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Japanese Nationalism: Decoy for American Imperialism?

Andre Vitchek

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May 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RT" -   As the government of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks to amend the country’s US-drafted constitution, granting the Tokyo’s military the power to wage war, some fear the return of old imperialistic tendencies.

Japan is ready to change its post-war pacifist constitution; it is rapidly arming itself to the teeth, building battleships and purchasing fighter jets. Recruitment posters are everywhere. Meanwhile, Japan is standing - obediently and loyally - by its occupier and closest ally, the United States.

In light of the situation, one has to wonder what is really ‘nationalist’ about Abe? His loyalties appear to lie towards the West, particularly the United States. Definitely not towards his own country and the Asian continent.

All that the US desires, Japan supports. Washington is dreaming about a ‘Pacific Century’, in which it would play a decisive role; it is relentlessly promoting its ‘Pivot to Asia’ doctrine, which envisions Japan firmly by its side, militarily and demagogically; it is pushing for 12-nations Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and Japan claps.

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