrock people of this country.)  The corrupt, evil, war mongering, greedy monopoly capitalist, CIA led, Federal Reserve banking government of the United States does not represent the people of this country—only themselves.  We are not the same people.  Do not make the mistake of thinking so. For we who are ruled here are not of a similar creed, faith and hope for the future of this country and the world as the corrupt, lying, stealing, low-life politicians who now run this country with near impunity for their crimes against its citizens and the people of other nations.

This essay will be about what I found out about the Russians and the Ukrainian people who are much the same in so many ways.  It will not be written in one sitting, but rather as the words and thoughts come to me over time. So, if you should come back to this page over the next month (June 2015), you might gather more insight.

Arriving in Moscow May 1, 2015, I went first to the Kremlin and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, for it was my desire to view the heart of the “evil empire” so many American political leaders and their accomplices, spokespeople in the “news” media, have accused of invading the Ukraine with no less than “10,000 soldiers.”  If indeed that claim were true, it would be “the pot calling the kettle black,” as the U.S. military is currently directly involved in at least three wars – in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia – in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan for a total of five countries in case you are not counting.  I could name more but that is enough to prove the point.

From the longtime American “news media” descriptions of the Kremlin I had always  thought it to be some dark, dirty, dungeon, where evil men plotted to take over the world.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  It is one of the most beautiful places one could view, and everybody from the tourists to guards are most friendly and welcoming.  What a cultural shock that was.  Try walking up to the walls of the American White House like I did the Kremlin and touching them!  If you live long enough to reach the White House walls expect no less than five years imprisonment.